
标题: wglxh的写作建议中篇:以修改galaxysong糟糕的ISSUE88为例 [打印本页]

作者: wglxh    时间: 2004-2-10 16:16:02     标题: [重要]再谈英文写作建议---以修改galaxysong糟糕的ISSUE88为例



1。In my opinion, the question whether technologies determine social customs and ethics can not be answered by a simple "yes" or "no". The key to its answer is how to interpret or define the word "determine".
一。"yes or no"的说法很多余,注意whether的意思,并且看起来一点都不生动,十分别扭。
二。 “The key..."一句纯属”CHINGLISH“,根本不符合英文的表达,况且完全表达不出作者想表达的意思。建议修改:To answer this question, we must define the term "determine" clearly.

2.If the claim of the speaker just means that "the domains of technologies set the boundaries of the customs and ethics," I will present my agreement with little reserve. Just take sexism once overwhelmed throughout the main civilizations of the world for example.
In a long period before the industrialization, burdensome and risky manual labor is equired in most sorts of jobs and thus men, who had the advantage of women in this aspect, dominated the open world outdoors. The invention and application of spinning machine made a path to the modern society, in which skills have surpassed sheer
labors, and opened a gate to women who have become competent in many new kinds of work offered by developed technologies. In the process of this propound economic and social change, more and more womem found their power to claim new rights commensurate with their new contributions. So the domination of men in customs and ethics now declines in many of he countries who have passed the industrialization.

一、I will present my agreement with little reserve.首先,正确的表达应该是"reservation",其次,这样说没什么意义,整个段落都是显然的支持,改为更直接明确的说法会好很多。比如“I will agree with him."
二.时刻要注意时态,这在英语中极其重要:In a long period before the industrialization, burdensome and risky manual labor is (改was)required in most sorts of (去掉 “sorts of")jobs and thus men, who had (have)the advantage of women in this aspect, dominated the open world outdoors.除了括号中的修改外:
   "burdensome" 应改为“onerous",因为前者更强调精神上的负担。
   ”in this aspect" 指代不清,如果直译意思荒谬。改为:“ who have the advantage over women in strength and....(类似的词都可以)"
   ”dominated the open world outdoors.“ 什么意思?
三。句子的真正含义:一个句子当去掉其修饰成分(包括各种修饰补充类从句)后,应当表达一个明确的意思。The invention and application of spinning machine made a path to the modern society, in
which skills have surpassed sheer labors, and opened a gate to women who have become competent in many new kinds of work offered by developed technologies. 这句话表达了多少个意思,哪个是重点?两个主要意思都放在不起眼的从句中,能看得舒服才怪。
四.In the process of this propound economic and social change, more and more womem found their power to claim new rights commensurate with their new contributions。类似process,system这种词在句中出现时,所起的作用往往只有一个“凑字数”---即“废话”。改成“in  
this change"多简单明了。
五。So the domination of men in customs and ethics now declines in many of the countries who have passed the industrialization.
  四五两句话之间看不出什么明显的转折关系,两个可能的原因是:要不中间缺东西,要不四句应该表达“确实获得了相应的权利”这样一个意思而不仅仅是“found the power"
    "so"在正规的英文写作中几乎不用,想想吧,改成”as a result"会是什么效果。此外therefore等词都可用,所以不要SO来SO去,看着别扭。
  最后一个从句简直搞笑,“in many industrialized contries"难道不够么?

  记住:It is more difficult to write simply, directly, and effectively than to employ flowery but vague expressions that only obscure one’s meaning。
作者: paisley    时间: 2004-2-10 17:22:19


作者: DoDoqiang    时间: 2004-2-10 17:49:24

作者: so猫    时间: 2004-2-10 17:57:02

恩 很 中肯的话语哦~~~~~
作者: baddream77    时间: 2004-2-10 19:24:42

作者: galaxysong    时间: 2004-2-10 20:11:40


1 这篇文章本来没有认真当作作文来写,所以在不少地方显得相当随意,甚至最后都没有放进Word检查一下。我只不过像借当时讨论的热潮,比较系统地发表自己的见解而已。写完后自己并不满意,但为了克服完美主义的倾向,索性不追究里面的种种问题,继续看范文、写练笔。今日反观,能看出本文缺点确实不少。

2 imong的高度赞赏,的确有些错爱的嫌疑。我发现本文被加精的时候,第一反应是大吃一惊,然后又觉得未尝值得6分:毕竟我看了那么多范文,其中的缺点也很不少,连我的水平,也能有把握地跳出一些毛病。现在想来,实在好笑。

3 “自我膨胀”的另一个作用,是希望l-sunshine诸君能看到,分享一下。近期发的练笔少,拿以前的作品权且凑个数。特别的原因是,l-sunshine看过我的所有作品,少了这篇就不全了。

4 第一段是个凑合的开头,不过若因为“Vague”而被删,那就太冤枉了。毕竟真正vague的是issue的原题。这个题目曾被热炒。我在讨论基本结束时,从各人的发言和三篇不同观点的练笔中,发现争论的一大分歧之处实际上在于对原题内涵的解释。因此我给出了分情况讨论的“第四种”观点。在真正的作文中,我几乎不可能也这样来各个打五十大板。

5 “I will present my agreement with little reserve.”模仿金山词霸中的例句“I have reserved a room for you at the hotel.”哪里料得到还有“I accept without reservations!”?究竟怎样写才好呢?


7 第一段没有紧扣中心句,实际上再没有提及“set the boundaries”。我应该说,在工业化之前,虽然也有女性反抗sexism,而且可能有很多的尝试,但成功的寥寥,正是因为boundary的限制。工业化使得boundary对女性的有效约束突然(相对漫长的历史而言)松了,导致女性反抗的尝试的成功率显著提升,从而引发了妇女运动的热潮。

8 wglxh批得这样有力且中肯,我很高兴,也觉得满幸运的。不知拜你为师如何?以前看到你说这里没有好文章,我就怀疑你是个大牛。
作者: wglxh    时间: 2004-2-10 20:14:33     标题: [重要]再谈英文写作建议---以修改糟糕的ISSUE88为例(续)


If the assertion of the speaker amounts to that "given a certain set of technologies, a nation, race or group must has a single corresponding set of customs and ethics," however, it will exceed my support. In my observation, technologies provide options of ethics and customs for a society, but what choices the society takes depends on other factors.
  1、must has??这是笔误吧。
  2、technologies provide options of ethics and customs for a society, but what choices the society takes depends on other factors.
   一、介词的使用稍欠火候,建议“provide options in ethics and options to a society"
   二、能用动词不用名词,改" but what the society chooses depends...."

"Science, by itself, cannot supply us with an ethic. It can show us how to achieve a given end, and it may show us that some ends cannot be achieved." This quotation from Bertrand Russell well illuminates the influence of the technology, the application of science, on ethics. Within the range of technologies, a society chooses what ends it wants. Since all nations share common basic needs lying in human's natures,we can easily find similar customs and ethics between  countries having similar technologies. Yet the other customs and ethics are selected for the sake of each nation's preference and character  
1.Within the range of technologies, a society chooses what ends it wants.
  "what ends it wants"??唉。。。改!“a society chooses its desirable ends"
  2.Since all nations share common basic needs lying in human's natures, we can easily find similar customs and ethics between  countries having similar technologies.
  一、natures 应该是 nature.
  二、between 应该是 among.

3。Yet the other customs and ethics are selected for the sake of each nation's preference and character.
  一、用转折问题不大,但这个句子的结构使整个转折语气显得极其怪异。建议修改 yet 变成at the same time.应该还有其他改法。
  二、preference and character 应为 preferences and characteristics.查一下WEBSTER体会一下后边两个词的区别。

作者: wglxh    时间: 2004-2-10 20:22:52

作者: wglxh    时间: 2004-2-10 20:28:04

作者: yelinannan    时间: 2004-2-10 20:36:44

作者: paisley    时间: 2004-2-10 21:38:17


作者: galaxysong    时间: 2004-2-10 22:09:14

1 “provide options in ethics and options to a society"? 为什么有两个option?我的本意是technologies provide a society with options of ethics and customs. 好像没有"provide...for"这个用法,真不知自己当时再想什么。

2 between是为了强调两两之间的关系,至少初中时教材上有专门的一道填空题就是考这一点。莫非教材错了?或者是我推广得过头了?

3 “we can easily find similar customs and ethics between countries having similar technologies.”看来这句有歧义。改为:we can easily find similar customs and ethics between two countries given similar technologies. 如何?

4 “preferences”不是参数选择的意思吗?在软件中经常能看到。
作者: pooh    时间: 2004-2-10 22:15:28

你的标准的确很高,英语专业?我想老美也未必作到。 当然还是要勇于面对现实的,否则作文分怎么会普遍不高。
我前一阵寄了一篇作文给一老美教授看,居然还说thoughtful thinking, fluent English,  很高兴的说,我想人家还是鼓励居多,很感激的,但是我更想知道不足,人家是嫌麻烦,不如说句好话省事,呵呵
作者: wglxh    时间: 2004-2-10 22:56:01

作者多看WEBSTER,英文单词的用法恐怕要比汉语复杂的多.你想表达的意思对应的应该是这一条意思: one that is preferred,所以用复数
作者: papajohns    时间: 2004-2-11 00:40:06

wglxh, 的确是大牛阿。你的意见很中肯,虽然言辞稍微过激,不过当头一棒总比惨死在ETS手下好的多。
作者: gdhdanny    时间: 2004-2-11 01:19:11


作者: wglxh    时间: 2004-2-11 09:05:45

1.1 “provide options in ethics and options to a society"? 为什么有两个option?我的本意是technologies provide a society with options of ethics and customs. 好像没有"provide...for"这个用法,真不知自己当时再想什么。
笔误笔误!provide options in ethics and customs to a society才对
2. between是为了强调两两之间的关系,至少初中时教材上有专门的一道填空题就是考这一点。莫非教材错了?或者是我推广得过头了?
一 正因为你的文章不是想表达仅仅两两之间的比较,尤其不是想表达"单对单"的比较,而是只要满足一定条件大家都可以放在一起"集体"比,所以不主张用between.
二 掌握不好beteen&among用法并不怪你,首先肯定的告诉你,如果你的引述没错的话,你的教材是错了,BETWEEN无论如何不表示数目上的"两个",十个放在一起用BETWEEN都没问题(顺便说一声这在老外中也是常见的误解),它突出的另一个意思,看一下WEBSTER吧:
   There is a persistent but unfounded notion that between can be used only of two items and that among must be used for more than two. Between has been used of more than two since Old English; it is especially appropriate to denote a one-to-one relationship, regardless of the number of items. It can be used when the number is unspecified *economic cooperation between nations*, when more than two are enumerated *between you and me and the lamppost* *partitioned between Austria, Prussia, and Russia Nathaniel Benchley*, and even when only one item is mentioned (but repetition is implied) *pausing between every sentence to rap the floor George Eliot*. Among is more appropriate where the emphasis is on distribution rather than individual relationships *discontent among the peasants*. When among is automatically chosen for more than two, English idiom may be strained *a worthy book that nevertheless falls among many stools John Simon* *the author alternates among mod slang, clich*s and quotes from literary giants A. H. Johnston*

3.we can easily find similar customs and ethics between countries having similar technologies.”看来这句有歧义。改为:we can easily find similar customs and ethics between two countries given similar technologies. 如何?

作者: fc827    时间: 2004-2-11 09:20:00

作者: wglxh    时间: 2004-2-11 09:31:05

作者: galaxysong    时间: 2004-2-11 10:25:20

作者: wglxh    时间: 2004-2-11 10:52:39


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