所使用资料:OG PP2。 这里需要说明的是,如果你是和我一样的非牛,那magoosh什么的不建议折腾,因为,你来不及了… 然后PP2你第一遍做下来的时候是只有2个V的,但是第二个V有easy medium hard三种模式,你第二次做的时候就可以调出你没做的其他两种模式再来做一下,第一个V一题不做就是进easy,全对进hard,对12个左右进medium。这样两套PP2你可以做4*2=8个V,等于4套题了,加上新版OG的纸版两套题,一共6套V。再加上OG前面杂七杂八的题目,一周真的够了。如果你觉得不够,有可能是你分析题目分析得太快了。如果你做过这些题,建议你重做几遍。
使用方法:个人感觉PP2是所有题目里我分析得最清楚的,这是我成绩提高的根本原因,因为长期以来的考试告诉我真题最重要。也因为一开始找不到PP2的解析,逼得我到处搜索寄托里曾经有的解答,人就是这样,陈圣元里面随手可得的解析我从未珍惜,草草看过,而千辛万苦淘来的PP2解析却让我无比珍惜。最后,隆重推荐magoosh的OG&PP2系列解析视频,地址如下http://gre.magoosh.com/forum/144 ... vide-an-explanation,好处是讲的还比较清晰,还原了做题的思维过程。缺点就是讲解是youtube视频,要翻墙才能看&题目排的有点混乱...下面介绍使用方法:把你不会的题用谷歌(是谷歌不是度娘!)搜一下,然后前几个网页里就有一个是magoosh的讲解,而且谷歌有时候能给你搜到yahoo上一些神一样的解析。不论如何,我们的最终目标就是把所有题目都搞清楚,要搞的多清楚呢?看看OG上的解析,如果你能把一道题目分析得像OG一样清楚了,你就真正清楚了。当然LZ没做到,所以你们一定会比LZ更好!以下分阅读/填空/考试流程几个方面介绍LZ的使用心得。
1) 阅读
为什么36套会和PP2差别呢?因为36套是陈虎平编的….看过陈虎平编的《多层分析法》的同学也许都读过他的第三章讲述的解题技巧,这些技巧在36套里尚且比较好用,面对PP2就有点力不从心(悲哀的LZ亲身试验…)。我推测因为都是同一个人编的,36套的题目也旨在培养这些技巧,所以你在36套中培养的技巧需要改造才能应用到PP2里来。例如句子作用题,虎平同志提倡的解题方式是,看题中所指部分位于文章的哪一层面,找它的上一层面,这个在36套中可行,在PP2中也不可行,有时候答案就是在这一层面,有时候答案在上上层面。打个比方,例如这个问题,为什么我要读VERBAL的阅读? A 为了读懂文章 B 为了完成阅读题 C 为了考GRE D 为了出国。ABCD都是对的,但是按照陈虎平的逻辑,即某一事物只为其上一层而服务,就只有B是对的,所以,你需要调整你的思维。
下面是来自TEST1 HARD的一道句子作用题,可以有充分的显示这一点。 [attach]260550[/attach][attach]260549[/attach] B是句子的针对上一层面的作用,而A是针对句子上上层面的作用。这两个答案都是对的。
In early-twentieth-century England, it was
fashionable to claim that only a completely new style
of writing could address a world undergoing
unprecedented transformation— just as one literary
critic recently claimed that only the new “aesthetic of
exploratory excess” can address a world under-
England, T. S. Eliot, a man fascinated by the
“presence” of the past, wrote the most innovative
poetry of his time. The lesson for today’s literary
community seems obvious: a reorientation toward
tradition would benefit writers no less than readers.
But if our writers and critics indeed respect the
novel’s rich tradition (as they claim to), then why do
they disdain the urge to tell an exciting story?
2.In the context of the passage as a whole, “address”
(lines 3 and 6) is closest in meaning to
A reveal
B belie
C speak to
D direct attention toward
E attempt to remediate
但是address做动词可以直接表示speak to。(所以没背好单词是硬伤)对于这类题,俺总结出的就是既要兼顾词义,又要考虑文章意思(这不是白说么…),但是LZ最后练到自己能把这条原则运用到解题中去了,至少除了上面这种无敌难题之外词汇题都能搞定了。PS:也许最后突破的关口就是从技巧到应用。
2) 填空
问题:Hard sentence problem that seems to have a contradiction?
Select the two choices that best complete the sentence.
The spy's repeated bungling was, above all else, ______ those who wished to thwart her efforts, since it was so unpredictable as to obscure any pattern that might otherwise lead to her capture.
A. an obstacle to
B. a signal to
C. a hindrance to
D. an indication for
E. a snare for
F. a boon to
The question does not make sense. At the beginning of the sentence, it states that the spy in bungling which means she is clumsily performing her job. The fact that she is performing her job clumsily seems to suggest that she is not doing a good job of being elusive which means it will be easy for her enemies to capture her. Yet later in the sentence it says "it was so unpredictable as to obscure any pattern that might otherwise lead to her capture." This part of the sentence seems to suggest that it would not be easy for her enemies to capture her. In other words, the last part of the sentence seems to contradict the first part of the sentence. Explain why this is not a contradiction.
第一个回答:Test taking is a skill. Don't worry about mumbo jumbo. Just ask yourself, what is the question? Pick the two best answer choices. The whole first line is not enough to answer correctly. In any question, you want to pay attention to the words that are of logical consequence. In this case, the word is since.
Since it was so unpredictable as to ensure that she wouldn't be captured, do you think it will make her pursuers, or "those who wished to thwart her efforts", happy?
No, it would be a big problem for her potential captors. An obstacle is a problem. A hindrance is a problem.
第二个回答:Inserting "C" makes the sentence coherent and clear; i.e., she was a bungler, and because she was, her behavior was unpredictable, making it difficult to determine where she might go and what she might do. Thus the last part of the paragraph builds on the first part and explains why she was difficult to capture. She may or may not have been a bungler on purpose. The sentence would have to be read in context to make that determination. The expression "dumb like a fox" comes to mind.
我不知道你能不能想出dumb like a fox这个意思,反正我想不出,好吧我承认我想不出,所以对于这种题目,就用回答一那种逻辑推理法吧。二,不要YY。我之前做题有个不好的习惯,喜欢自己YY一下句子的意思,然后按照自己的想法去做,事实证明,用这种方法做PP2,做一题错一题。
例如这一题The Parisian Ecole des Beaux-Arts (School of Fine Arts) was (i) ______ many nineteenth- and twentieth-century artists, so that by 1930 the associated term “academic art”
had become a (ii) ______.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
(A) influential among (D) pejorative
(B) ridiculed by (E) conundrum
(C) attended by (F) misnomer
一开始读到这道题,LZ这颗伪工科生的心灵兴奋了,这个Ecole des Beaux-Arts是不是传说中的包豪斯?那当然选正面评价啦。结果,人家根本就不是这个意思啊…所以啊,各位,千万不要YY,因为ETS已经猜到你会YY了,所以他的选项就是你YY的反义,陈圣元的填空很多用YY还是可以做的,但PP2就不行。所以,培养你的逻辑推理能力。
3) 考试流程
1 我阅读比填空好,而且是只要给多一些时间阅读就会提升很多了,但是填空…不论看多少眼,单词都还是不认识啊…,所以我在时间安排上偏向阅读
2 我填空里六选二最差,所以我到时候尽量少花时间在这上面,因为看了也不会啊…
3 我阅读每次一看到时间不够就开始慌,然后就开始乱读文章,然后做题目就很纠结,然后耗得时间多,错的也多,所以我告诉自己考试的时候哪怕做不完也要好好读懂文章。
那道In the context of the passage as a whole, “address”(lines 3 and 6) is closest in meaning to 我也错了,我后来查了下发现speak to 有证明的意思,这下就说的通了作者: richie1324 时间: 2014-10-8 23:53:02