我一直觉得签证和许可是个矛盾体,在加国能拿的许可,你不一定可以在国内拿到签证,很典型就是在加国可以拿work permit,但在国内申请签证时你如果说要去加国拿work permit,别人很可能就不让你去了,说你有移民倾向,因为你一旦工作稳定了,这节奏就是不回国了,他们care你对加国的贡献吗?不care,他们care你按不按时回来,这是他们的工作。即便是学生,在加国读书期间可以合法打工,而且cic有post graduate work permit,支持学生毕业后在加国做贡献,但签证官对学签资金的要求是不打工的情况下能完成学业,并回国,他们care你毕业后给加国做贡献么?不care,但他们的职责是确保你按时回国,签证到什么时候,就什么时候回国,就是一根筋的逻辑。
所以我觉得办所有签证的原则就是,在不打工并且正常生活消费的情况下有足够的资金支持你在加国生活学习或工作,并且到期后按时回来。这个一定要很清晰,材料上不能有丝毫含糊,比如你说想学习半年申请off campus work permit增加下收入,或者想以后继续读phd,或者读完后可能实习或工作一年来增强自己专业能力,千万别提,这些是合情合理的并且符合加国利益的,但这是给签证官出难题,你只要透露了可能不按时回国,别人就没法保证你不回国之后会发生什么情况,也就增加了被拒的几率,简单问题不要复杂化。
“3)You didn't submit evidence of all of your connections to your home country
Many applicants do not take the time to consider all of their connections to their home country, and the evidence to prove it.
For example, obvious connections are things like property and employment. You should include copies (translated by a certified translator if necessary) of title deeds or lease agreements to property, and detailed employment letters or contracts that identify you as a permanent employee, the length of your employment, your role at the company, and when you are expected to return to your employment.
However, there are other connections that may be persuasive as well. Are you a leader or an active member in a community organization or church? Get evidence of your role and duties. Do you care for aged family members? Again, get evidence of your responsibilities.”