Should governments spend money on scientific research even if it has no practical value?
5.18 托福口语真题回忆
Task 1
Describe a recent celebration or event. Explain why people had a great time.
Task 2
Agree or Disagree. Parents are children’s most important teachers.
Task 3
Proposal: create a study lounge at the Humanities Building
R1: philosophy and literature students could have a place to relax between classes,
R2: provide a place for group assignment and project.
Man (literature students) agrees
R1: Most of their classes take place in this building, they have a 30min interval between classes, it takes 10min to get to the library and 10min to get back, with this study lounge, they could do some meaningful things;
R2: Student would have somewhere to discuss right after the class the content that covered in the class. Like last time, during the Shakespeare course, he wanted to discuss Hamlet with his classmate. They had nowhere to go, so they actually stood in the cold while talking, it was really inconvenient.
Task 4
Term: ____ Framing
Definition: Consumer’s opinion about a product is altered after-the-fact by advertisement. (The advertisement could exert positive effect on consumers.)
Volunteers were asked to taste a gourmet coffee, but the researchers added some salt and vinegar into it so they were certain, the coffee wouldn’t taste good. After that, they showed these volunteers some advertisement of this coffee, in the add people were enjoying the coffee and having a good time. So then when asked how would they describe the coffee, people said it was “delicious” and they “liked it”.
Task 5
Problem: the man has a painting due next week, but the painting is so big, he has run out of the specific kind of paint he uses;
Solution 1: order it online
Pro: he remembers the manufacturer’s name,
Con: the shipment would take 5 days to get delivered,
Solution 2: take the bus to the store where he originally bought the paint,
Pro: takes only 1 day to get the paint he needs,
Con: change buses two times, he has a lot of stuff on his hands right now
Task 6
Two ways that animal molting helps them to survive
Animals could change into the coat that is suitable to the weather
e.g. mountain hare (Europe), they have thin and short coat in summer when the weather is warm, then they shed the lighter coat to change into their winter coat, with the hairs twice as long and much thicker to prevent the cold;
Change the color of their coat to protect themselves form predator
e.g. North America weasel, they have brown coat for the summer season, but when winter comes, and there is usually snow on the ground, they molt and change into white color, this helps them to blend in with the environment.
1. preference 偏爱 2. migration 移民 3. 隐患 latent peril 4. 易燃的 inflammable/ combustible 5. 火灾 conflagration 6. 啮齿目动物 rodent (such as mice、rats and squirrels) 7. 监管 supervision 8. juvenile hormone 保幼激素(一种抑制害虫的激素)9. 分泌 secrete 10. El Niño 厄尔尼诺现象;圣婴现象 11. 南极洲 Antarctica 12. anchovy 凤尾鱼;鳀鱼 13.oscillination 来回波动 14. The Seesaw Effect: What are the origins of past, present, and future climate change? In his Perspective, Stocker discusses ways in which the climate system can act like a seesaw, as the high northern latitudes push and pull against the Southern Hemisphere to create abrupt shifts. Stocker briefly discusses a report in the same issue by Steig et al., showing that Northern and Southern Hemisphere climate shifts act in synchrony. A related Perspective by Cane looks at the role of the tropics in paleoclimate. Recent observations and model calculations indicate that effects of climate change in the tropical latitudes merit a closer look.
在蜜蜂种群当中,根据年龄的不同,承担不同的任务,这种现象称之为“age polytheism”。比如,年幼的蜜蜂,一般在蜂巢工作,feed the queen and pupae;年长一点的蜜蜂,负责找食物(forage)和存储食物。分工不同的具体解释为:特定举动的频率会比较高,而并非彻底add or eliminate to the total number of the tasks they perform(此处有题)。
1、professor本来说要给他东西(好像是recommendation letter之类)的,放在mailbox里,学生说没收到,去找助理,助理说professor去fieldwork啦,而且难联系上,因为move from place to place,在desert,要过一定时间才能check mail;