Going to Seed: Climate Change Could Spark Small Mammal Invasion
该研究成果即将在一个杂志上发表。他们认为这种蔓延的process可能是这样的:gradual global warming(cause)--> frequent masting-->invasive animals(results)。但鉴于这种masting只在Newzeland出现,是enigmatic,还需要其他地区的资料佐证。所以Scientists目前对于其Process还是比较murky的。(assumption)
对于该过程的研究可date back to 1970s. 主要通过对New Zealand的一种beech tress研究得来。研究发现,以前这种树平均每6-7年才出现masting,而最近10年却每3-4年就出现masting。T甚至模拟了3个不同frequency对应的5个scenario下,Invasive animals的发生情况。其结论是,当masting变得更common时,这些invasive animal由原来的periodical-->chronical
Canterbury大学的K教授认为,不应该对其研究结果进行Overgeneralizing。他认为气候的temperature的gradual increase不可能会影响masting,而应该是影响extreme climate events,而这些events可能会导致更频繁的masting,这一点不止在New Zealand出现,在世界的其他地区也应该出现。(Research process)
但是,如果plant species有different cues, Masting frequency可能对Climate Change没反应。甚至有学者指出,在一些地区,Climate Change反而会decrease masting。(possible problem)
在US,invasive animals没有New Zealand那样Common,也不像New Zealand那样closely linked to masting.但Hoving指出,US的Masting也导致了一种feral swine的蔓延(lead to diseases and devastate livestock population)。(pro example)
在US,除了feral swine, invasive deer mice也携带某种病毒。T认为其他地区可能也会呈现与研究结果相符的现象,这会让人们对他们生活的生态系统进行深思。(Conclusion)
Main Idea:Cliamate Change may lead to seeding events in forests, and which may cause the boom of the invasive animals 作者: lixin6395 时间: 2013-7-14 17:13:06
No 3:错题原因,对第一段最后一句话的误读。把“also”理解为upper timberline也出现在semiarid areas, 从而错把semiarid area的特征“usually because of a lack of moisture"应用在upper timberline的特征上,由此选D。A项错在与trasition不符,文中upper timberline和lower timberline都是一个zone,即由tree过渡为treless.C、D项皆为Lower timberline的特征。B项 boundary正好对应文中的transition。
No 8:错误原因,选C项是因为误读”even though they are more exposed to high-velocity winds……“.结合前面的误读,” as the snow is deeper and lasts longer in the valleys(误读为riges), trees tend to attain greater heights on the riges"选了C。B、C皆为错误类型为取反。D项错误类型为进行无关对比。A项由原文” as the snow is deeper and lasts longer in the valleys(误读为riges), trees tend to attain greater heights on the riges" 推断得出。
No 14:A项错在minor ideas。D项错在play a greater role. E项错在minor ideas.文中第三段叙述了a dramatic cessation of tree growth at the upper timberline的可能原因,除了temperature外还有很多其他原因,而temperature是最可能的一种。但是相比于C选项,E选项只是minor idea.
正确选项中B、C、F分别是二、三、四五段的main idea。 总结:对于summary题,正确选项一般是正文各段的分论点,即subtopic。要注意从大局上把握,不要被分论点段中的具体细节信息迷惑。
No 18:该题答案可以从定位句子的前两句结合定位句找到答案,定位句的前2句中有提到"food suply and well-being",然后定位句说“perceiving an apparent collection between certain action……and the results it desires",由此可选D。错题原因,简单依靠定位句,没有注意到定位句前后的信息,误选B。
Tpo 1 Reading部分遇到的生词。
ibex:any of several wild goats (genus Capra, especially C. ibex) living chiefly in high mountain areas of the Old World and having large recurved horns transversely ridged in front
alpine:often not capitalized : of, relating to, or growing in the biogeographic zone including the elevated slopes above timberline
tundra:a level or rolling treeless plain that is characteristic of arctic and subarctic regions, consists of black mucky soil with a permanently frozen subsoil, and has a dominant vegetation of mosses, lichens, herbs, and dwarf shrubs; also : a similar region confined to mountainous areas above timberline
lichen:any of numerous complex plantlike organisms made up of an alga and a fungus growing in symbiotic association on a solid surface (as a rock)
pantomime:conveyance of a story by bodily or facial movements especially in drama or dance
outwash:detritus consisting chiefly of gravel and sand carried by running water from the melting ice of a glacier and laid down in stratified deposits
fanwise:in the manner or position of the slats of an open fan
overlie:to lie over or upon; to cause the death of by lying upon 作者: lixin6395 时间: 2013-7-15 23:37:19