
标题: Magoosh填空题 [打印本页]

作者: 10月大战GRE    时间: 2014-3-9 14:54:40     标题: Magoosh填空题

本帖最后由 小硕鼠 于 2014-3-22 20:35 编辑

Very few veteran critics tend to be ____________  the recent decade in cinema. Nonetheless, based on movie reviews many could easily come to the conclusion that the last ten years were indeed banner ones. Once the province of lettered intellectuals, a few even household names (Pauline Kael comes to mind), the role of the movie critic has been ____________ by those lacking any notable credentials. With this flood of veritable tyros opining from the rafters, a movie’s overall rating—as compiled and tabulated by popular Internet sites–often times confers a(n) ____________ on a film, an assessment that posterity will most likely deem specious.

Blank (i)
enamored of
condemnatory to
Blank (ii)
duly appropriated
amply filled
irredeemably disgraced
Blank (iii)
aura of nostalgia
mantle of inviolability
patina of respectability

对最后一空不太明白 。。。
作者: HelterSkelter    时间: 2014-3-9 17:40:00

应该是enamored of, amply filled, mantle of inviolability吧?不知道对不对?
Very few veteran critics tend to be enamored of  the recent decade in cinema. Nonetheless, based on movie reviews many could easily come to the conclusion that the last ten years were indeed banner ones. Once the province of lettered intellectuals, a few even household names (Pauline Kael comes to mind), the role of the movie critic has been amply filled by those lacking any notable credentials. With this flood of veritable tyros opining from the rafters, a movie’s overall rating—as compiled and tabulated by popular Internet sites–often times confers a(n) mantle of inviolability on a film, an assessment that posterity will most likely deem specious.
banner 一流的
province 领域
household name 家喻户晓的名字
opine from the rafters 这个我不确定。。。太抽象了 字典里也查不到
作者: HelterSkelter    时间: 2014-3-9 17:43:15

想了想,第3空似乎应该是patina of respectability,因为后面接着是assessment,mantle of inviolability说不通
作者: 10月大战GRE    时间: 2014-3-11 12:58:34

HelterSkelter 发表于 2014-3-9 17:43
想了想,第3空似乎应该是patina of respectability,因为后面接着是assessment,mantle of inviolability说 ...

第二次的答案是对的·前几天没上 GTER   THANK YOU!  helter
作者: 10月大战GRE    时间: 2014-3-11 13:03:08

HelterSkelter 发表于 2014-3-9 17:43
想了想,第3空似乎应该是patina of respectability,因为后面接着是assessment,mantle of inviolability说 ...

最后大概是说  时间会给出真相   但我想不清楚的是 最后的ASSESSMENT  是那些 household name 作出的吗?
作者: HelterSkelter    时间: 2014-3-11 13:09:38

本帖最后由 HelterSkelter 于 2014-3-11 16:58 编辑
10月大战GRE 发表于 2014-3-11 13:03
最后大概是说  时间会给出真相   但我想不清楚的是 最后的ASSESSMENT  是那些 household name 作出的吗?

不是啊 household name是资深影评人
那个assessment是贬义的,是those lacking any notable credentials作出的

作者: 10月大战GRE    时间: 2014-3-11 19:39:20

HelterSkelter 发表于 2014-3-11 13:09
不是啊 household name是资深影评人
那个assessment是贬义的,是those lacking any notable credentia ...

哦哦  我本来想表达的就是 ASSESSMENT是那些外行做出的···原来household 是那些资深的人····

作者: 小硕鼠    时间: 2014-3-16 07:22:11

作者: gjxwin    时间: 2014-3-22 20:22:03

小硕鼠 发表于 2014-3-16 07:22

作者: 想做野猫的但只能做家猫的猫    时间: 2016-8-11 23:17:29

from the rafter 意思是坐在位于高处的座位上(通常是便宜的座位),通常没有钱的,没有受过教育的人买这样的座位,opine from the rafter。。出在https://www.reddit.com/r/English ... ipw&sh=6f152d42

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