
标题: 求助有关阅读的做题方法 [打印本页]

作者: 爱礼丝_信我    时间: 2014-5-4 20:46:07     标题: 求助有关阅读的做题方法

本帖最后由 爱礼丝_信我 于 2014-5-4 20:47 编辑

目前的基础是六级540 还有一个月的时间(6月7日考试) 阅读单项目标8左右

平时练习的情况是:都是先看题目 勾画一些重点词 然后回去看全篇 再对照原文做题
做完核对答案 查生词 分析错题
还有我做题方法是不是也要改进?(不看全篇文章 直接带着问题去文章里面找。。。)

对我来说一篇文章生词量蛮大的 是要单独积累到本子上背单词吗?还是要背单词书?
XD谢谢各位了 劳烦不吝赐教

作者: 晨光倒影    时间: 2014-5-5 21:59:40

作者: 爱礼丝_信我    时间: 2014-5-7 23:15:54

晨光倒影 发表于 2014-5-5 21:59
简单的说一下我的阅读的心得,1.首先是应该看题目的,然后带着问题在原文定位,最好不要每句话都翻译过来分 ...

谢谢你 一字一字认真看完了 特别感谢
最近又摸索了几天 打算这样提高
1、每天都做一个test 争取达到越做越上瘾的状态!
2、开始有意识的积累阅读中的单词了 然后下了手机的拓词 每天背一些
背单词是一个枯燥的过程 但确实是解决了单词很多问题能迎刃而解
过一段时间自己再来反馈一下吧 自己总结记录一下也分享给大家
再次感谢你 我很受教!
作者: lovecathay    时间: 2014-7-13 18:00:29

爱礼丝_信我 发表于 2014-5-7 23:15
谢谢你 一字一字认真看完了 特别感谢
最近又摸索了几天 打算这样提高
1、每天都做一个test 争取达到越做 ...

我和你有相同的问题。速度很慢。  不知道楼主现在是否进步了?是否有什么经验和我分享一下。我也开始准备雅思了。
作者: 爱礼丝_信我    时间: 2014-7-24 15:33:07

lovecathay 发表于 2014-7-13 18:00
我和你有相同的问题。速度很慢。  不知道楼主现在是否进步了?是否有什么经验和我分享一下。我也开始准备 ...

你好 现在我的阅读速度提高了不少 差不多65到70分钟肯定能做完 所以还是有待加强
我自己总结的一点就是还是要多做题 每天一个test是基本的
因为通过做题 不同的题型 题型的顺序 能够自己探索出一套看题阅读做题的模式
然后就是精读 困扰我比较大的是生词 对于我来说语法和长句型只有个别影响理解意思
这只是我一点点抛砖引玉的方法 还在不断的练习和实践中
其实还有一点就是 不管什么方法 一定要先去做 在废墟中建立起框架 而不是坐在那空想 空计划
最后 继续努力 共同进步
作者: lovecathay    时间: 2014-7-24 17:47:18

爱礼丝_信我 发表于 2014-7-24 15:33
你好 现在我的阅读速度提高了不少 差不多65到70分钟肯定能做完 所以还是有待加强
我自己总结的一点就是还 ...

谢谢分享。请问你有用什么资料么? 除了剑桥的。
作者: 爱礼丝_信我    时间: 2014-7-24 20:28:25

lovecathay 发表于 2014-7-24 17:47
谢谢分享。请问你有用什么资料么? 除了剑桥的。

阅读我只用了剑桥 和新东方出的详解系列
作者: 爱礼丝_信我    时间: 2014-7-24 20:29:38

lovecathay 发表于 2014-7-24 17:47
谢谢分享。请问你有用什么资料么? 除了剑桥的。

只用了真题 和XDF的真题详解
朋友有用阅读真经的 但他说里面内容水平参差不齐 所以我没有买
作者: 爱礼丝_信我    时间: 2014-7-24 20:29:56

本帖最后由 爱礼丝_信我 于 2014-7-24 20:31 编辑
lovecathay 发表于 2014-7-24 17:47
谢谢分享。请问你有用什么资料么? 除了剑桥的。

不好意思 服务器抽了 同一条回复了三遍
作者: lovecathay    时间: 2014-7-24 22:59:42

爱礼丝_信我 发表于 2014-7-24 20:29
不好意思 服务器抽了 同一条回复了三遍

作者: 铜豌豆儿    时间: 2015-6-24 15:59:41

作者: WorldAwaits    时间: 2019-3-29 01:08:13

本帖最后由 WorldAwaits 于 2019-3-28 10:10 编辑

Hello! I hope it is okay to respond in English. :p

Worrying about time in IELTS reading is a common and completely warranted fear. It is impossible to read each passage in full and give the requisite attention to the questions.

Use the techniques of skimming and scanning to help you get the score you need. Please understand that these skills require certain procedures in order to be effective. You cannot simply look the passage over, reading words and phrases willy-nilly.

Below are the procedures you should be following in order to effectively skim and scan texts. Practice these skills as much as possible so that they are habitual come test day.

Get a general understanding of the article by skimming.

1. Read the title. It is the most concise summary of the text.

2. Read the first paragraph in full. This paragraph will give you further understanding of what the text is about, along with the author’s style and opinion on the topic.

3. Read the first sentence of each remaining paragraph. This should tell you what the rest of the paragraph is about. However, if the first sentence is a question or part of a short story, you will want to read the last sentence of the paragraph as well.

4. Read any subheadings you find in the text and think about how they are all related. Subheadings serve the same function as the main title and summarize the text that follows them.

5. As you skim each paragraph, look for the following:

Words/phrases that are italic, bold, or underlined. The author made them stand out for a reason.
The answers to who, what, where, when, why, and how
Proper nouns
Superlative adjectives (best, worst, least, etc.)
6. Read the final paragraph in full. This will also provide you with the general idea of the text and the author’s position.

**Remember, as you skim the text, it is very important that you underline key facts, words, and phrases. This will help you locate the information quickly.

Find important information in the text by scanning.

1. Keep focused on the information you are looking for. It is more likely to jump out to you than other information in the text.

2. Consider what you are looking for. A date? A proper noun? A key term? Then scan for the appropriate forms, such as numbers or capitalized words.

3. Use your underlined skimming to lead you to the paragraph or sentence with the correct answer.

4. Once you have found the paragraph or sentence that is likely to contain the answer, read it completely.

5. Repeat

**Remember, scanning requires that you skip over large sections of text. Do not let this freak you out. You are not meant to read more than is necessary

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