
标题: mooney的Issue习作贴(不要浮躁,真心出彩) [打印本页]

作者: mooney    时间: 2013-10-25 16:40:18     标题: mooney的Issue习作贴(不要浮躁,真心出彩)

本帖最后由 mooney 于 2013-11-11 16:18 编辑

     现在初步的一个思路是:1、先写《新GRE Issue 题库分类和 重点题》中的重点题;


                  2 假设这个原因成立,从它能否推出结果?
                  2 如果实施题目中的建议,是否会导致同初始目的相矛盾或其他荒谬的结果?
                  3 有无替代或折中方案?
                  2 这种价值判断的标准是否值得修正?
                  2 能否给出我自己的、更为恰当的定义?
                  2 能否举出相反的事例?

作者: mooney    时间: 2013-10-25 16:41:34

本帖最后由 mooney 于 2013-10-29 15:52 编辑

第一篇写 ISSUE 13:
Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study[compelling reasons,建议类]
(46[specific circumstances,建议类],102[possible consequences,建议类],140[both of the views,是非类]
70[reason,因果+建议],112[considerations,是非类];70和112都谈到truly educated的概念)

1 建议类:
2 是非类: 充分鉴定truly educated的概念,truly educated means specialization in one field, multiple related knowledge and abilities and independent wisdom as a citizen all at the same time.
3 因果类:truly educated 的途径是否只有take a variety of courses in the universities?学生也应该通过intership,  volunteering, practise or even open a new company等多种方式达到educated的目的。

提纲:strongly support
1 能帮助学生习得复合知识,帮助对本专业理解,也帮助学生现实世界中获得成功
2 帮助学生找到适合自己的专业
3 帮助学生成为独立思考的公民
4 反驳最强objection:大学有社会义务培养符合社会就业需求的人才;大学有这样的义务,但它更肩负着培养改变社会、影响社会的复合型人才。

If you walk around any of the universities of science and technology in China these days, like my university, you would encounter every student, striding on road in campus between classes, shares similar curriculum with others: nearly all of them have advanced mathematics, most of them computer science and it seems that everyone is trying to learn at least one kind of languages of coding to command the computers and try to access to the virtual world. And since these courses also come in great help once students enter the job market, courses like the humanities or liberal arts cannot survive in here.

However, from my point of view, I strongly vote for the argument that universities should require their students to take various courses from different disciplines, both humanities and science. Because it is the diversified academic offerings that determine a true well-educated graduate after four years and eventually a civilized citizen.

First of all,  because a student who is just accessing the college might not be very known about his or her own interest and what would end up after rigorously training in a major, the administration of college should require a diversified curriculum  in the first or second year for the student and help him or he to wind up specified interest with reasonable consideration later on.

What's more, courses like psychology and sociology in college which are outside the study scope of a typical science and technology major student , can facilitate the understanding of his or her own major to a greater extent, and help he or her to become success in the real world, in which knowledge from multiple disciplines is indispensable. A student who is majoring in computer science these days must be well acquainted with the story about the success of the Facebook. Apart from his genius with coding in the developing process, Mark Zuckerberg is also a master of understanding people's need. The interface and usage settings of the Facebook are not only innovative but also considerate and friendly. And it is these functions, not the coding lines, that eventually help the Facebook to attract the later 10 hundreds million users around the globe. Mark's excellent ability of anticipating and catering users' need on the social network reflects his precise grasp of people's psychology, which must deprive from his diversified knowledge of psychology and sociology.

Lastly, since a university acts as an institution nurturing citizens for the society, multiple rather than one value like science should be gained . The qualifications of a citizen border on the person's ability to reflect on various subjects, like law, economy, politics and so on. Therefore a comprehensive courses selection and the requirement for its students entailed should be a requisite for every university.

However,the strongest objection towards this argument come from doubt that students in the universities have to make practical choice between acquiring techniques that can enhance their competitiveness in the future job market and knowledge like the literature of 18 century France or the study of Socrates, which would definitely not qualified as a persuasive ability for the employer. And universities should hold certain social responsibilities to help with the employment rate in the economy. Nevertheless, it should be well aware among our society that a diploma of bachelor or master degree from colleges does not symbolize a qualification of the production of a "human product" which is able to make economical profits to the society, but convincingly indicates a graduate's potential to produce ideology profits in the world, in other words, he or she not only fit in the world, but also is able to change the world. What's more, a university should not take up the role as a long training program providing employment populations to the real world. it should offer knowledge and imagination at the same time. Thus, there should be no doubt against a universities' attempt to suggest its students to take varied courses to combine their techniques to their imaginations and eventually bring about innovations which are far more profitable to the economy.

From all of the reasoning above, I stand by with the argument from the topic.
(719 words)

作者: mooney    时间: 2013-10-29 17:43:56

本帖最后由 mooney 于 2013-10-31 14:11 编辑

第二篇写ISSUE 39:
College students should be encouraged to pursue subjects that interests them rather than the courses seem mostly to lead to jobs.[specific circumstances,建议类](20[both of the views,建议类],32[compelling reasons,建议类],129[specific circumstances,建议类];32和129分别单独谈论一种选择)

作者: mooney    时间: 2013-10-31 16:33:51

本帖最后由 mooney 于 2013-11-7 18:21 编辑

第三篇: ISSUE 15
Educational institutions should actively encourage their students to choose fields of study that will prepare them for lucrative careers.[compelling reasons,建议类](98和135[possible consequences,建议类],136与135很相似)

1:infeasible proposal that cannot lead to wanted consequences.
2:the responsiblity and the function of distingushied educational institutions like universities demand their educational purpose for students not confined within objections of lucrative carrers or practical working techniques.
3:however, educational institutions should prepare their graduates with proper trainning to enter the job market and even help with the employment rate in the economy; nevertheless, such intention should not extend beyond the even critical principle of universities to benefit our world not only economically but also ideologically and provide the society with graduates not only fit in the world but also change the world.

作者: mooney    时间: 2013-11-6 21:51:36

本帖最后由 mooney 于 2013-11-7 18:34 编辑

第四篇 ISSUE 97
Colleges and universities should require their students to spend at least one semester studying in a foreign country.[compelling reasons,建议类](82[specific circumstances,建议类],100[possible consequences,建议类],124[consideration,建议类])建议类(支持)
1 the benifits of such proposal is obvious and shoud be encouraged:
2 however, there are certain drawbacks of this well-intentioned but ill-considered plan, for example, there a few compelling oppositions towards its implementation:
3 nevertheless, the intention of these measures should be enouraged, thus a comprehensive and considerate plan must be rasied considering specific circumstances under which such propasal would be feasible and realized.

作者: mooney    时间: 2013-11-8 14:31:20

第五篇 ISSUE 6 A nation should require all its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college. [specific circumstances,建议类](14[possible consequences],96[compelling reasons],116[considerations])

作者: mooney    时间: 2013-11-8 17:23:49

第六篇 ISSUE 49
Claim: We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share than from those whose views contradict our own.
Reason: Disagreement can cause stress and inhibit learning. [reason,因果类]
(76、118[consideration,事实类])position: objection

1 不同意题中观点,三点原因。
2 人们倾向于接受相同观点较为常见的和有理的。
3 反对意见可能造成压力和沟通不畅,但是不能仅仅因此阻止反对意见,应该更加重视反对意见表达方式,以及为反对意见提供合理渠道。

作者: mooney    时间: 2013-11-8 17:38:35

本帖最后由 mooney 于 2013-11-8 18:01 编辑

第七篇 ISSUE 40 Claim: When planning courses, educators should take into account the interests and suggestions of their students. Reason: Students are more motivated to learn when they are interested in what they are studying.

issue 3:Educational institutions have a responsibility to dissuade students from pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed.

issue 24:The best way to teach is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones.

issue 81:All parents should be required to volunteer time to their children's schools.

ISSUE 92:Educators should base their assessment of students' learning not on students' grasp of facts but on the ability to explain the ideas, trends, and concepts that those facts illustrate.

issue 128:Some people argue that successful leaders in government, industry, or other fields must be highly competitive. Other people claim that in order to be successful, a leader must be willing and able to cooperate with others

issue 58:Learning is primarily a matter of personal discipline; students cannot be motivated by school or college alone

issue 101:Although innovations such as video, computers, and the Internet seem to offer schools improved methods for instructing students, these technologies all too often distract from real learning.

issue 42:Students should always question what they are taught instead of accepting it passively

issue 37:Society should identify those children who have special talents and provide training for them at an early age to develop their talents.

issue 142:Claim: Colleges and universities should specify all required courses and eliminate elective courses in order to provide clear guidance for students. Reason: College students—like people in general—prefer to follow directions rather than make their own decisions.

ISSUE 54 In order to become well-rounded individuals, all college students should be required to take courses in which they read poetry, novels, mythology, and other types of imaginative literature.
作者: mooney    时间: 2013-11-8 17:42:42

本帖最后由 mooney 于 2013-11-9 17:22 编辑

ISSUE 45 Competition for high grades seriously limits the quality of learning at all levels of education[considerations,是非题]
(138[是非题],both of the views)position:approve

作者: mooney    时间: 2013-11-8 17:46:23

本帖最后由 mooney 于 2013-11-11 16:41 编辑

第八篇:ISSUE 12 Governments should offer a free university education to any student who has been admitted to a university but who cannot afford the tuition.[possible consequences,建议类](25[specific circumstances,建议类])
  good ones: provide chances to citizens to accquire free university education which would be attaintable    without a decent payment before or help out students under student loans which must be paid back soon
  after their graduation and be disadvantages to their choices of jobs; university education often promise a
  good career path in the futhure, thus such policy would help them to choose or divert to rewarding jobs  
  after their graduations; more enrollments to the university would spur the development of the unversities,
  leading to more employments as staffs and teachers and economic revenues brought by constructions.
  possible drawbacks: without a income from the tuition of students, universities may lose financial income
  to support their multiple expenditure for their staffs and facilities, which are also vital for a favourable
  teaching quality.
1:the implementation of such policy would bring great benefits both to the society and the students in following ways:
2: however, there are possible drawbacks regarding to the limited resources, especially in the developing countries like China.
3: concerning the specific circumstances of a developing economic, such policy should be alterd in developing world, like China, in order to achieve its purpose: continuing reduce to standard tuitions from students; target on the most impoverished students and cut their tuitions and continuing expand such financial support; privide multiple subsidizing programm and schoolarships for students to cover their expendictures.结尾

作者: mooney    时间: 2013-11-8 17:47:27

本帖最后由 mooney 于 2013-11-11 17:50 编辑

第九篇: ISSUE 30 Teachers' salaries should be based on their students' academic performance.[compelling reasons,建议类](83[specific circumstances,建议类])

3、说明这一观点其实也有存在的道理(academic performance is the paramount index deciding a good student, good teacher and a good school; bounding the academic performance with the salary may encourage assessment of teachers based on merits rather than senoirity and retain young capable teachers to stay. )

作者: mooney    时间: 2013-11-8 17:53:44

本帖最后由 mooney 于 2013-11-15 20:49 编辑

第十篇 ISSUE 68 Some people believe that the purpose of education is to free the mind and the spirit. Others believe that formal education tends to restrain our minds and spirits rather than set them free.[both of the views,定义类](ISSUE 17 Formal education tends to restrain our minds and spirits rather than set them free.[considerations, 事实类])
定义类:the purpose of education
事实类:formal education not necessarily tends to restrain our minds and spirits
1 开头:同意
2 formal education作为一种社会功能,与个人自我实现相对,会有restrain our minds and spirits的缺陷
(1、formal education, which is typically implemented in elementary school, secondary school and even in universities, often adopt the method of a teacher lecturing towards a few students with different levels of  knowledge from textbooks and students accumulating these knowledge often by memorizing and understanding with little practice. Such is not the best way to educate, there is a wise saying in Chinese "teach people to fish instead of just give them the fish", the foremost instruction students should learn in classes is the method to discover, testify and eventually acquire knowledge, merely accumulation of axiom and theorem from books only makes for walking dictionaries.  So instead of being lectured, students should be encouraged to find, ask and solve question on their own with knowledge being learned naturally and critically.
  2、what's more, the final assessment of formal education often requires tests among the students and some of the tests, like the test of college entrance in China or SAT in America, even determine students' future. Nevertheless, test may be a good evaluation of students output and teachers' related input at the same time and motivate the desire to learn, yet formal education tend to put overwhelmingly emphasis on test which make the technique of testing for better score rather then general knowledge more appealing in class. Thus the paramount characteristic of formal education seem to compromise the effect of education by misleading the outcome and measures.
  3、formal education acting as one of the critical social function carries itself with certain principles and values from the society, along with the process of delivering knowledge and technique for students to survive in the bigger cultural colony, principles to behave as a member in a society of culture, history and country are often being taught. And sometimes such principles may not be advantages towards the growth of an independent mind and even inhibit the process of education) 常与the true purpose of education()相矛盾。
3 但是the purpose of education是一个发展的过程,历史上有各种的作用,如今对于它的定义其实十分多元;再者,formal education作为一种对于社会资源的分配手段和社会功能的实现,是有其关键意义的,尽管有时显得弊病重重,但是已经开始有了许多良好的发展。
4 合
5 结尾:

作者: mooney    时间: 2013-11-8 18:00:19

本帖最后由 mooney 于 2013-11-15 21:18 编辑

第十一篇 ISSUE 73:Colleges and universities should require all faculty to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach.[possible consequence, 建议类]
                             bad ones: 1、the college may not posses the resource to help their teachers to go to the field 2、some of the majors are not suited to work in the real world but rather need experiments or mentally analysis 3、not all faculty members are suited to work in professions since their strength may lie in research not in practice, thus such mandatory policy may inhibit their abilities and hider their qualities in class.

开头:反对这一建议(the improvement of quality in classroom are not directly dependent on the experinces from teachers to work in professions.)
3:possible beneficial outcome
4:a modified solution

作者: mooney    时间: 2013-11-19 17:45:21

第十二篇 ISSUE 31 Society should make efforts to save endangered species only if the potential extinction of those species is the result of human activities[possible consequences,建议类](63[considerations,是非类],67[both of the views,建议+是非])
: good ones: it may save up the enormous cost、time and effort to try to save all kinds of endangered species and put emphasis on the some of the most suffered ones which are linked to humans, like the pandas, thus governments can use the limited resources to save the most endangered lives with greater efficiency.
bad ones:
1 首先你无法准确定义人类活动及其对生态系统造成的影响,科技的巨大力量帮助人类实现了伟大的进步,并对自然界产生了广泛深远的影响,大部分的生物灭绝都是直接或间接由于人类活动对于生态系统的影响造成的。
2 即使是看似并不由人类活动影响进而灭绝的生物,人类也应该有施加保护的义务,这不仅是由人类意图主宰地球的责任赋予,也是人类更好了解生命了解自我了解自然的需要。更重要的是,由于生态系统的息息相关,人类应该对其他物种的发展高度关注,以保障自己的生存。
3 再次,仅仅保护可能灭绝与人类相关的物种的方法是无效的,物种灭绝的直接因素很复杂,往往牵涉到生态链和整个栖息地的影响。
2是非类:what is human activities
1 开头
2 同意需要将保护动物的资源进行合理分配,优先保护那些与人类相关,受人类影响深重的动植物,这种优先保护政策更加符合发展中国家的情形。
3 不同意。缺点。
4 折中方案。
5 结尾

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