先简单说一下自己的情况:国内本科,NUS M.Sc. Majoring in Industrial & Systems Engineering, Offered By Micron Fab 7. 从二月份正式开始找到现在,陆陆续续面了Micron, iCognitive, GE Oil & Gas, REC, Hanjin Shipping, Standard Chartered; Telephone Interview, Panel Interview, Face to Face的都有, 其中Micron面过3个Fab的5个Positions。主要是官网投+ Jobstreet+NUS eJobCenter。 下面我就具体讲讲每次面试的具体经历,希望对需要的朋友有用。
1. Micron Fab 7, Planning Engineer, 18 Feb 2012
这个职位的面经我在之前的帖子里写过,这里就不赘述了。[转载注:此处面试经验已放在沙发]具体请见,http://www.xinyubbs.net/viewthread.php?tid=276947&highlight=。面试是在NUS的Career Fair上拿的,和一个Senior Engineer聊了几句,然后他就让去后面的一个HR姐姐那儿登了记。个人总结没有拿到offer的原因就是英文不够好,并且没有足够的面试经验(不够淡定)。
2. Micron MSB, Test Capacity Analyst, 8 Mar 2012
这个面试是自己班上的一个Part time的同学推荐的,但也还是先必须通过网上申请,HR把系统里我的申请信息forward到manager那儿。Manager基本都在问technical的问题,因为是急需要马上可以上手的人。面到最后我感觉到不会要我,当时就问她什么样的人才是她想要找到,manager说要足够的Confident。事后总结,对fresh来说,manger并不需要你什么都懂,但要对自己足够的自信。
我只面了两轮,两轮很类似,所以一起讲。一开始都是Tell me more about yourself。所以Self-introduction一定要准备好。开场能开好,接下来会好很多。然后的问题基本就是随意问,没有什么专业偏向的问题,甚至还问有没有女朋友什么的。可能是Planning职位本身对专业要求就不高。我有听说面技术类Engineer一面被问到专业知识没答上来就被叫回家的,所以偏技术的岗位还是要专注自己的专业知识。我第二面的Interviewer是这个职位未来的manager(我事先有打听过。)
中午被叫去吃完以后觉得还有戏,吃饭途中有个Singaporean Indian GG被叫HR走。(后来才晓得是被叫去HR Department谈具体录用细节。)这个GG是佐治亚理工毕业,学Supply Chain Management的。下午三点多在车站碰到他,办手续时间还是蛮长的,据他自己讲月薪是3,500。
等到三点多的时候有个姐姐叫我名字,然后出去才晓得是让Go home。蛮委婉地杯具了。
晚上我回宿舍后给今天面我的一个Interviewer发Thank you Letter,然后询问了一点建议。下面是回复。
You did OK today, my colleagues and I are both very glad to know that you are interested in joining our company. One thing you need to improve is communication in English, I think given your background you have indeed improved a lot, but it is still impeding your capability to express yourself as I can see you are finding words to express yourself clearly with slight difficulty.
Being in planning role, apart from being capable in forecasting, modeling, it’s a role very demanding of effective and smooth communication, leadership team will rely a lot on good communication from planning team to ensure maximum information transfer for decision making in day to day and strategy planning ahead. You need to keep practice and practice until you command English like your first language.
Another thing I like about you is you’ve shown interest in finding out more about Micron and such data, however, unless you are prepared to discuss more in details, such data may expose lack of understanding of the topics especially with people of the industry. A better approach will be discuss your school project, hobby, topic of interest to you.
求问秋雨,关于Industrial & Systems Engineering这个专业,具体学些啥捏?不求精深,您凑巧了解到的东东就行哈~~作者: 秋雨荆州 时间: 2013-3-29 18:49:06
lhply 发表于 2013-3-29 18:43
求问秋雨,关于Industrial & Systems Engineering这个专业,具体学些啥捏?不求精深,您凑巧了解到的东东就 ...
Systems Engineering and Methodologies
Quality and Reliability Engineering
Engineering Management
Human Engineering
上的课程列表你可以看这个网址,http://www.ise.nus.edu.sg/MSc/msc-modules.html#Elective每个课程的编号点进去你可以大概了解下是什么内容的课。作者: yangzexin 时间: 2013-3-29 19:50:37