
标题: issue9 原稿+重写稿+海量修改稿 [打印本页]

作者: fishergirl    时间: 2004-3-10 22:42:08     标题: ISSUE9 第二篇拙作,敬请拍砖:)

Issue9 Academic disciplines have become so specialized in recent years that scholars' ideas reach only a narrow audience. Until scholars can reach a wider audience, their ideas will have little use.

It seems that the auguer want to convince us that high specialization causes the shrinking of research range, and in addition, the influence of scholars’ ideas, but I can just agree with him partially for the reasons as below.

It is obviously that academic disciplines have become highly specialized in recent years, which means that the fields scholars would put their attention into may be narrower in some degree than before, when science research was not so exquisite and profound. However, it dose not mean that the influence of scholars’ ideas and academic outcomes will be limited at the same time. Take penicillin, one kind of most popular antibiotics, as an example, it has saved millions of people’s life since it was found by Sir Alexander Fleming, notwithstanding its function mechanism and productive procedure is unfamiliar to the public. And also, we can enjoy TV programs despite how the little box is made up, chat with friends through internet disregard why the information can reach them so quickly, drive cars wherever we want to go if only we know where the accelerator and brake lies in. Accordingly, there is no need for the public to understand the abstruse academic knowledge just for taking advantage of the academic outcomes.

Furthermore, many branchs of learning interact with each other more and more thoroughly, which impels the advance of many different realms of science and technology and the emerging of many new interdisciplinary subjects such as Bioinformatics, Biochemistry, Biophysics and so on. These novelties bring new vim to the whole academic circles and lead to even more up-to-date ideas, through which a benign cycle comes into being, and then push the development of science and technology unceasingly. From this point, although academic disciplines have become highly specialized, each single branch of learning amplifies its influence to the whole academic circles through the interaction with others.

Admittedly, the more abstruse the idea is, the narrower the audience it can reach. Although it is no need for the public to understand excessively abstract theories, it may be beneficial for them to have a sketchy acquaintance of them. Hence, if scholars want to propagate their ideas to the public, they have no choice but to simplify and universalize their theories to the standard that can be accepted by ordinary people. A case in point is computor. When the first computer came into being, it was so gigantic and complex that only a few technologists and scientists could operate it, which made people take it as a mystery. This mysterious veil had not been disclosed until the personal computer came into people’s life. Now, everyone can run a computer by means of a little mouse if only he has a simple learning of it. In other words, for the popularization of their ideas, scholars really need to lessen the gap between the specialists and the public. But it dose not mean that only do this can they spread out their thoughts, not to mention the use of those crystal of wisdom.

In conclusion, specialization is the definite tendency of modern academic research, and the interaction of each branch of science and technology is another liability, thus every valuable idea can be developed both in depth and width. Maybe scholars’ ideas reach only a narrow audience, but they can exhibit their usefulness in many other ways.
作者: DriverEntry    时间: 2004-3-10 23:13:49

Issue9 Academic disciplines have become so specialized in recent years that scholars' ideas reach only a narrow audience. Until scholars can reach a wider audience, their ideas will have little use.
It seems that the auguerarguer,有点象ARGU啊,小心和你后面的ARGU重复 want to convince us that high specialization causes the shrinking of research range, and in addition, the influence of scholars’ ideas, but I can just agree with him partially for the reasons as below.

It is obviously that academic disciplines have become highly specialized in recent years, which means that the fields scholars would put their attention into may be这个地方读起来别扭 narrower in some degree than before, when science research was not so exquisite and profound. However, it dose not mean that the influence of scholars’ ideas and academic outcomes will be limited at the same time. Take penicillin, one kind of most popular antibiotics, as an example, it has saved millions of people’s life since it was found by Sir Alexander Fleming, notwithstanding its function mechanism and productive procedure is unfamiliar to the public. And also, we can enjoy TV programs despite how the little box is made up, chat with friends through internet disregard why the information can reach them so quickly, drive cars wherever we want to go if only we know where the accelerator and brake lies in. Accordingly, there is no need for the public to understand the abstruse academic knowledge just for taking advantage of the academic outcomes.

Furthermore, many branchs of learning interact with each other more and more thoroughly, which impels the advance of many different realms of science and technology and the emerging of many new interdisciplinary subjects such as Bioinformatics, Biochemistry, Biophysics and so on. 主题句是学科交叉越来越多?好象有点偏了 These novelties bring new vim to the whole academic circles and lead to even more up-to-date ideas, through which a benign cycle comes into being, and then push the development of science and technology unceasingly. From this point, although academic disciplines have become highly specialized, each single branch of learning amplifies its influence to the whole academic circles through the interaction with others.

Admittedly, the more abstruse the idea is, the narrower the audience it can reach. Although it is no need for the public to understand excessively abstract theories, it may be beneficial for them to have a sketchy acquaintance of them. Hence, if scholars want to propagate their ideas to the public, they have no choice but to simplify and universalize their theories to the standard that can be accepted by ordinary people. A case in point is computorcomputer. When the first computer came into being, it was so gigantic and complex that only a few technologists and scientists could operate it, which made people take it as a mystery. This mysterious veil had not been disclosed until the personal computer came into people’s life. Now, everyone can run a computer by means of a little mouse if only he has a simple learning of it. In other words, for the popularization of their ideas, scholars really need to lessen the gap between the specialists and the public. But it dose not mean that only do this can they spread out their thoughts, not to mention the use of those crystal of wisdom.

In conclusion, specialization is the definite tendency of modern academic research, and the interaction of each branch of science and technology is another liability, thus every valuable idea can be developed both in depth and width. Maybe scholars’ ideas reach only a narrow audience, but they can exhibit their usefulness in many other ways.

PS:MM 发贴说注意标题的格式啊,要ISSUE9这样开头才行 :)

作者: fishergirl    时间: 2004-3-11 08:03:13


作者: dalloway    时间: 2004-3-11 09:57:35

这两天真是快死掉了:mad: :(
作者: aerozxy    时间: 2004-3-11 11:23:59

It seems that the auguer want to convince us that high specialization causes the shrinking of research range, and in addition, the influence of scholars’ ideas, but I can just agree with him partially for the reasons as below.(partially agree最好在开头要说清楚,到底同意什么不同意什么,或者更直接的表明自己的观点

It is obviously (adj.)that academic disciplines have become highly specialized in recent years, which means that the fields scholars would put their attention into may be narrower in some degree than before, when science research was not so exquisite and profound. (这句话语法有点问题,我的建议:Acdemic disciplines have become more and more specialized in recent years, since scholars have paid more attention to their own field and seemed to attrack less audiences )However, it dose not mean that the influence of scholars’ ideas and academic outcomes will be limited at the same time. Take penicillin, one kind of most popular antibiotics, as an example, it has saved millions of people’s life (lives)since it was found by Sir Alexander Fleming, notwithstanding its function (functional)mechanism and productive procedure is unfamiliar to the public. And also, we can enjoy TV programs despite (这个用法不对,用without knowing感觉比较好)how the little box is made up, chat with friends through internet disregard(+ing) why the information can reach them (用transmit 感觉好一点)so quickly, drive cars wherever we want to go if only we know where the accelerator and brake lies in.(好像要把in去掉,因为是用where引导的从句) Accordingly, there is no need for the public to understand the abstruse academic knowledge just for taking advantage of the academic outcomes.

Furthermore, many branchs of learning interact with each other more and more thoroughly, which impels the advance of many different realms of science and technology and the emerging of many new interdisciplinary subjects such as Bioinformatics, Biochemistry, Biophysics and so on. These novelties bring new vim to the whole academic circles and lead to even more up-to-date ideas, through which a benign cycle comes into being, and then push the development of science and technology unceasingly. From this point, although academic disciplines have become highly specialized, each single branch of learning amplifies its influence to the whole academic circles through the interaction with others. (学科交叉应该是个很好的论点,但你论述的重点给人的感觉不太明晰,你的from this point, 我没有看出前后直接的因果关系。学科交叉究竟带来了什么呢?是学科领域的拓宽还是需要扎实的专业知识?应该展开论证。)

Admittedly, the more abstruse the idea is, the narrower the audience it can reach. Although it is no need for the public to understand excessively abstract theories, it may be beneficial for them to have a sketchy acquaintance of them. Hence, if scholars want to propagate their ideas to the public, they have no choice but to simplify and universalize their theories to the standard that can be accepted by ordinary people. A case in point is computor. When the first computer came into being, it was so gigantic and complex that only a few technologists and scientists could operate it, which made people take it as a mystery. This mysterious veil had not been disclosed until the personal computer came into people’s life. Now, everyone can run a computer by means of a little mouse if only he has a simple learning of it. In other words, for the popularization of their ideas, scholars really need to lessen the gap between the specialists and the public. But it dose not mean that only do this can they spread out their thoughts, not to mention the use of those crystal of wisdom.(比较同意DriverEntry的观点,你这段的意识好像是要使专业知识被大众接受应该怎么样。但computer的这个例子举的比较失败,compute本身不算是专业知识,它的运作原理才是。这方面的例子还比较难举,我想了半天也就Einstein给学生们讲述相对论的例子,他拿着电筒??从教室外跑到教室内。。。。。呵呵,具体记不清了)

In conclusion, specialization is the definite tendency of modern academic research, and the interaction of each branch of science and technology is another liability, thus every valuable idea can be developed both in depth and width. Maybe scholars’ ideas reach only a narrow audience, but they can exhibit their usefulness in many other ways.


作者: fishergirl    时间: 2004-3-11 15:30:42


作者: fishergirl    时间: 2004-3-12 00:43:35

Issue9 Academic disciplines have become so specialized in recent years that scholars' ideas reach only a narrow audience. Until scholars can reach a wider audience, their ideas will have little use.

It is obvious that academic disciplines have become highly specialized in recent years, which seems to mean that scholars will pay more and more attention to their own field and lose many audience than before, and in consequence, their ideas will be less useful than expected. But in fact, specialization is not equal to isolation, it will not diminish the influence of scholars’ ideas and their research achievements, moreover, it can bring new vigor to the whole science circles.

First of all, there is no need for the public to understand the abstruse academic knowledge just for taking advantage of the academic outcomes. Take penicillin, one kind of most popular antibiotics, as an example, it has saved millions of people’s life since it was found by Sir Alexander Fleming, notwithstanding its function mechanism and productive procedure is unfamiliar to the public. And also, we can enjoy TV programs without knowing how the little box is made up, chat with friends through internet disregarding why the information can be transmitted so quickly, drive cars wherever we want to go if only we know where the accelerator and brake lies. Accordingly, as an ordinary people, it is enough for him to know that there are many modern science and technology outcomes and then use them conveniently.

In addition, each specialized subject can amplify its influence to the whole academic circles and people’s lives through the interaction and communication with others. No idea can advance singly, hence many branches of learning interact with each other more and more thoroughly, which impels the development of many different realms of science and technology, and also the emerging of many new interdisciplinary subjects such as Bioinformatics, Biochemistry, Biophysics and so on. These novelties bring new vim to the whole academic circles and lead to even more up-to-date ideas, and then push the development of both the whole science and technology and each single branch unceasingly. From this point, a single idea may reach only a narrow audience, but when it meets with other ideas and is integrated with others, its audience becomes wider and wider. (我想说:通过学科之间的交叉,单个学科,单个思想的影响被放大了。)

However, it is really need for some scholars to convey their ideas to the public in some certain fields. Take medical science as an example, if people have some simple knowledge of it, they may avoid many dispensable diseases, such as infection caused by bad health habits, myopia owing to excessively usage of eyes without proper rest, some pulmonary diseases as a result of smoking, and so on. Thus, in such fields, it is required for scholars to propagate their ideas to the public, by means of simplifying and universalizing their theories to the standard that can be accepted by ordinary people. Admittedly, the more abstruse the idea is, the narrower the audience it can reach, so the scholars have no choice but to simplify again and again.

All in a word, specialization is the definite tendency of modern academic research, and the interaction of each branch of science and technology is surely another liability, thus every valuable idea can certainly be developed both in depth and width and accepted by more and more audience. It is unnecessary to worry about whether ideas can reach enough audience or not, not to mention their contribution to the society.

作者: dezhi    时间: 2004-3-12 01:05:26

Issue9 Academic disciplines have become so specialized in recent years that scholars' ideas reach only a narrow audience. Until scholars can reach a wider audience, their ideas will have little use.

It is obvious that academic disciplines have become highly specialized in recent years, which seems to mean that scholars will pay more and more attention to their own field and lose many 比较级,用more audience than before, and in consequence, their ideas will be less useful than expected. But in fact, specialization is not equal to isolation, 这里不用加and吗? it will not diminish the influence of scholars’ ideas and their research achievements,该用句号吧? moreover, it can bring new vigor to the whole science scientific circles.

First of all, there is no need for the public to understand the abstruse academic knowledge just for taking advantage of the academic outcomes. Take penicillin, one kind of the most popular antibiotics, as an example,这个标点... it has saved millions of people’s life lives? since it was found by Sir Alexander Fleming, notwithstanding its function mechanism and productive procedure is unfamiliar to the public. And also, we can enjoy TV programs without knowing how the little box is made up, chat with friends through internet disregarding why the information can be transmitted so quickly, drive cars wherever we want to go if only we know where the accelerator and brake lies lie. Accordingly, as an ordinary people, it is enough for him to know that there are many modern science and technology outcomes and then use them conveniently.

In addition, each specialized subject can amplify its influence to the whole academic circles and people’s lives through the interaction and communication with others. No idea can advance singly, hence many branches of learning interact with each other more and more thoroughly, which impels the development of many different realms of science and technology, and also the emerging of many new interdisciplinary subjects such as Bioinformatics, Biochemistry, Biophysics and so on. These novelties bring new vim to the whole academic circles and lead to even more up-to-date ideas, and then push the development of both the whole science and technology and each single branch unceasingly. From this point, a single idea may reach only a narrow audience, but when it meets with other ideas and is integrated with others, its audience becomes wider and wider. (我想说:通过学科之间的交叉,单个学科,单个思想的影响被放大了。)

However, it is really need 别扭,不如用necessary for some scholars to convey their ideas to the public in some certain fields. Take medical science as an example, if people have some simple knowledge of it, they may avoid many dispensable diseases, such as infection caused by bad health habits, myopia owing to excessively usage of eyes without proper rest, some pulmonary diseases as a the? result of smoking, and so on. Thus, in such fields, it is required for scholars to propagate their ideas to the public, by means of simplifying and universalizing their theories to the standard that can be accepted by ordinary people. Admittedly, the more abstruse the idea is, the narrower the audience it can reach, so the scholars have no choice but to simplify again and again.

All in a word, specialization is the definite tendency of modern academic research, and the interaction of each branch of science and technology is surely another liability, thus every valuable idea can certainly be developed both in depth and width and accepted by more and more audience. It is unnecessary to worry about whether ideas can reach enough audience or not, not to mention their contribution to the society.
作者: dezhi    时间: 2004-3-12 01:13:24

作者: fishergirl    时间: 2004-3-12 07:50:44

:o 收到!


作者: dezhi    时间: 2004-3-12 08:50:45

作者: genie05    时间: 2004-3-12 08:52:15

最初由 dalloway 发布
这两天真是快死掉了:mad: :( [/B]

复习考试,注意休息调整。心态最重要。 ;)
作者: fishergirl    时间: 2004-3-12 09:20:03

最初由 dezhi 发布

作者: fishergirl    时间: 2004-3-12 09:22:57

最初由 genie05 发布
[B]复习考试,注意休息调整。心态最重要。 ;) [/B]

:( 失望啊,我还以为你帮我改作文呢。

不过休息好和心态好的确非常重要,dalloway一定要注意身体啊 :)
作者: dezhi    时间: 2004-3-12 10:35:24

可能就是对amplify its influence觉得有些难以理解吧,噢,改成扩大或深化影响比较好,好像amplify就有扩大的意思,有吗?扩大还是放大?好像差不多,这么说,~~~~~~~汗~~~~~~~~语无伦次~~~~~~
作者: fishergirl    时间: 2004-3-12 15:48:31


作者: dezhi    时间: 2004-3-13 01:59:03

作者: fishergirl    时间: 2004-3-13 09:57:33

作者: fishergirl    时间: 2004-3-13 09:59:40

作者: dalloway    时间: 2004-3-16 20:40:14

It is obvious that academic disciplines have become highly specialized in recent years, which seems to mean (seem,mean有些重复)that scholars will pay more and more attention to their own field and lose many audience than before, and in consequence, their ideas will be less useful than expected. But in fact, specialization is not equal to isolation, it will not diminish the influence of scholars’ ideas and (their) research achievements, moreover, it can bring(改为infuse之类的词是否能形象些?) new vigor to the whole science circles.

First of all, there is no need for the public to understand the abstruse academic knowledge just for taking advantage of the academic outcomes. Take penicillin, one kind of most popular antibiotics, as an example,(把举例和具体描述拆成两句话吧。) it has saved millions of people’s life since(it was) found by Sir Alexander Fleming, notwithstanding its function mechanism and productive procedure is unfamiliar to the public. And also, we can enjoy TV programs without knowing how the little box is made up, chat with friends through internet disregarding why the information can be transmitted so quickly, drive cars wherever we want to go if only we know where the accelerator and brake lies. Accordingly, as an ordinary people, it is enough for him to know that there are many modern science and technology outcomes and then use them conveniently.
题目说得是scholar,第一段怎么变成很多ordinary people的举例了?不妨就照一个青霉素的点展开写写。
In addition, each specialized subject can amplify its influence to the whole academic circles and people’s lives through the interaction and communication with others. No idea can advance singly, hence many branches of learning interact with each other more and more thoroughly, which impels the development of many different realms of science and technology, and also the emerging of many new interdisciplinary subjects such as Bioinformatics, Biochemistry, Biophysics and so on.(前面加上,以生物学为例) These novelties bring new vim to the whole academic circles and lead to even more up-to-date ideas, and then push the development of both the whole science and technology and each single branch unceasingly. From this point, a single idea may reach only a narrow audience, but when it meets with other ideas and is integrated with others, its audience becomes wider and wider. (我想说:通过学科之间的交叉,单个学科,单个思想的影响被放大了。)

However, it is really need(词性) for some scholars to convey their ideas to the public in some certain fields. Take medical science as an example, if people have some simple knowledge of it, they may avoid many dispensable diseases, such as infection caused by bad health habits, myopia owing to excessively usage of eyes without proper rest, some pulmonary diseases as a result of smoking, and so on. Thus, in such fields, it is required for scholars to propagate their ideas to the public, by means of simplifying and universalizing their theories to the standard that can be accepted by ordinary people. Admittedly, the more abstruse the idea is, the narrower the audience it can reach, so the scholars have no choice but to simplify again and again.

All in a word, specialization is the (a或者one of) definite tendency of modern academic research, and the interaction of each branch of science and technology is surely another liability, thus every valuable idea can certainly be developed both in depth and width and accepted by more and more audience. It is unnecessary to worry about whether ideas can reach enough audience or not, not to mention their contribution to the society.

作者: dalloway    时间: 2004-3-16 20:42:23

最初由 genie05 发布
[B]复习考试,注意休息调整。心态最重要。 ;) [/B]

谢谢genie的关心,上周的事情真是冲击波一波又一波的,郁闷坏了,这周好多了。 :p
作者: fishergirl    时间: 2004-3-17 09:48:32




作者: jermy    时间: 2004-3-17 10:00:23

作者: fishergirl    时间: 2004-3-17 10:35:31

作者: feier521    时间: 2004-3-17 11:03:27

fishergirl 也很火嘛?
作者: fishergirl    时间: 2004-3-17 11:15:46

最初由 feier521 发布
[B]fishergirl 也很火嘛?
:) [/B]

最近写作文停滞不前,很上火啊 :D
作者: feier521    时间: 2004-3-17 11:25:20

作者: fishergirl    时间: 2004-3-17 11:37:34




作者: dalloway    时间: 2004-3-17 12:24:56

作者: fishergirl    时间: 2004-3-17 12:59:56

作者: lovebrian    时间: 2004-3-17 13:06:04     标题: 不是吧?这么热?万人迷啊?

作者: fishergirl    时间: 2004-3-17 13:37:52



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