
标题: 陈琦填空的两道题 [打印本页]

作者: nourrisson    时间: 2013-5-16 20:35:01     标题: 陈琦填空的两道题

Section 4
6. Compared with their parties, politicians are (   ): they are considerably less enduring than the organizations in which they function.
答案是transitory,我理解;但为什么fickle不行呢?韦氏的解释是marked by lack of steadfastness, constancy, or stability...求问我钻到牛角尖的哪里了?

3. Powerful as they are, the (   ) songs the artist is best known for might sting more and even greater emotional complexity if one felt that his criticisms were aimed at himself as well as at his unnamed foes.

作者: confectioner    时间: 2013-5-16 21:30:34

less enduring的直接重复是短暂,而不是波动和变化、
两处提示,1 sting,2,criticism,如果一些人觉得他的批评即是对自己的也是对别人的话,那么他的著名的批评的论断其实可以更尖酸一点。

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