1、 在此之前,2月底吧,同学曾经收到一封mla的面试邀请函,邀请函里面有明确写明面试注意事项,以及准确到分钟的时间段安排(比如9:10-9:30,每个人对应锁死20分钟),并注明“The interviews will only be conducted on this date and we regret that we are not able to accommodate any rescheduling of the interview to another date”
2、上一届的同学告诉我,上一年的mla 也有面试,但是没有海面。(最后只录取了2个大陆生源)
3、这封邮件比较有趣的是最后写明说:Important: This email is confidential and may be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete it and notify us immediately; you should not copy or use it for any purpose, nor disclose its contents to any other person. Thank you.