本人大三党一枚,只考了一次托福渣八十几分,日语N2,材料科学方向。碰碰运气试着申请了前几名的一些大学的研究生,东工大拒绝了,其他没回复,可是九州大学却中了。一来二去我们竟然面试了( ⊙o⊙ ),skype。教授表示,你跟着我吧。。。。。然后说,秘书过几天联系你。现在秘书来了邮件:
I’m xxxx, a secretary of Prof. xxxx's Lab.
Regarding your admission, please prepare the following documents.
(a) Application Form for Research Student (use the form designated by the university)→#1
(b) Resume (use the form designated by the university)→#2
(c) Certificate of Guarantee (use the form designated by the university)→#3
(d) Graduation (or expected graduation) certificate
(e) Photocopy of the bank transfer receipt for payment of screening fee
Screening fee: 9,800 JPY
※#1/#3…Please fill in the blank space I highlighted.
For details, please check the attached file(Application Guide).
Finally, you need to send all the documents to Prof. xxxx by the mail.
But before that, please have person in charge, Ms xxxxxx, confirm the details of your documents.
Her contact information is xxxxxxx
After fill in the document, please contact her.
If there's something you don't know, please free to ask me