很多LLM同学期望读完书后,想在美国找个机会实习或留下来工作,这个机会目前很少,如果你是done your own homework,应该是有realistic expectation。
The Harvard Law School faculty has designed the LL.M program as an intellectual pursuit and not as a credential for job search purposes. While many LL.M students come here hoping to secure a job at a U.S. law firm after graduation, whether for a year or longer, in fact only a small minority of each class actually attain that goal. Even as the U.S economy begins to show some signs of improvement, job prospects for international LL.M students on the U.S employment market next year will continue to be dim. Harvard Law School is certainly not unique in this regard. Indeed, our LL.M s who seek practical training in the U.S do better in general than LL.M graduates from other law schools, even those situated in New York City. Rather , the problem lies with the U.S job market; the majority of U.S law firms are simply not interested in hiring lawyers from abroad, even for a short period, because their practices do not require the expertise of such lawyers. Of the firms that do, many are interested in hiring only lawyers from certain geographic areas or those who have worked with overseas firm with which the U.S law firm has a well-established relationship. In the current economic climate, when many U.S law firms have cut back on the overall hiring(including hiring of JD graduates), the prospects for hiring of international LL.Ms are inevitably even less promising.作者: 阿泰 时间: 2013-3-23 09:52:14