
标题: 14fall GSAPP MArch.1 申请总结 [打印本页]

作者: jojoalice    时间: 2014-3-18 21:54:44     标题: 14fall GSAPP MArch.1 申请总结

本帖最后由 jojoalice 于 2014-3-18 22:17 编辑



offer: UCLA (23k renewable)
ad: Columbia, UPenn
rej:GSD, Yale, MIT, Berkeley
wl: Cornell

Bachelor of Architecture / RIBA Part1 @ University of Nottingham, UK  GPA:3.3
Exchange Student @ NUS, Singapore
Intern @ Arata Isozaki Shanghai Studio
1.5 Work Experience @ an US Architecture firm - Shanghai office

G: V155 Q160 AW3.0 (AW丢脸丢大了)

3 RLs:
1. Tutor for my undergrad thesis project, teaching at UNott. & UCL & AA
2. Lecturer from UNott.
3. Principal from work who graduate from MIT




这两天看篮球漫画看得多了,不由自主受漫画里面的句式的影响。但是我也明确看到了自己所学和所思的建筑和普遍中国学生的思路是大相庭经的,即越来越清晰什么是我的建筑理念。我理解到diagram的很多好处,就写文章时候的起着起承转合作用的连词,但是却十分受不了扑面而来的满满的diagram。而且非常坚信英国建筑的理念核心,即Narrative 作为建筑的spirit,同时以丰富的structure+material research(tectonic)作为设计的支撑并且很大程度上丰富了设计,(有必要回去翻一下那个理论是谁提出的,architecture = topology + typology + tectonics )。我认为这样的结构在今天的建筑界仍然是不过时的,甚至可以说是中国建筑界急缺的,这个框架是为建筑之本,各种对现代社会/城市的理论分析,信息化时代的新型设计手段,随着科技进步不断能够实现的新型结构和材料技术,are the muscles supporting the framework of contemporary architecture.



In the words said by Dean Mark Wigley (Columbia), the duty of today’s architect is to envision a better life.

作者: dancinglight    时间: 2014-3-18 22:01:00

作者: AlbusKid    时间: 2014-3-18 22:40:35

cong~ 头像原来是一个project
作者: zhouyu123031    时间: 2014-3-18 23:03:47

作者: jojoalice    时间: 2014-3-18 23:14:49

AlbusKid 发表于 2014-3-18 22:40
cong~ 头像原来是一个project

作者: jojoalice    时间: 2014-3-19 09:49:47


Hi Dixin, Chantal, and anyone else who are wondering about Cornell,

Although I did not study architecture at Cornell, I received my BFA from the art department, which is right next door. We shared some of the same workshops, libraries, and galleries. I also had many friends from the architecture department and had taken a couple of classes from there, so I may be able to give a little insight. However, I ultimately cannot make a comparison between Columbia's and Cornell's M. Arch program because I have yet to attended either of them, so take this with a grain of salt.

Cornell, like Columbia, is an amazing school, especially for architecture. Their B. Arch program is consistently ranked 1st in the nation, and their M. Arch is ranked 5th. As a Masters student, you will be using the same facilities and learning from the same professors as the undergrads, so you can't go wrong there. In many ways, Cornell is architecture, so you will get a look of admiration from the other students you meet when you tell them your major. There is a very strong studio culture. You can definitely sense the camaraderie between students. Although you will regularly work late into the night, you will almost never be alone. Cornell's Rand shop is one of the most well equipped, but its small size means that students can have a hard time finding space to work and getting on a machine during the rush before deadlines. I know that Cornell's architecture department offers undergrads the opportunity to join project teams, where they get to design, travel, and construct structures in other countries. It also offers Study in NY and Rome programs to juniors and seniors. I don't know if these opportunity are open to graduate students. The department receives a lot of funding from alumni. In fact, the school has just finished constructing an additional wing by Rem Koolhaas. The department invites a dozen guest speakers a month, and professors regularly ask instructors from Harvard, Yale, Columbia, and other prestigious schools to attend student review sessions. Other than that, the weather is brutal, the food is amazing, and the campus is beautiful.

Of course, I imagine that much of the above can also be said about Columbia. On the flip side, some students have accused Cornell of focusing too much on their undergraduate students, and not enough on they grads. I've heard that Masters students and Bachelors students sometimes take the same classes together, which begs the question of whether the Masters curriculum is really more advanced than the Bachelor's degree curriculum. Columbia's M. Arch program is ranked higher than its B. Arch, so perhaps it wouldn't share this problem. Furthermore, nothing can replace New York City. Even though you can take a campus bus to New York from Ithaca, you don't have the city at your fingertips like you do at Columbia. New York City is the hub of the art and architecture scene. It is where the cutting edge happens. A lot of my friends went to New York after graduation; they didn't stay in Ithaca for a reason.  

Anyway, I hope this helps. Like I said, I don't have any direct experience with either degree, so don't take my word on anything. Do the research. Visit the campus if you can. I wish that you make the right decision for you, no matter what it is. You really can't go wrong with either school. There are plenty of people who are not fortunate enough to have this choice to make. Good luck, and it is an absolute pleasure to meet everybody.

作者: mq198    时间: 2014-3-19 11:17:32

作者: isisxiao    时间: 2014-3-19 16:05:27

作者: Emily兔    时间: 2014-3-19 16:35:25


作者: donchoi    时间: 2014-3-20 00:08:38

architecture = topology + typology + tectonics

作者: tdzb36    时间: 2014-3-20 07:35:08

zhouyu123031 发表于 2014-3-18 23:03

猫叔  决定去哪里没?
作者: 114jyx    时间: 2014-3-20 11:39:25

donchoi 发表于 2014-3-20 00:08
architecture = topology + typology + tectonics

略有印象是佛蘭姆普敦提出的……但一下子也查不出來出 ...

作者: zhouyu123031    时间: 2014-3-20 13:36:17

tdzb36 发表于 2014-3-20 07:35
猫叔  决定去哪里没?

作者: homuncilus    时间: 2014-3-20 15:16:03

作者: jojoalice    时间: 2014-3-21 00:14:28

114jyx 发表于 2014-3-20 11:39

Thanks~ 有印象是Frampton说的,不记得出处了。。
作者: tdzb36    时间: 2014-3-21 07:14:21

zhouyu123031 发表于 2014-3-20 13:36

哈哈  手握几个offer?
作者: jojoalice    时间: 2014-3-21 16:03:48


这里有本介绍Copper Union, GSD, UPenn, Columbia, MIT的studio的书,我刚入手,还没开始读,感觉很不不错~
作者: zhouyu123031    时间: 2014-3-21 16:37:17

jojoalice 发表于 2014-3-21 16:03

这里有本介绍Copper Union, GSD, UPenn, Columbia, MIT的stud ...

嗯这个书不错~ 对mit的media lab印象特别深..哈佛拉mit学工程的人去做技术支持233 还有copper union入学的那一串考试
作者: zhouyu123031    时间: 2014-3-21 16:38:06

tdzb36 发表于 2014-3-21 07:14
哈哈  手握几个offer?

嘿嘿 六个=w=
作者: tdzb36    时间: 2014-3-21 20:12:47

zhouyu123031 发表于 2014-3-21 16:38
嘿嘿 六个=w=

作者: tdzb36    时间: 2014-3-21 20:13:15

jojoalice 发表于 2014-3-21 16:03

这里有本介绍Copper Union, GSD, UPenn, Columbia, MIT的stud ...

作者: jojoalice    时间: 2014-3-22 01:41:57

zhouyu123031 发表于 2014-3-21 16:37
嗯这个书不错~ 对mit的media lab印象特别深..哈佛拉mit学工程的人去做技术支持233 还有copper union入学的 ...

作者: zhouyu123031    时间: 2014-3-22 10:30:43

jojoalice 发表于 2014-3-22 01:41

作者: jojoalice    时间: 2014-3-22 20:42:39

zhouyu123031 发表于 2014-3-22 10:30

作者: kukukumiko    时间: 2014-3-25 12:50:36

作者: kukukumiko    时间: 2014-3-25 12:50:54

作者: cheesis    时间: 2014-3-25 17:40:34

敢问lz 的portfolio的正方对页的尺寸是???
作者: jojoalice    时间: 2014-3-26 23:43:27

cheesis 发表于 2014-3-25 17:40
敢问lz 的portfolio的正方对页的尺寸是???

作者: jojoalice    时间: 2014-3-26 23:52:19

zhouyu123031 发表于 2014-3-21 16:37
嗯这个书不错~ 对mit的media lab印象特别深..哈佛拉mit学工程的人去做技术支持233 还有copper union入学的 ...

cooper union 让我回想起申请本科时候UCL Bartlett的考试,基本跟那个差不多。。。当时我思维僵硬而且没有太多的美术基础,完全不知道从何下手。。。最后就没交fail了。。。

因为跟英国的建筑教学有很多相似的地方,所以对cooper union以及延续其教学的GSAPP感到十分亲切。不知道这种影响的渊源在哪里?是John Hejduk的教学法漂洋过海传到了英国还是怎样...

MIT那段也很神奇,不过media lab估计也比较适合学工程毕业又对视觉传达刚兴趣的学生吧~看到少数派报告里面的那只手套来源于media lab,小激动了一下!
作者: 灿若星海    时间: 2014-3-27 03:04:31

楼主 英国本科3年 是BSC或者BA学位吧 申请到YALE的MARCH 2 不需要B ARCH学位么?
作者: zhouyu123031    时间: 2014-3-27 11:29:56

jojoalice 发表于 2014-3-26 23:52
cooper union 让我回想起申请本科时候UCL Bartlett的考试,基本跟那个差不多。。。当时我思维僵硬而且没有 ...

是嘛 Bartlett本科也是这样考试呀
不过对于高中毕业的孩纸们 感觉确实对思路要求蛮高的
GSAPP老师说cooper union特别喜欢训练学生手绘,猛画直线那种=_=

media lab确实很神奇,什么都做的出的样子
作者: jojoalice    时间: 2014-3-28 11:13:10

zhouyu123031 发表于 2014-3-27 11:29
是嘛 Bartlett本科也是这样考试呀
不过对于高中毕业的孩纸们 感觉确实对思路要求蛮高的
GSAPP老师说co ...

作者: cheesis    时间: 2014-4-3 18:47:00

jojoalice 发表于 2014-3-26 23:43

作者: AliceJTTX    时间: 2014-4-14 21:51:36


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