
标题: issue196 一标准反面教材 [打印本页]

作者: lovebrian    时间: 2004-3-15 21:25:17     标题: issue196 [b]大家来打靶吧~~~~~~~[/b]

196 "Technology creates more problems than it solves, and may threaten or damage the quality of life."
196. 科技产生的问题多于所解决的,可能威胁或降低人们的生活质量。

Position disagree with concession




As the development of technology, more problems are solved but new problems appear.  Thus, some people as the speaker claim that technology creates more problems than it solves, and may threaten or damage the quality of life.  In my point of view, technology solves more problems than it brings for our daily lives are turning better and better owing to technology though it creates some new problems.

First, technology solves a host of problems which makes people's lives change much better than before.  Technology, which affects even in every fields of our society and it also plays a more important role that may  be a necessary kind of tool used more frequently, solves a considerable of problems such as diseases curing, traveling and transportation, education, and so on.  Nowadays, people can not live without technology at all, so to speak, technology is always everywhere around like the air.  People watch TV, travel among webs, make dialogues by phones or cellphones, and cook with a micro-wave oven and so on.  By such various sorts of instruments of technology, it is getting more convenient and comfortable for human's life.  For example, the new kind of industry, E-business has made its great success to come to us.  One can select things which they want to buy on the web and input the VISA number to pay for the goods whatever are wanted whether books or a Hummer.  And it will be soon to receive things you bought which should be sent to your home with perfect service.  Accordingly, technology has done a great deal for human's lives.

Second, in modern times, technology is the main method for people to improve our societies that should not be abandoned.  As the further leader, great politician of China, Den Xiaoping once said that technology is the first productivity.  It means that technology has become the engine power of the improving of modern societies and that more and more competitions at many levels-from companies to countries-are based on a technological level at which technology itself is the only key to judge who win and who lose.  The technology goes, and then human race goes after it though technology is like a little kid of human.  Since it is so weighty, people would never abandon it in that people would never desire slowing our development.

Admittedly, as a coin has two sides, technology can not avoid being such a two-edged sword which also may bring in negative problems.  Such as environmental pollutions, cyber crimes, and even bigger problem, for example, people are changing lonelier but few words.  These problems are born after their positive sides which do put lots of people in mires sometimes.  But we should not deny technology for such reasons, if we do so, we would deny everything at the same reason that there are negative sides.  We people, the lord of the world with high intelligence, should make it a better world with the help of technology and, of course, solve these problems as possible as we can.

To sum up, technology, only an instrument, should be used more properly and sufficiently with right purposes with an eye to decreasing its negative points and doing more and more contributions to our world.

作者: sniper613    时间: 2004-3-15 21:45:28

196 "Technology creates more problems than it solves, and may threaten or damage the quality of life."
196. 科技产生的问题多于所解决的,可能威胁或降低人们的生活质量。

Position disagree with concession




As the development of technology, more problems are solved but new problems appear. Thus, some people as the speaker claim that technology creates more problems than it solves, and may threaten or damage the quality of life. In my point of view, technology solves more problems than it brings for our daily lives are turning better and better owing to technology though it creates some new problems.

First, technology solves a host of problems, which makes people's lives change(become) much better than before. Technology, which affects even in every fields of our society and it also plays a more important role that may be a necessary kind of tool used more frequently, solves a considerable of problems such as diseases curing, traveling and transportation, education, and so on. Nowadays, people cannot live without technology at all, so to speak, technology (like the air) is always everywhere around (like the air). People watch TV, travel among webs, make dialogues by phones or cellphones(mobile phone or cell phone), and cook with a micro-wave oven and so on. By such various sorts of instruments of technology, it is getting more convenient and comfortable for human's life. For example, the new kind of industry, E-business has made its great success to come to(benefit) us. One can select things which they want to buy on the web and input the VISA number to pay for the goods whatever are wanted whether books or a Hummer. And it will be soon to receive things you bought which should be sent to your home with perfect service. Accordingly, technology has done a great deal for human's lives.(论述清晰,例子也很恰当)

Second, in modern times, technology is the main method for people to improve our societies that should not be abandoned. As the further leader, great politician of China, Den Xiaoping once said that technology is(主语时态?) the first productivity.(power of producing) It means that technology has become the engine power of the improving of modern societies and that more and more competitions at many levels-from companies to countries-are based on a technological level at which technology itself is the only key to judge who win and who lose. The technology goes, and then human race goes after it though technology is like a little kid of human. Since it is so weighty, people would never abandon it in that people would never desire slowing our development.

Admittedly, as a coin has two sides, technology cannot avoid being such a two-edged sword, which also may bring in negative problems. Such as environmental pollutions, cyber crimes, and even bigger problem, for example, people are changing lonelier but few words.(Why? You know and I know, but it is also necessary to expatiate it.) These problems are born after their positive sides, which do put lots of people in mires sometimes. But we should not deny technology for such reasons, if we do so, we would deny everything at the same reason that there are negative sides. We people, the lord of the world with high intelligence, should make it a better world with the help of technology and, of course, solve these problems as possible as we can.(911的例子我觉得更好)

To sum up, technology, only an instrument, should be used more properly and sufficiently with right purposes with an eye to decreasing its negative points(I cannot find the evidences to support this statement in your essay) and doing more and more contributions to our world.

写的很好,只是一些minor mistakes,  最后一段不要过于发展,把前面的话重述一下就是了
作者: lovebrian    时间: 2004-3-15 21:49:12

哈哈 谢谢sniper兄弟!写得很郁闷地说~~~鼓励好及时阿~~~~~问题指得很对~~~~呵呵~~高兴!再次感谢拉    btw我觉得我不太会举例子~~~汗!!
作者: lovebrian    时间: 2004-3-15 21:53:04

还有个问题~~~~名人说的话里面 内容如果属于公认的事实~~`是不是可以用现在时态呢?我印象中好像是这样的!
作者: xqmelissa    时间: 2004-3-15 22:00:05

作者: lovebrian    时间: 2004-3-15 22:01:25

作者: imong    时间: 2004-3-15 22:25:01


Technology, which affects even in every fields of our society and it also plays a more important role that may be a necessary kind of tool used more frequently, solves a considerable of problems such as ...

b3更是纯属beg the question,admit一大堆之后瞧瞧你怎么解释的:But we should not deny technology for such reasons, if we do so, we would deny everything at the same reason that there are negative sides. We people, the lord of the world with high intelligence, should make it a better world with the help of technology and, of course, solve these problems as possible as we can.这算什么解释?既然你认为solve more than create就干脆一比一对着数,或者指出来create是solve得什么什么关系,等等。这一段算什么?

作者: xqmelissa    时间: 2004-3-15 22:31:32



作者: lovebrian    时间: 2004-3-15 22:32:17

最初由 imong 发布
[B]Technology, which affects even in every fields of our society and it also plays a more important role that may be a necessary kind of tool used more frequently, solves a considerable of problems such as ...

b3更是纯属beg the question,admit一大堆之后瞧瞧你怎么解释的:But we should not deny technology for such reasons, u]if we do so, we would deny everything at the same reason that there are negative sides. We people, the lord of the world with high intelligence, should make it a better world with the help of technology and, of course, solve these problems as possible as we can.这算什么解释?既然你认为solve more than create就干脆一比一对着数,或者指出来create是solve得什么什么关系,等等。这一段算什么?


这篇文章觉得好~~~写   因为是常识~~~写起来就发现问题了
b3  beg question 了阿~~~~我想想该怎么写~~~

bow bow  呵呵~~~~改好了明天再贴来!
作者: juliozhao    时间: 2004-3-15 22:43:44

196 "Technology creates more problems than it solves, and may threaten or damage the quality of life."
196. 科技产生的问题多于所解决的,可能威胁或降低人们的生活质量。

Position disagree with concession




As the development of technology, more problems are solved but new problems appear. Thus, some people as the speaker claim that technology creates more problems than it solves, and may threaten or damage the quality of life. In my point of view, technology solves more problems than it brings for our daily lives are turning better and better owing to technology though it creates some new problems.

First, technology solves a host of problems which makes people's lives change much better than before. Technology, which affects even in every fields of our society and it also plays a more important role that may be a necessary kind of tool used more frequently, solves a considerable of problems such as diseases curing, traveling and transportation, education, and so on. Nowadays, people can not live without technology at all, so to speak, technology is always everywhere around like the air. People watch TV, travel among webs, make dialogues by phones or cellphones, and cook with a micro-wave oven and so on. By such various sorts of instruments of technology, it is getting more convenient and comfortable for human's life. For example, the new kind of industry, E-business has made its great success to come to us. One can select things which they want to buy on the web and input the VISA number to pay for the goods whatever are wanted whether books or a Hummer. And it will be soon to receive things you bought which should be sent to your home with perfect service. Accordingly, technology has done a great deal for human's lives.   (感觉用新旧对比的说是不是好一点)

Second, in modern times, technology is the main method for people to improve our societies that should not be abandoned. As the further leader, great politician of China, Den Xiaoping     (是不是应该按照英语的写法啊???)  once said that technology is the first productivity. It means that technology has become the engine power of the improving of modern societies and that more and more competitions at many levels-from companies to countries-are based on a technological level at which technology itself is the only key to judge who win and who lose. The technology goes, and then human race goes after it though technology is like a little kid of human. Since it is so weighty, people would never abandon it in that people would never desire slowing our development.

Admittedly, as a coin has two sides, technology can not avoid being such a two-edged sword which also may bring in negative problems. Such as environmental pollutions, cyber crimes, and even bigger problem, for example, people are changing lonelier but few words. These problems are born after their positive sides which do put lots of people in mires sometimes. But we should not deny technology for such reasons, if we do so, we would deny everything at the same reason that there are negative sides.   (We people, the lord of the world with high intelligence, should make it a better world with the help of technology and, of course, solve these problems as possible as we can.)怎么写到那去了,一定是看了THE LORD OF THE RING:THE RETURN  OF THE KING :D

To sum up, technology, only an instrument, should be used more properly and sufficiently with right purposes with an eye to decreasing its negative points and doing more and more contributions to our world.

作者: sniper613    时间: 2004-3-15 22:44:58

如: People in the 18th century said the Earth moves around the Sun.
作者: lovebrian    时间: 2004-3-15 22:47:45

最初由 juliozhao 发布
[B][QUOTE]196 "Technology creates more problems than it solves, and may threaten or damage the quality of life."
196. 科技产生的问题多于所解决的,可能威胁或降低..

以下省略...... [/B]

哈哈 lord是写过了 的确是看那个看得~~哈哈

感谢你啊~~你的id 我很熟悉了
作者: lovebrian    时间: 2004-3-15 22:48:31

最初由 sniper613 发布
如: People in the 18th century said the Earth moves around the Sun. [/B]

作者: lovebrian    时间: 2004-3-15 22:50:47

最初由 xqmelissa 发布



以下省略...... [/B]

作者: imong    时间: 2004-3-15 22:57:35

一会儿melissa的文章出来大家往死了掐就是 :cool:
作者: xqmelissa    时间: 2004-3-15 23:06:55

:(  :(  :(




作者: lovebrian    时间: 2004-3-16 13:20:32     标题: 自己给猛掐了一下~~~唉~一会儿重写

196 "Technology creates more problems than it solves, and may threaten or damage the quality of life."
196. 科技产生的问题多于所解决的,可能威胁或降低人们的生活质量。

Position disagree with concession

As the development of technology, more problems are solved but new problems appear. Thus, some people as the speaker claim that technology creates more problems than it solves, and may threaten or damage the quality of life. In my point of view, technology solves more problems than it brings for our daily lives are turning better and better owing to technology though it creates some new problems.

First, technology solves a host of problems which makes people's lives change much better than before. Technology, which affects(vt 超低级错误) even in every fields of our society and it also plays a more important role that may be a necessary kind of tool used more frequently, solves a considerable of problems such as diseases curing, traveling and transportation, education, and so on(科技的作用 科技无处不在). Nowadays, people can not live without technology at all, so to speak, technology is always everywhere around like the air. (是在说科技无处不在)People watch TV, travel among webs, make dialogues by phones or cellphones, and cook with a micro-wave oven and so on. (这些工具是人生活方便和舒适)By such various sorts of instruments of technology, it is getting more convenient and comfortable for human's life. (举例说明方便)For example, the new kind of industry, E-business has made its great success to come to us. One can select things which they want to buy on the web and input the VISA number to pay for the goods whatever are wanted whether books or a Hummer. And it will be soon to receive things you bought which should be sent to your home with perfect service. Accordingly, technology has done a great deal for human's lives.
ts是说科技解决了很多问题 改善了人们的生活 然而段落在说科技无处不在和科技给人类带来的方便 -----没有提及解决问题!是人类生活方便是否等价于解决了问题?!

Second, in modern times, technology is the main method for people to improve our societies that should not be abandoned.(引证:科技是第一生产力) As the further leader, great politician of China, Den Xiaoping once said that technology is the first productivity. It means that technology has become the engine power of the improving of modern societies and that more and more competitions at many levels-from companies to countries-are based on a technological level at which technology itself is the only key to judge who win and who lose. The technology goes, and then human race goes after it though technology is like a little kid of human. Since it is so weighty, people would never abandon it in that people would never desire slowing our development.这一段感觉还可以~

Admittedly, as a coin has two sides, technology can not avoid being such a two-edged sword which also may bring in negative problems. Such as environmental pollutions, cyber crimes, and even bigger problem, for example, people are changing lonelier but few words. These problems are born after their positive sides which do put lots of people in mires sometimes(以上承认了科技是双刃剑,带来很多问题). (观点是:不应当否认科技--然后应当写为什么不应该否认科技,科技的正面,以及否认了会怎么样){But we should not deny technology for such reasons, if we do so, we would deny everything at the same reason that there are negative sides这一部分beg the question了~~~~切忌!}.{ We people, the lord of the world with high intelligence, should make it a better world with the help of technology and, of course, solve these problems as possible as we can.完全不相关}在让步之后的转折中,没有符合ts

To sum up, technology, only an instrument, should be used more properly and sufficiently with right purposes with an eye to decreasing its negative points and doing more and more contributions to our world.


作者: lovebrian    时间: 2004-3-17 12:48:24

to ymlu

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