
标题: 关于独立作文论点数量的问题 [打印本页]

作者: 噢GOGO    时间: 2014-4-10 22:20:44     标题: 关于独立作文论点数量的问题

4.19 一战作文求指点
TPO独立写作写了大概十几篇,字数感觉好像上不去,现在一般是400字左右的水平吧。 是这样的,如果就这样的字数的话是写泛泛的写三个论点呢   还是写两个论点例子论证详细一点呢。。。 好纠结啊     还有就是写的时候是想到什么语言句式就直接写呢还是应该斟酌一下换换词语句子好看一点呢。。


题目是 同不同意一下观点 It is better to have broad knowledge of many academic subjects than to specialize in a specific subject

  这是当时写完的样子。 我当时想了三个观点 expand horizon, work efficiently, relax ourselves. 当时写的时候先是开头结尾论点的话先写上这样大概就花了10分钟 然后写完第一段就只剩9分钟了。。 第二个论点一时想不到该怎么写就直接先写第三个点。第三个点也没有想到例子就胡乱扯了一番。。

When it comes to this issue, views vary from person to person. Some people would aver the versatile development of academic pursuit is crucial for students. By contrast, the others say it is more likely to have a greater achievement if students concentrate on a specialized subject. From my personal perspective, I prefer the first standpoint because of some considerations about expanding one's horizon, working more efficiently and enjoy a more relaxing life.
First of all, learning various of different knowledge will broaden our horizons. It has been known by people for a long time that knowledge from other fields will inspire you in what you concentrate. For example, I was constantly confused by a question. That was how to determine the direction of electricity in a magnetic field. I always baffled by whether I should use the right hand or the left hand to determine it, although my physic teacher told us for millions times. One day, I read a math book in which suggested a mathematic model to solve some famous difficulties. Then, after I calculated for about half an hour ,I eventually figured the physic problem out. This is indeed inspired me to use other fields knowledge to figure out some difficulites. Thus, students, of course,  will benefit from learning a wide range knowledge.
Additionally, always concentrate in a single subject, the efficiency of learning and research must be extremly low. Even the most vigorous people would not bear to do the same job for years. For examples,
Finally, learing various of knowledge would help students to relax themselves and enjoy a colorful college life. If a student just learn a specific subject for several years. Can you imagine how tired he would feel? I mean, students is not machines, they need something new to refresh themselves. How tradedy for a student if they can not know something out of his major for whole their college life. And students need to be always motivated, this required them to learn some other knowledge to adjust the monotous major subjects. In a word, Students need some other knowledge to refresh themsevles and keep motivated.  
Admittedly, some magnificent breakthrough in particular academics fields yield from permanent concentrating in specific subject. After all, the more time you put in, the more promising result you might get. Howeve, someone definitely will not always leading in scientific world without a more comprehensive knowledge.

作者: heroic00    时间: 2014-4-10 22:49:22

作者: 噢GOGO    时间: 2014-4-11 11:56:34

heroic00 发表于 2014-4-10 22:49

谢谢版主, 那就是应该接着写下去咯 不管写不写得完那个论点?
作者: copyzero2    时间: 2014-4-11 13:56:09

作者: 噢GOGO    时间: 2014-4-11 16:29:50

copyzero2 发表于 2014-4-11 13:56

THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP   原来是这样哈。。 我一直以为不写三个论点结构就不完整
作者: copyzero2    时间: 2014-4-11 16:39:56

噢GOGO 发表于 2014-4-11 16:29
THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP   原来是这样哈。。 我一直以为不写三个论点结构就不完整

作者: 噢GOGO    时间: 2014-4-11 21:42:30

copyzero2 发表于 2014-4-11 16:39

嘿嘿 原来大神也是这样 那我就安心写两个好了。。

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