
标题: ISSUE 1/62求批,求交流!! [打印本页]

作者: sherry_luo    时间: 2014-5-25 20:50:20     标题: ISSUE 1/62求批,求交流!!

本帖最后由 sherry_luo 于 2014-5-26 19:01 编辑

Leaders are created by the demands that are placed on them.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or
disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you
take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in
which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these
considerations shape your position.

issue 62 提纲

1.Who is a leader? Followed by others due to his charisma and ability to guide people in the right direction. Also need to responde efficiently to people’s needs.

2.Attack on the Assumption: A leader’s charisma and ability is shaped by demands placed on him.



The statement asserts that the demands placed on them are what make an individual a leader. Before pondering whether this statement holds true, we should take a quick reflection on who is a leader. Surely we might consider Roosvelt, an outstanding politician who encouraged Americans not to lose hope and revived the moribund economic situation of America in 1930s thus met the demands of his people for social well-being, and Steve Jobs, a maverick that catered the appeal for aesthetics in electronic devices and initiated the fashion of touchscreen phone, as leaders. Thus, we can convincingly conclude that a leader is a person who is followed by others due to his charisma and his capability to lead people in the right direction. Meanwhile, he has to meet the demands of his followers. All these properties contribute to the prerequisite of a leader.

The statement refers to the demands placed on them as a cause for the creation of leaders. The assumption is that the charisma and the ability to lead for the right of a leader, as well as his efficient response to followers’ requirement, are necessarily shaped by these demands. Admittedly, demands give leaders a chance to show their insight, integrity, confidence, enthusiasm, accountability and determination when they encounter major and minor stress. Had there not been the Great Depression, Roosvelt might have been a nobody, lost in the history. Furthermore, he who has embraced the needs of people grasps the heart of them. For example, if Steve Jobs did not chase after the perfect combination of aesthetic demands with iPhones, iPads and Macs, Apple Company would not hold the biggest market share in the field of electronic devices. Demands from people do influence the leadership significantly.

However, demands alone provide no guarantee that an individual will surely become a leader, given that virtues required for a leader, such as composure, decisiveness and genuine superstar charisma, are indeed lie in his own idiosyncrasy. Faced with heavy burdens from others’ hope, his reaction, whether confrontation or escapism, impulsiveness or calmness, temerity or prudence, and so on, is to a large extent, dependent on his intelligence and characteristics. Individuals that tend to face adversity with a positive attitude and with a level head might respond to others’ expectations, especially those that bring colossal psychological pressure, with more reasonable reaction, looking for a eclectic strategy that meet the needs based on his ability; on the contrary, individuals tending to face plight with a negative attitude and with emotional instability might choose to run away under the overwhelming stress. Consider Dr. Martin Luther King, who advocated that “Violence never brings permanent peace”, beamed his enthusiasm to supporters by way of impassioned addresses and continued fearless fighting until he died, and finally won the populace’s applause and regarded as the Reformation leader.

In conclusion, leadership is not only created by the demands placed on them, but also by the inborn aptitude of the individual. Either factor alone can not nourish a fully-developed and qualified leader.
1 As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

Issue1 提纲
1.Technology has dramatically changed our life, especially during the past centurary.
-Example: everyday life-planes (less than 80days); work-related: computer; entertainment-iMAX technology; medical-CT angiography, won’t miss a micro aneurysm in the aortic.
A:旅行速度变快,超过Jules Verne
2. Our increasingly reliance on technology, technology seems to undermine our ability to think for ourselves.
-For example, without A,B, C, D, people have to think about… To conclude that this reliance on tech impedes the process of thinking on our own seems plausible.
3. However, this reliance does not necessarily do harm to the creativity of human species.
-make it possible for human to handle more thorny problems.
-tech itself create new problems.
4. Moreover, technology promotes imagination, which is a feature of the human species to think for themselves.
-Example: youtube-imaginative micro-film.
-Example: X-ray tomography and ocean acoustic tomography.
-YOUTUBE-micro films
5. Technology enables us to think more insightful and thus provides hope for the survival of the very species.
-immunological tech-breast cancer vaccine
6. Technology advancement seem, to some extend, impede the ability to think for ourselves as the speaker claims. However, it is technology advancement that enables us to tackle old and new problems, prompts human imagination and eventually provides the hope for the survival of the very species.


The statement links technology negatively to capability of human to think freely. Admittedly, technological advancement, especially during the period of last century, has cast drastic influence on our ways of living. A cursory examination on daily scenarios serves better to reflect the revolutionary role technology played. New pairs cost less than 80 days to travel around the around the world on their honeymoon, which was simply a fantasy in 19th century according to Jules Verne. Chances are high that a teacher uses the internet resources to prepare for his or her lesson. As for medical devices, the application of CT angiography won’t give the chance to a physician to miss a micro aneurysm. Each of these scenarios is unimaginable during the past century.

The statement attempts to connect technology with the loss of people’s ability to think for themselves. Surely our increasing reliance on technology seems to undermine this capability, for the need to think appears unnecessary. Had there not been the convenient and speedy transportation, couples on honeymoon would have had to come up with alternatives for planes and so forth; not been internet resources, teachers would have been forced to look up for paper articles and other resources; not been CT angiography, physicians would have diagnosed patients with other primitive ways. To conclude that free thinking will surely be impeded by technology seems to be safe.

However, technology indeed does not necessarily do harm to human’s creativity. On the one hand, with old problems solved, new issue created by the technology itself might follow up. For example, the booming of internet industry is surely introduce flood of information rubbish into our everyday life, and risks propagation of viruses and malwares. Consequently, new problems are generated with the increasingly intensive concern for a green virtual environment and for information safety. Solutions to ameliorate these involved problems require internet and software engineers to think independently and creatively. On the other hand, technology will liberate humanity to handle new problems. Consider the case of a teacher using internet resources for preparing lessons, in which technology serves to free up the teacher to provide individualized attention for students.

In contrast to the statement, technology does unfetter the bondage of imagination, which is considered to be the feature of independent thinking. Consider how YouTube triggers a fashion among youngsters to create and upload microfilms, some of them even winning millions of eyes. Technology in certain field can inspires scientists in another field. It is X-ray tomography, based on the principal that three dimensional images of the body’s interior will be formed when X-ray carrying information passes through the body with density variation, that leaded to the invention of ocean acoustic tomography, which utilizes the property of sound waves similar to that of X-ray.

Moreover, technology helps us think more insightful and provides hope for survival of the very species. Breast cancer has become the top one killer of women recent years. It is the development of immunological technology that forms the foundation of effectual breast cancer vaccines, bringing a hopeful sign in fighting against the deadly disease.

Looking back, the history of advancement in technology is also a history of progress in the ability of thinking for our own. In fact, technology does not necessarily threaten this ability; on the contrary, it not only incites human to imagine liberally, but also provides hope for human survival. We need to embrace and learn to appreciate the numerous possibilities that technology provide us to enhance human imagination.

作者: Emerald    时间: 2014-6-27 00:27:24

作者: sherry_luo    时间: 2014-6-30 01:07:15

Emerald 发表于 2014-6-27 00:27


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