Abstract The most knotty problem which is faced by translators in their practice is to determine and choose a Chinese expression for the given word in an original, it is a very important translation skill. This paper discusses, by means of a large number of translated examples for “develop”, how to select a word meaning according to the context and the collocation of words.
Key words word meaning context collocation of words EST translation
(1) Another project underway is the use of genetic engineering techniques to develop a vaccine for some diseases.
(2) What man should really be proud of is his brain, which has enabled him to develop machines that go at fantastic speeds.
(3) Fresh air and exercise develop healthy bodies.
(4) In developing a design, the engineer must apply his knowledge of engineering and material science.
(5) The Italian Navy, though facing the same problem as the Royal Navy, has developed a totally different philosophy regarding last-ditch antimissile defense.
(6) Researchers have learned that diabetics are more likely than other persons to develop cataracts and glaucoma.
(7) Richard Lewis at the University of California developed a safer form of the drug. It can be put directly into eye.
(8) When women go through menopause and their prolactin level drops, a lot of women develop problems with dry eyes or not enough tears.
(9) It became apparent that rabbits were developing a degree of resistance to this disease.
(10) By the time you are 21, nearly all the body systems you will need to stay health are fully developed.
(11) In the wild, some animals have developed partnerships to help in the struggle for survival.
(12) Scientists are developing special testing plans for these new and unknown breeds.
(13) In its broadest sense, education refers to any process by which an individual gains knowledge or develops skills.
(14) Albert Einstein, who developed the theory of relativity, arrived at this theory through mathematics.
(15) Researchers long wondered why left-handed boys develop learning disabilities more often than right-handed boys.
(16) Local businessmen might play an active part in promoting scientific farming, to develop a market for their wares.
(17) Early humans developed a way to use the moon’s changing faces to tell time.
(18) People with rheumatoid arthritis may develop heart problems, lung disease, or anemia.
(19) Many different breeding schemes can be used to develop a base for new generation selections.
(20) The science of logic seeks to develop methods and principles for distinguishing straight from crooked thinking.
(21) Reactors of improved design, greater power, and operable at high temperature were rapidly developed in U. S.
(22) Several American and Japanese companies are working to develop the senses of sight and touch for robots.
(23) Scientists use observation and experimentation to develop a correct description of the natural world.
(24) Researchers are developing ways to make plastics as recyclable as metal or glass.
(25) What would be done if the patient should develop allergy to penicillin?
(26) The development of automatic ammunition handling systems enabled large calibre guns to develop remarkable rates of fire.
(27) Thomas Edison developed the telephone invented by Bell, an American.
(28) American scientists regard the effort to develop hightemperature superconductors as a final chance for the United States to reclaim technological supremacy.
(29) From this formula the data in figure 3 has been developed.
(30) Though Japan did not have nuclear weapons, it had the industrial base to develop them if it ever choose to do so.
(31) A german designer developed the idea for a rocket-propelled aerospace plane in the early 1940s.
(32) Nature has operated a vast laboratory for two billion years, and bionics probes the secrets of the wonderful “special-purpose” mechanisms that have developed.
(33) A proper exposure to the light is needed to develop a good picture.
(34) The computer, using the data from tests, can develop curves such as those of Figure 4.
(35) To develop the student ability to undertake the experimental procedure is one of the important tasks of teachers.
(36) The German quickly developed an instrument which picked up the radar signal and gave the U-boat warning.
(37) Through natural selection, weeds have developed efficient mechanisms of root and snoot growth.
(38) Automatic control by electronic technique has been developed to a high degree of efficiency.
(39) Women who drink and smoke heavily are likely to develop cancers of the oral cavity and tongue at a younger age.
(40) In this chapter we develop the implications of momentum conservation in the motion of a collection of particles.
(41) We recommend to develop first of all a computer link program with the help of the CP 525.
(42) Any planet with the proper mass, temperature and chemistry ought to develop life.
(43) Crying is one of the important ways we have developed to alleviate stress.
(44) One of the most promising products of this experimental technology is the integral fast reactor developed by the Argonne National Laboratory.
(45) However, since the “line of sight” to the target is in motion, the missiles must develop a continuous lateral acceleration to stay on the beam.
(46) Doctors in the United States developed a method that greatly improved the chance that these nerves could be repaired.
(47) They played a big part in developing Latin American unionism.
(48) Several attempts have been made through the years to develop the deposit, although a fairly complicated wet beneficiation process is needed to allow separation of the clay.
(49) But this does not mean these people are carriers of the AIDS-linked virus or that they will develop AIDS.
(50) The divisions of time we use today were developed in ancient Babylonia 4000 years ago.
(51) The commander merely wanted supplies and equipments to develop fighting divisions.
(52) More than 10000 different chemical mixtures have been found in plants in recent years. Scientists have learned why plants develop such strange mixtures.
(53) After the film is developed, the sound track will be light or dark according to whether the original sound was weak or loud.
(54) To determine the reasons for this disparity, a series of tests were initiated to develop a clear understanding of the effects of variations in machining conditions on the performance of grinding wheels.
(55) From the basis set out here a number of further functions may be developed and used in the calculation of filtration problems.
(56) Scientists are trying to develop a method to freeze the cells that produce insulin.
(57) Both Leibniz and Newton had independently developed a branch of mathematics called calculus, which underlies most of modern physics.
(58) As these major approaches to peace have not proved very fruitful, the United Nations has developed two new procedures aiming at the limitations of wars.
(59) In the 1970s, weapon scientists at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California developed the reduced residual radiation nuclear bomb.
(60) Asia, with more than one-quarter of the world’s potential hydropower, has developed only 9 percent of its vast exploitable resource.
(61) In April 1984, the space agency launched a four-ton cylinder carrying experiments to develop new spaceage materials including secret ones for making stealth satellites.
(62) The producer decides which actors will be selected for the show, and he appoints other people to help him develop the program.
(63) To develop this protective oxide, a minimum of 12% chromium is required.
(64) To achieve these ends, the U. S. has developed a national strategy that combines political, economic, and military elements.
(65) When the first artificial pacemakers for the human heart were developed about 30 years ago, the sole objective was to save the patient from unpredictable sudden death.
develop a farm 创办一家农场
develop a map 展开一张地图
develop potentialities 挖掘潜力
develop armed strength 炫耀武力
develop competence 增长才干
2. Develop用作不及物动词
1) It is the father’s sperm which determines whether the fertilized egg will develop into a boy or a girl.
2) Some insects carry pollen from flower to flower, enabling plants to set the seed in connection with which the fruits develop.
3) If the disease develops, other symptoms may appear.
4) Noises may develop in a worn engine.
5) The ovum develops only in the female, and the sperm cell develops only in the male.
6) Darwin set out to question views about how life had developed on the earth.
7) The earliest forms of life developed in the ocean and evolved there before moving to the land.
8) A chicken develops in the egg.
9) The patient, at first, may feel tired and lose weight. Then pain and stiffness gradually develop in the small joints of the hands and feet.
10) The eurodollar market developed during the early 1950s as a result of the Cold War.
11) Scientists say this fits in well with the way human cancers evelop.
12) Researchers learned that the lever of testosterone in a fetus goes up and down as the fetus develops.
13) Though cells were discovered two and a half centuries ago, it is only in the last hundred years that knowledge of the work of the nucleus has developed.
14) As the century developed, the increasing magnitude and complexity of the problems to be solved and the growing interconnection of different disciplines made it impossible to…
15) Lung fever develops from flu.
16) Sound-absorbing provision for lowering the sound level are worthwhile in room where loud noise develops.
17) Land animals are believed to have developed from sea animals.
18) There would be a very good chance for life to develop on the planet if current theories of the origin of life are correct.
19) From this “accidental” discovery developed the enormous benefits of “stainless steel”.
20) The plot of the new novel developed in the author’s mind.
21) Most experts agree that fiber helps the body to quickly remove fat that may cause cancer to develop.
22) An egg cell cannot develop into a new life by itself.
23) It developed that he had another wife living and his indictment for bigamy followed.
24) The walkaround phones now have a range of about 700 feet from the base unit, but they are expected to become more powerful as technology develops.
25) The cause of glaucoma is not yet fully understood. But doctors know that the disease develops as pressure inside the eye increases.
26) Bacteria do not develop at low temperature, so that food can be preserved in cold storage.
27) In the human being, tissue hypersensitivity which usually develops within five or six weeks after the first infection helps to explain certain inflammatory reactions.
28) The most important among them is the new attitude toward divorce that is developing in the country.
29) Later on, the myth developed that we had been too friendly that Dinitz was excessively influenced by me.
Redundancy and the Technique of Amplification & Omission
(Center for Semantic Study, Wenzhou Normal College, Wenzhou 325027, China)
Abstract: This article discusses different types of redundancy, especially the various manifestations of semantic redundancy. It also shows how redundancy can be used in amplification and omission.
任何信息系统在进行信息交换时,总不免会受到冗余信息的干扰。冗余信息主是干扰信息准确传递的信号,其种类繁多。在汉英、英汉互泽过程中,各自系统会产生或缺少各种冗余信息,造成理解困难,降低交际效率。因此,翻译时我们有时需要删除冗余信息,有时则需要添加冗余信息,以提高交际效率。例如:“Let us go and try it again.”(让我们再去试试。)(省略“and”);再如:“这篇作品虽然词藻华丽,但是言之无物。”(This article is devoid of substance though full of flowery language.)(省略“言之”)以上两例的划线部分如果在各自系统内部,就不构成冗余信息。但如果进行翻译转换,它们就成了冗余信息。为使信息能够准确传递,就宜采取去掉或添加冗余信息的办法来提高交际效率。例如:“扩大开放”,对中国人来说理解不成问题,但译成英语就要添加对中国人而言的冗余信息,宜译为:“open China wider to the outside world”。
需要指出的是,专门用于突出思想、强调感情、分清层次和加强节奏感的修辞性冗余信息不属于本篇文章讨论范围。例如:“我懂得衰亡民族之所以默无声息的缘由了。沉默呵,沉默呵!不在沉默中爆发,就在沉默中灭亡。”(鲁迅《记念刘和珍君》);“…and that government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth.”(Abraham Lincoln The Gettysburg Address)
关于冗余信息的分类,目前还没有一致的看法。有人认为语言中的冗余现象可以分别表现在两种语境中,即语言性语境中的冗余(Redundancy in the Linguistic Context)和非语言性语境中冗余(Redundancy in the Non-liguistic Context)(邵志洪,1997:353)但笔者认为,冗余信息还可按其性质分为语法性冗余信息和语义性冗余信息。
所谓语义性冗余信息,是指由语义分析而产生的冗余信息。例如:汉语句子“大街两旁,高楼大厦张灯结彩,装饰一新。”中的“装饰一新”包含了“张灯结彩”,它们 互为冗余信息;英语句子“Job applicants who can speak English would receive preference over those who can’t.”中的划线部分为语义性冗余信息。本文主要探讨的是语义性冗余信息。
(5) 英语:In rock music there is a distinct and almost overwhelming beat. No single beat is characteristic of the music today. But each song has an easily recognizable rhythm. As you listen to a song, your foot usually starts to pick up the beat.
(12) 汉语:抓大放小(to invigorate large enterprises while relaxing control over small ones)
(13) 英语:Day after day he came to work-sweeping, scrubbing, cleaning. (他每天来干活——扫地,擦地板,收拾房间。)
(14) 英语:Maybe America didn’t need art and inner miracles. It had so many outer ones. The USA was a big operation, very big. The more it, the less we. (或许美国并不需要艺术和内在的奇迹,因为它外在的奇迹早就够多的了。美国本身就是一大宗投机买卖,非常非常大。它掠夺得越多,我们剩下的也就越少。)
(17) 英语:The elevator boys ooze the spit and polish of West Point cadets and in polite English remind you that you must not smoke inside their lifts.(“spit”原意作“唾液”解,“polish”作“上光油”解。美国西点军校学生为了使自己制服上的铜纽扣和所穿的皮鞋发出亮光,在涂上上光油后再吐口唾沫,这样擦起来,纽扣和皮鞋的光度更亮。这里的“spit and polish”形容开电梯的人非常注意外表和服饰,所以整句译为:“开电梯的人像西点军校学生那样衣着整洁,派头十足,并用彬彬有礼的英语提醒乘客不得在电梯内吸烟。”)以上是显性和隐性语义性冗余信息在汉英两种语言中的不同表现形式。
(20) 不分青红皂白to make no distinction between black and white
(21) 活到老,学到老。Live and learn.
(22) 树立新的劳动就业观念。Foster new concepts of employment
(23) 他长得很结实。He is quite strong.
(24) 不尝黄莲苦,怎知蜂蜜甜Who has never tasted bitter knows not what is sweet.
(25) 花园里面是人间乐园,有的是吃不完的大米白面,穿不完的绫罗绸缎和花不完的金银财宝。The garden was a paradise on earth, with more food and clothes than could be consumed and more money than could be spent.
(26) 安居工程housing project for low-income urban residents
(27) 赢得市场gain a larger share of the market
(28) 抓大放小,三改一加强Efforts were focused on the reform reorganization, upgrading and better management of enterprises, aiming at well managing large enterprises while adopting more flexible policies toward small ones.
英译:Curly hair is usually excluded because it is difficult to pull it straight. Another kind of hair, fragile, easy to break and split because of its donator’s constitution, should also be excluded.
英译:The ideal length of the hair is 60 cm. If the hair is too short, it will be time-consuming to thread the needle frequently and if too long, it is not convenient to pull it through the satin.
原文中的“太短”、“太长”,显然省略了冗余信息(词项缺损),为便于英语读者理解,应加上表条件的“if”,连接词“and”和“太短”、“太长”的主语“the hair”,抽拉的宾语“it (the hair)”和状语“through the satin”;另外,这句话按英语表达习惯重组时,可省略“至于”、“一般”等汉语符号系统所产生的句法性冗余信息。
如果我们把“新北京、新奥运,”直译为New Beijing, New Olympics,虽然与原文在字面上的意思是一致的,但New Olympics却有可能引起歧义,好像要把奥运会改头换面,搞成另外一种模式似的。可能是为了避免误解,翻译者对这一口号采取了一半直译一半意译的做法,将它翻译成New Beijing, Great Olympics。但是这种译法也有问题,因为great一词在这里没有多实际意义(根据《朗文当代英语词典》,它的常用意思大体上包括:very good, excellent; very suitable; a lot, very much; large; important; influential等)。据说,一位在北京居住了十多年的澳大利亚朋友指出:Great Olympics中的great一词毫无意义(meaningless)。
显然,Great Olympics无法表达“新奥运”的深刻内涵。那么“新北京,新奥运”到底如何翻译为好呢?这里提出两个选择供参考:一是New Face to Beijing, New Phase to Olympics(面貌一新的北京立志要把奥运会推向一个新阶段;其特点是face与phase同音)。另一种可以考虑的选择是New Role for Beijing, New Stage of Olympics(北京作为主办者要扮演好新的角色,为奥运会提供一个新舞台让各国运动员进行精彩的表演;这里的特点是role和stage互相对应,而且New Stage为双关语:新的舞台和新的阶段)。这两种译法不但准确而深刻地表达了原文的意思,而且还突出了两个“新”字,在形式上也整齐对称。
这里所说的循环句,它与英语里的回文句(palindrome)是不同的。回文句是指无论是顺着读或者倒着读,其意思都相同的单词、短语或句子。例如:radar, madam, rotator, nurese run, name no one man, Able was I ere I saw Elba等。而汉语里的循环句则不同。比如有这样一个茶壶,上面写着五个中文字:“可以清心也。”这就构成一个循环句,其特点是以其中任何字起头都能组成一个大体上通顺的意思单位。把这个循环句拆开来就变成一个“纵横句”,其特点是可以横竖读:无论是横着念还是竖着念、顺着读或者倒着读,其效果都是一样的。如下图所示:
如果我们要把这个茶壶出口到国外市场,最好是附上一个效果相当的英语译文,那么可以想见,这个商品的吸引力和附加值就会大得多。如果不附加效果相当的译文,或者只是附上一个字面上的翻译(比如A nice pot of tea refreshes your mind),不把循环句或纵横句的效果体现出来,那么中文原文的艺术魅力也就没有了。这当然是个翻译难题。
翻译的最高要求是达意(loyalty in meaning)、传神(similarity in form)和表形(identity in style),即要做到“意似、神似和形似”三者的统一。就这个循环句而言,有没有可能找到“三统一”的译文呢?应该说还是有可能的。在着手翻译时,首先必须把它的基本意思传达出来,即进行意译。同时还要表现出其循环句的特点。从翻译的思路来看,这五个字既然可以随意拆分与组合,说明它们各自具有独立性。因此,要注意避免使用动词、介词和冠词;只能用名词和形容词。如将它译成A pot of tea refreshes就行不通。而下面的译法就基本上(只是相对而言)能达到上述要求:
Real nice refreshing cuppa tea
Nice refreshing cuppa tea real
Refreshing cuppa tea real nice
Cuppa tea real nice refreshing
Tea real nice refreshing cuppa
这里的cuppa即a cup of tea(英式口语)。按说,tea这个词本来可以不要,但为了与原文在字数上保持一致,所以有意添加了这个多余的词。看起来似乎有点画蛇添足,但也不失为解决问题的一个有效途径。
To drop out of (teaching, etc.) and venture into business
To be seduced into commerce / industry
The Affordable Housing Program
The “own-as-you-pay” housing system
A “mouth-feeding” budget-a budget much of which is used for a burgeoning government payroll
With foreign trade companies as the locomotive / flagship
“To wade across the stream by feeling the way”
Cultural events set the stage and trade activities play the star role.
The “big pot” distribution system under which everyone gets the same “portion” irrespective of his work / contribution
An after-dinner walk a day keeps the doctor away.
Companies wishing to attract talents worldwide have set up recruitment homepages on the Internet.
To stream out redundant government staff with their ranks retained;
to provide tailor-made training programs geared to re-entry purposes;
to move downward to join and rejuvenate grass-roots organizations and to improve the personnel composition with “fresh blood” injected.
To trim out redundancies relentlessly, and to re-assign the laid-offs considerately.
On these tiny postage stamps, Philatelic friendship “franks.”
The “grab-the-money-and-run” business mentality
To gain on the swings what was lost on the roundabouts
To lead/guide enterprises (at their elbows) to the market
To let enterprises “swim” / “immerse” in the marketplace
八. 带数字的归纳语的翻译
这是指“三要三不要”之类的说法。翻译成英语是“three do’s and three don’t’s”。再如“三农问题”(指农业,农村,农民),我们似可把“三农”英译为rural economy, rural development and rural demography。下面再举一些例子:(参见下表)
We offer 3-R guarantees: guaranteed repair, replacement and refund.
The “Three plus one” trading mix: custom manufacturing (with materials, designs or samples by the customer) and compensation trade.
The recruitment is based on the principle of equal opportunity, fair treatment and open competition.
Out education is oriented to the modernization program, to the global perspective and to our nation’s future goals.
We are determined to build a port of large size, foster an industry of large scope, develop an economy of large scale and achieve prosperity of large magnitude.
The “four-self” principle: self-supporting in finding partners, self-reliance in raising capital, self-decision in management, and self-responsibility for losses and gains.
One goal to attain, three tasks to accomplish and five areas to undergo reform
Five merits to advocate and four virtues to promote: civilized behavior, common courtesy, hygienic conditions, proper discipline and public morality; loft sentiments, refined language, good manners and environmental awareness
“九通一平”: 通水、通电、通热、通气、通下水、通邮、通讯、通闭路电视、通还道路;平整土地
Eight availables and two accessibles:
Water, electricity, heat, gas, sewage, post, telecommunications, and closed circuit TV are available. You are accessible to paved roads and leveled ground.
To create a favorable environment in the Science Park for: technical innovation, outward orientation, operation legalization, talent attraction, continuing education, industrial expansion, governance and service provision
(英译汉)the three-P’s: patience, persistence, and perseverance