最初由 so猫 发布
[B]Taking a brief glance at history of human existence, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that technology, defined as the application of science and knowledge, has played an important role in bringing transformation and improvement to society. Moreover, I agree with the above saying in the topic that technology should be regarded as a determinative factor which not only influence but also, and more importantly, determine the the social custom and ethics.这个跳跃的有点大吧,比如说我能作用于一个大的事物,但不能说我能作用于其中的一个方面,所以我觉得有个过度才好.
最初由 l-sunshine 发布
[B]Para1.例子有问题呀!据我所知,是因为战争消耗了绝大部分劳动力(就是男的死了太多 ),社会(更确切地说应该是家庭)要求女子出来工作养家糊口。不是因为科技进步吧?!(《飘》就是以这个为背景的). 然后,妇女认识到她们跟男的有相同的能力差,应该赋予同等的权利和待遇。才掀起了妇女解放运动。(思嘉就很会赚钱而且享受到了竞争的乐趣,所以她不甘心缩在家庭的羽翼下,屡屡挑战南方社会的传统和惯例)
para2. ts: Considering the long eras human history covers, it is the technology that guarantees the basic condition for surviving.也很有问题的说,lq8186说的对我就不复述了。
Para3.你提到文化对科技的约束.但有没有想到,科技是为人服务的呢?如果克隆真的,抑或只有可能,带来灾难。 还是少碰为妙---这也是当今政界,学术界的主流看法。你要反驳这个观点,恐怕得高高段才行。
最初由 midamida 发布
[B][QUOTE最初由 so猫 发布
Taking a brief glance at history of human existence, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that technology, defined as the application of science and knowledge, has played an important role in bringing transformation and improvement to society. Moreover, I agree with the above saying in the topic that technology should be regarded as a determinative factor which not only influence but also, and more importantly, determine the the social custom and ethics.这个跳跃的有点大吧,比如说我能作用于一个大的事物,但不能说我能作用于其中的一个方面,所以我觉得有个过度才好.
最初由 lq8186 发布
[B]Due to the development and betterment(这个词betterment用得好,向你学习) of the equipment, in the early twenties, the difference of working effectiveness between a man and a woman could be ignored, causing feminism campaign all over the world for sexual equality and personality liberation as well as the traditional attitude toward women(这里traditional attitude···有问题,和前面的campaign for 接不上).
Without technology of navigation, most nations at present might still hold the belief that they were the center in the universe; of industry, millions of women might never ever get the chance to see the scene out of limited sight from their window; of commerce, the concept of global village and the consciousness of racial quality might never exist.(从without开始,这几个例子好像与customs没有关系吧)
In conclusion, technology can be metaphorized as a flowing river, while the social custom and ethics as the banks, on which preserves human civilization and cultures. Although banks are seemed to control the direction to which the flow is headed, the river has made them first.(好深奥!!既然说custom<bank>不能control technology,那为什么又在倒数第二段说custom 影响technology,并且没有保留的说。是不是矛盾?)
最初由 l-sunshine 发布
[B]下面就是我对para1.看法: the sexism of our society is so pervasive that we are not even aware of all its inequities. Unless one has developed a sensitivity to its workings, by adopting a self- consciously contrary view, it activities are accepted as normal and justified with little question. A good example is what happened during and after WW2.
以下省略...... [/B]
最初由 l-sunshine 发布
[B]“事实上现在虽然几乎所有的国家和政府都是严厉禁止克隆的 但这项工作仍然在继续的进行中”没错,前天还听说(哪国忘了),有人宣称他们已经将克隆的胚胎放到母体里,而且发育良好。他们还没得意完,就遭到了狠批。我没看过“天道”,但常被《科幻世界》的故事吓个半死。
以下省略...... [/B]
最初由 so猫 发布
科学界应该有很多这样的例子呀 比如我还说的最早的试管婴儿 后来的转基因食品(啥是转基因?要是猫是学生物的可真该回去再查查书了,转基因食物之所以现在不推广是因为怕它会带来不安全因素,所以我认为和道德无关,做例子不太合适啦))(以后也难说是不是就只有食品) 还有医学里面的新药开发时的人体实验和动物实验 物理学里面的核物质的研究和使用 还有偶们化学里面的改变天然物质的结构(以前这被视做天理不容的哦) 呵呵 暂时就只能想到这么多啦~~~~
PS,猫是学生物的呀,呼呼,同类同类,还有,叫姐姐 :D
最初由 midamida 发布
[B][QUOTE]最初由 so猫 发布
科学界应该有很多这样的例子呀 比如我还说的最早的试管婴儿 后来的转基因食品(啥是转基因?要是猫是学生物的可真该回去再查查书了,转基因食物之所以现在不推广是因为怕它会带来不安全因素,所以我认为和道德无关,做例子不太合适啦))(以后也难说是不是就只有食品) 还有医学里面的新药开发时的人体实验和动物实验 物理学里面的核物质的研究和使用 还有偶们化学里面的改变天然物质的结构(以前这被视做天理不容的哦) 呵呵 暂时就只能想到这么多啦~~~~
PS,猫是学生物的呀,呼呼,同类同类,还有,叫姐姐 [/B]
最初由 tigerv 发布
[B]1)The first example of this eassy is vague . Actually ,those kinds of examples are easily found,for example,how internet ,computer software ,roberts and telecom ,these technologies influence and determine our social customs and ethics.
2)"Considering the long eras human history covers, it is the technology that guarantees the basic condition for surviving."This sentence is also vague. Who considers? whichone survives?
However ,this essay is well done .This author explain her own points step by step.The paragraphs are very clear and thoughtful.[/B]
最初由 imong 发布
[B]技术determine custom,custom influence技术~~~~~这就是结论呀~~~~
以下省略...... [/B]
最初由 so猫 发布
[B]和sunshine讨论了两天 也去看了看feier的帖子
但是写起来还是~~~ :(
有点丢人 :o
issue 88
"Technologies not onl..
以下省略...... [/B]
were universally ultimate(这个词我查过金山词霸,每看见当表语的情况,你见过?)
抱歉 这个是笔误 应该是被动语态的
Due to the development and betterment(这两个词有什么区别?如果你觉得一样的话省略好了)
有区别吧 发展 完善 意思不一样呀?!
底气不足 所以用的是ignore不是elimitate~~~
ignored, causing(这个动词的主语是谁,如果不是主句主语,那可就是错误用法了,如果是的话,意思可就反了)
主语是difference啊 难道不对?!(汗~~~~~)
Considering the long eras(为什么复数,理由?)
因为是考虑到有很多个不同的era呀 分不同的社会阶段和历史阶段呀(难道这个都用错了
most nations at present might still hold the belief that they were(过去式?为什么?)
是不是 对未来的猜想和展望是不可以做论据的
可是我记得 逻辑里面的推理演绎 认为在一定程度上外推的结论也可以用来支持论点的呀
我没有上过逻辑课 这些是逻辑书上写的
可是我我我我 我当真就是这样认为的呀 偶不是创新呀~~~
唉 也就是说 最关键的全部都是缺点 我明白了 看来努力努力呀 3月9号就要考试罗~~~~~
最初由 l-sunshine 发布
[B][QUOTE]最初由 so猫 发布
[B][QUOTE]最初由 l-sunshine 发布
[B]下面就是我对para1.看法: the sexism of our society is so pervasive that we are not e..
以下省略...... [/B]
最初由 so猫 发布
[B]各位GGJJ 偶又写了一篇新的 在另外一个小贴上 大家踊跃去拍啊~~~~谢谢~~~
和sunshine讨论了两天 也去看了看feier?.
以下省略...... [/B]
最初由 dawnspeaker 发布
[B][QUOTE]最初由 l-sunshine 发布
[B][QUOTE]最初由 so猫 发布
[B][QUOTE]最初由 l-sunshine 发布
[B]下面就是我对para1.看法: the sexism of our ..
以下省略...... [/B]
最初由 so猫 发布
and more importantly(是WHICH IS MORE IMPORTANTLY 还是用AND?)
上次写more important 被人家指出要写more importantly
因为是一个递进的意思 而且 总用定语从句别人会以为我脑子烧的慌 所以换了一个~~
估计 估计是我的问题吧~~~~(nervous~~~~)
However, question can be raised why it is believed that the technology rather than the human beings themselves determine the social custom and ethics. Admittedly, in a short period, the intension of individuals and the needs of the social customs,(为什么要这个标点?)
这个好象都是习惯出来的~~~总是觉得说话的时候人会停顿一下 然后跟着就一个逗号蹦出来了~~~
Without technology of navigation, most nations at present might still hold the belief that they were the center in the universe(?这个是怎么推出来的?);
这个 难道不可以推吗?!以前没有航海技术 很多的国家都不知道海洋那边还会有新的国家 认为那里是天涯海角 所以罗 才会认为自己是天地的中心呀
of industry, millions of women might never ever get the chance to see the scene out of limited sight from their window(?看电视就可以了吧?和工业有关吗)
其实是比较文学化的语言 但是可能我表达有问题 意思是说 科技改变了以往的道德观念 提供一个让女人去了解大千世界的机会 而不是用以往的道德伦理将女人终身约束在一个狭小的圈子里面
不知道你是习惯还是故意的,几乎每段开头都是IT IS。。。。强调句型,换换吧。
写长句是因为 不知道什么地方应该写短句 但是又怕~~~所以就 干脆全部写长句(汗颜~~~)
用强调句型完全那个 是因为 我这个用的最熟~~~~~~
另外 可不可以把so打成小写的 那样我比较习惯咧
引用:最初由 so猫 发布
and more importantly(是WHICH IS MORE IMPORTANTLY 还是用AND?)
上次写more important 被人家指出要写more importantly
因为是一个递进的意思 而且 总用定语从句别人会以为我脑子烧的慌 所以换了一个~~
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