官方解析:["notwithstanding"implies that she is displaying some negative emotion, since the word contrast with what comes after the comma ("spoke directly and..")
A and B are tempting, but they are not the same thing. to cower is to express fear. to bristle is to express anger.
Both C and E are the opposite of speaking directly, making them perfect answers.]
版友解析:vacillate是犹豫摇摆的意思。Merriam-Webster上解释 to waver in mind, will, or feeling : hesitate in choice of opinions or courses,要在几个不尽管当记者公然地刺探她的个人生活时参议员会支吾其词,但当谈到和她的社会角色相关的问题时,她却总是直言不讳。
vacillate容易错选,它虽然有犹豫踌躇的意思,但是却定义为:"If you vacillate between two alternatives or choices, you keep changing your mind.“ 因此指的是在有选择的情况下犹犹豫豫,摇摆不定,和题目内容不符。
cower的意思虽然有胆小,退缩,乍一看也可以带入原文,但它的意思是:”to lower your head or body in fear , often while moving backwards“,因此是肢体上的行为,显然在这里用起来就略显滑稽和不妥。
作者: skyrebecca 时间: 2014-7-1 19:13:08
Nothwithstanding说明前后两句是转折的关系,与后面spoke directly and candidly相对立,所以应该是CE,speaking evasively和prevaricate支吾其词的作者: mihuecho 时间: 2014-7-1 20:11:26
前半句和后半句是转折关系,答案是与spoke directly and candidly意思相反的词。另外从句意推测,填空处可能是回避、闪躲、拒绝回答的意思,首先选了speak evasively,查词典知道prevaricate是to deviate from the truth,也很合适,答案同上...作者: quanf 时间: 2014-7-1 21:07:53
notwithstanding, 表示前后转折。personal life 对 public role. evasive speaking and prevaricate 对direct and candid. 作者: 存心荷福 时间: 2014-7-1 21:16:21
我觉得vacillate和cower比较迷惑。vacillate是犹豫摇摆的意思。Merriam-Webster上解释 to waver in mind, will, or feeling : hesitate in choice of opinions or courses,要在几个不同选项上摇摆不定...这里议员没有选择行为,所以排除。cower是胆小害怕懦弱的意思。句子后面可以看出议员本身对于公共事务是直白的,并没有意群和胆大胆小相对应,所以也不是最佳选项。作者: xiaogalayy 时间: 2014-7-1 21:16:59
Not withstanding her tendency to____ when journalists' questions blatantly pried into her personal life, the senator always spoke directly and candidly on issues relating to her public role.
not withstanding是表示句子前后意思的转折对比意味,因而,要根据后半句里的spoke directly and candidly填出前半句的中表示相反意思的词。
cower[v]畏缩,抖缩;bristle[v]怒不可遏/充满;speak evasively[ad]推诿地;vacillate[v]犹豫;prevaricate[v]支吾其词,撒谎;elaborate[v]仔细说明。
vacillate容易错选,它虽然有犹豫踌躇的意思,但是却定义为:"If you vacillate between two alternatives or choices, you keep changing your mind.“ 因此指的是在有选择的情况下犹犹豫豫,摇摆不定,和题目内容不符。
cower的意思虽然有胆小,退缩,乍一看也可以带入原文,但它的意思是:”to lower your head or body in fear , often while moving backwards“,因此是肢体上的行为,显然在这里用起来就略显滑稽和不妥。作者: 李煜sunny 时间: 2014-7-1 22:49:37
应该是和spoke directly and candidly相对应。答案是CE,但自己选的时候还是选错了。作者: kathykathy~~~ 时间: 2014-7-1 22:55:05