amazon.com自营的有一些是可以寄到加拿大的,具体的要check out的时候才知道可不可以,一般国际运费选最便宜的是十几刀,然后还要加上20%左右(大概)的关税,然后美帝的价格优势就没有了。。。而且现在1 US dollar=1.15 Canadian dollar,所以楼主其实还是找美帝的同学代收货吧,然后去美帝玩的时候一次性把货都给人肉回来~作者: hycqy 时间: 2014-4-4 02:15:24
Musers 发表于 2014-4-3 23:03
耳机, 电脑附件, 茶叶及其它一些小物品.
比如, 我想买的一款耳机, 在Amazon.com卖270$, 而在 ...
Amazon has delivery policies to Canada for some items.
In case that items are not shipped to Canada, I don't think you can get it through Amazon. But you can try to ship them to your friends in US then use USPS to send it to Canada. Notice that tax and brokerage fees may apply in this case, that's why I recommend USPS rather than other couriers like UPS, DHL. I ever got a 50CAD brokerage fees from UPS when my friend sent me my headset.