
标题: 2014年7月学习小组"雅思写作互改小组" [打印本页]

作者: a13254    时间: 2014-7-1 20:56:53     标题: 2014年7月学习小组"雅思写作互改小组"

本帖最后由 a13254 于 2014-8-1 08:35 编辑

作业题目和分组信息(分组顺序都是A→BC......NA   即A改B,B改C, N改A)想加入小组的同学,直接在本帖回帖上缴作业即可。作业文件名需要包括自己的名字和日期。


Films and video games that contain violence are popular with young people today. Some people think that these films and video games should be banned, while others believe that they are harmless entertainment. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

小菜2015(157楼)-> wddbest(158楼)->  princess谜(161楼)->  枣子_ (162楼)-> karen小心(163楼)->小菜2015(157楼)
Some people think that we live in a consumer society where money and possessions are given too much importance. Others, however, believe that consumer culture plays an important role in improving our lives. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Nowadays the news media have greater influence on people’s ideas and opinions than in the past. Why is this the case? Is this a positive or negative development?

karen小心(136楼)- wddbest(137楼)-princess谜(138楼)-小菜2015(140楼)
task 1:Map[attach]330486[/attach]

karen小心(113楼)- ninicn(115楼)- wddbest(116楼)
Schools should only provide subjects that are beneficial to students’ future careers. Other subjects, such as art and sports, are not important. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

karen小心(99楼)->酷酷的雷(106楼)-> 小菜2015(107楼)->princess谜(108楼)
Some people think that parents should spend time reading or telling stories to their children, while others think that children should read by themselves from other sources, such as books, magazines and the Internet. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

karen小心(81L)-> princess谜(82L)->小菜2015(85L)->冬菇猫(87L)->fighter519(90L)
In many countries, the proportion of elderly people in the population is increasing. What problems will this cause for individuals and society as a whole? Suggest some solutions.

task 1:[attach]317273[/attach]

wddbest(46楼) ->karen小心(47楼)->princess谜(50楼)-> 冬菇猫(54楼) -> fighter519 (56楼)
Good health is a basic human need. Some people think that healthcare services should be provided by the government rather than by private companies. Do you agree or disagree?

wddbest(31楼) ->princess谜(42楼)->fighter519(44楼)->karen小心(45楼)
International sports events can help to reduce the tension and prejudice between countries. Do you agree or disagree?

Some people believe that governments should give financial support to artists such as painters, sculptors and musicians. Others, however, argue that artists should be funded by other sources. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

冬菇猫(19楼) ->fighter519(18楼)->karen小心(17楼) -> 冬菇猫(19楼)
More and more people are moving from rural areas to cities in search of a better life, but city life has its own problems. What are these problems? Suggest some solutions.

wddbest (11楼) - karen小心 (地板)
Task2: Today, many news reports show images of violence or disasters. What are the causes of this? What are the effects of this on individuals and society as a whole?

作者: a13254    时间: 2014-7-3 15:54:44

本帖最后由 a13254 于 2014-7-4 21:15 编辑

本楼放本月TASK 2 题目

1 Young offenders should be made to do community service rather than be sent to prison. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

2 More and more people are moving from rural areas to cities in search of a better life, but city life has its own problems. What are these problems? Suggest some solutions.

3 Some people believe that governments should give financial support to artists such as painters, sculptors and musicians. Others, however, argue that artists should be funded by other sources. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

4 International sports events can help to reduce the tension and prejudice between countries. Do you agree or disagree?

5 Good health is a basic human need. Some people think that healthcare services should be provided by the government rather than by private companies. Do you agree or disagree?

6 In many countries, the proportion of elderly people in the population is increasing. What problems will this cause for individuals and society as a whole? Suggest some solutions.

7 Some people think that parents should spend time reading or telling stories to their children, while others think that children should read by themselves from other sources, such as books, magazines and the Internet. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

8 Schools should only provide subjects that are beneficial to students’ future careers. Other subjects, such as art and sports, are not important. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

9 Distance education delivered over the Internet or television has more advantages than classroom-based education. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

10 Nowadays the news media have greater influence on people’s ideas and opinions than in the past. Why is this the case? Is this a positive or negative development?

11  Films and video games that contain violence are popular with young people today. Some people think that these films and video games should be banned, while others believe that they are harmless entertainment. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

12 Some people think that employers should be required to employ equal numbers of men and women. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

13 Some people think that we live in a consumer society where money and possessions are given too much importance. Others, however, believe that consumer culture plays an important role in improving our lives. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

14 Nowadays people often buy food transported from other countries. Do you think the benefits of this outweigh the drawbacks?

15 Cheap air travel is increasingly popular in the world today. To what extent do you think the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?

16 Some people think that cultural traditions will be destroyed if they are used as money-making attractions aimed at tourists. Others, however, believe that is the only way to save these traditions. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

17 Public museums and art galleries are not necessary because people can see the historical objects and works of art in those places on the Internet. Do you agree or disagree?

18 Governments should spend money on the repairs and maintenance of old buildings. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

19 The time and money spent on the protection of wild animals should be spent on improving human lives instead. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

20 Individuals cannot do anything to improve the environment. Only governments and large companies can make a difference. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
作者: fighter519    时间: 2014-7-3 19:09:57

作者: karen小心    时间: 2014-7-4 12:16:32

本帖最后由 karen小心 于 2014-7-4 13:14 编辑


作者: karen小心    时间: 2014-7-4 12:18:27

a13254 发表于 2014-7-3 15:54
本楼放本月TASK 2 题目

1 Today, many news reports show images of violence or disasters. What are t ...


作者: 冬菇猫    时间: 2014-7-4 23:14:14

作者: karen小心    时间: 2014-7-4 23:24:25

冬菇猫 发表于 2014-7-4 23:14

直接回帖交作业就可以了~作文的文件名字要按 作业时间-用户名-题目 修改好!
作者: a13254    时间: 2014-7-5 06:32:45

fighter519 发表于 2014-7-3 19:09


作者: a13254    时间: 2014-7-5 06:34:45

karen小心 发表于 2014-7-4 12:18

链接:http://blog. ...

好 没问题
作者: 冬菇猫    时间: 2014-7-5 08:59:17

karen小心 发表于 2014-7-4 23:24
直接回帖交作业就可以了~作文的文件名字要按 作业时间-用户名-题目 修改好!

作者: wddbest    时间: 2014-7-5 13:18:28

作者: karen小心    时间: 2014-7-5 23:19:38

wddbest 发表于 2014-7-5 13:18


check it ~
作者: karen小心    时间: 2014-7-5 23:20:59

a13254 发表于 2014-7-5 06:34
好 没问题

作者: karen小心    时间: 2014-7-5 23:22:04

冬菇猫 发表于 2014-7-5 08:59

作者: 冬菇猫    时间: 2014-7-6 08:15:23

karen小心 发表于 2014-7-5 23:22

作者: wddbest    时间: 2014-7-6 08:54:54

本帖最后由 wddbest 于 2014-7-6 09:01 编辑
karen小心 发表于 2014-7-4 12:16

作者: karen小心    时间: 2014-7-6 10:49:28

本帖最后由 karen小心 于 2014-7-7 12:31 编辑


7-5rural area占座。
作者: fighter519    时间: 2014-7-6 22:11:53

交作业了:lol [attach]320098[/attach]
作者: 冬菇猫    时间: 2014-7-7 00:32:42


作者: wddbest    时间: 2014-7-7 11:24:53

sorry for being late....my name is not in the list above...is there any warm-hearted lady or gentleman help me to check my essay?  THX

作者: karen小心    时间: 2014-7-7 12:53:22

冬菇猫 发表于 2014-7-7 00:32

作者: karen小心    时间: 2014-7-7 13:22:19

wddbest 发表于 2014-7-7 11:24
sorry for being late....my name is not in the list above...is there any warm-hearted lady or gentlem ...


我帮你改了~check it
作者: karen小心    时间: 2014-7-7 14:27:42

版主~不如你set一个时间每天公布新的作业的同时 ,也公布改作业的顺序啊。好似以前噶版主那样。比如晚上11点之后公布新作业之类的。时间你合适的话灵活安排啊。那就不用我们每天刷新网页看什么时候po新的作业上来啦。
作者: a13254    时间: 2014-7-7 16:52:27

karen小心 发表于 2014-7-7 14:27
版主~不如你set一个时间每天公布新的作业的同时 ,也公布改作业的顺序啊。好似以前噶版主那样。比如晚上11点 ...

OK Karen提的很好:lol。

作者: fighter519    时间: 2014-7-7 18:31:06

karen小心 发表于 2014-7-6 10:49
7-5rural area占座。

[attach]320625[/attach]  我水平不太好啊,要是有改错得地方,还请告诉我,咱们互相学习啊。
作者: wddbest    时间: 2014-7-7 18:55:44

karen小心 发表于 2014-7-7 13:22
我帮你改了~check it

what a kind lady~~thank u
作者: 冬菇猫    时间: 2014-7-7 21:11:35

karen小心 发表于 2014-7-7 12:53

碰到了好人TUT 你帮我指出了我之前最不清楚的一些地方,的确,我之前没怎么写过雅思作文,可能问题会比较多,我会再去多琢磨一下逻辑问题和审题等等。。非常感谢你的帮助!
作者: karen小心    时间: 2014-7-7 21:41:19

本帖最后由 karen小心 于 2014-7-8 18:48 编辑

7th artist 交作业啦啦啦啦!!!



作者: 冬菇猫    时间: 2014-7-7 22:37:54

本帖最后由 冬菇猫 于 2014-7-7 23:49 编辑
fighter519 发表于 2014-7-6 22:11


作者: 冬菇猫    时间: 2014-7-7 22:38:47

本帖最后由 冬菇猫 于 2014-7-8 23:56 编辑



什么时候我也可以只花36分钟写完一篇essay TUT
作者: wddbest    时间: 2014-7-9 11:39:07

本帖最后由 wddbest 于 2014-7-9 11:41 编辑

作者: karen小心    时间: 2014-7-9 12:32:30

wddbest 发表于 2014-7-9 11:39

作者: karen小心    时间: 2014-7-9 12:33:15

wddbest 发表于 2014-7-9 11:39

作者: karen小心    时间: 2014-7-9 12:59:20

冬菇猫 发表于 2014-7-7 22:38


check it~
作者: 冬菇猫    时间: 2014-7-9 15:24:30

karen小心 发表于 2014-7-9 12:59
check it~

MUA,many THX!!如果我最后作文能过关多半是因为你把我引进门了~~


作者: karen小心    时间: 2014-7-9 18:58:01

冬菇猫 发表于 2014-7-9 15:24
MUA,many THX!!如果我最后作文能过关多半是因为你把我引进门了~~

对于你对in conclusion后面的建议。
我想了想,这是个D&G的题目,所以确实是如此的。而且我的那篇文章在讨论第一和第二个论点的时候,首句最好是要指出 some people agree with the view that。。。。。。。。。。。
然后第二个论点开头也最好以 However, others consider that。。。。。。
我当时系奋笔疾书了,当成agree & disagree 类型写了。
作者: 冬菇猫    时间: 2014-7-9 19:30:09

karen小心 发表于 2014-7-9 18:58
对于你对in conclusion后面的建议。
我想了想,这是个D&G的题目,所以确实是如此的。而且我的那篇文章在 ...

谢谢你的回答~其实我之前也有些困惑,为什么你没有按照普通的结构说some people believe 什么的,但是我后来前前后后又理你一遍你的逻辑,觉得其实也挺清楚的,就没有问你这个问题。

作者: wddbest    时间: 2014-7-10 10:06:48

本帖最后由 wddbest 于 2014-7-10 10:08 编辑

作者: wddbest    时间: 2014-7-10 10:08:28

karen小心 发表于 2014-7-9 12:33

作者: karen小心    时间: 2014-7-10 12:18:00

wddbest 发表于 2014-7-10 10:08


作者: micro-macro    时间: 2014-7-10 14:37:00

9th-10th 占座, 一起努力
作者: princess谜    时间: 2014-7-10 18:40:15

作者: wddbest    时间: 2014-7-10 18:53:53

karen小心 发表于 2014-7-10 12:18
好啦。闲人改完了。。。。。。奇怪,今天版主怎么不发布新作文和安排批改顺序捏~~~我是我们2都已经写 ...

作者: fighter519    时间: 2014-7-10 23:43:29

作者: karen小心    时间: 2014-7-11 08:45:27

9-10th 交作业!!!
版主不要忘了31楼的 wdd啊~~~

作者: wddbest    时间: 2014-7-11 12:07:28

作者: karen小心    时间: 2014-7-11 12:13:11



11th healthcare 占座!!!
作者: karen小心    时间: 2014-7-11 12:36:19

wddbest 发表于 2014-7-9 11:39


作者: wddbest    时间: 2014-7-11 13:59:57

本帖最后由 wddbest 于 2014-7-11 14:07 编辑
karen小心 发表于 2014-7-11 12:36

不好意思。。。我少打了个r,应该是remind with the old wars and conflicts
作者: princess谜    时间: 2014-7-11 15:03:21

本帖最后由 princess谜 于 2014-7-12 21:28 编辑
fighter519 发表于 2014-7-10 23:43



交作业咯~~  0711的healthcare~~~!!!!


作者: wddbest    时间: 2014-7-11 15:18:39

princess谜 发表于 2014-7-10 18:40

作者: fighter519    时间: 2014-7-11 22:53:17

karen小心 发表于 2014-7-11 08:45
9-10th 交作业!!!
版主不要忘了31楼的 wdd啊~~~

[attach]323052[/attach] 请查收
作者: princess谜    时间: 2014-7-11 23:08:15

wddbest 发表于 2014-7-11 15:18


你说没看懂的那句While it is less clear than usual occasion when there is a international sports event ,我仔细一读也发现歧义了,改成While they are less with international sports events than usual occasion.如何呢?(ps: they指的是tension and prejudice)
作者: 冬菇猫    时间: 2014-7-12 16:14:56

本帖最后由 冬菇猫 于 2014-7-12 20:43 编辑




作者: wddbest    时间: 2014-7-12 17:02:52

princess谜 发表于 2014-7-11 23:08

你说没看懂的那句While it is less clear than usual occasion when t ...

我觉得还是有点别扭,我觉得这句话可以直接翻译成,compared with normal occasions,they become less when there are sport events,其实我翻译的也不太好,希望路过的大神能帮帮忙

另外,要注意while不能引导主句,也就是说while前边应该是逗号而不是句号,或者是"while... , ..."
作者: fighter519    时间: 2014-7-13 00:57:12

[attach]323779[/attach]  今天交晚了。。。
作者: karen小心    时间: 2014-7-13 10:48:59

fighter519 发表于 2014-7-11 22:53

1.by that means是一个比较常用的固定搭配。
2.这个句子我真不觉得有啥问题:A good example can be provided by Korean World Cup in 2002 when Korea finally won the fourth place with the help of some black referees.
系 以when 引导的时间状语从句。前后2个都是独立的句子啊?

作者: princess谜    时间: 2014-7-13 15:02:47

冬菇猫 发表于 2014-7-12 16:14



作者: 冬菇猫    时间: 2014-7-13 17:04:09

本帖最后由 冬菇猫 于 2014-7-13 17:08 编辑
princess谜 发表于 2014-7-13 15:02


2......,doing sth 这个是伴随状语,你可以百度下,有一些相关的例句
3.主语不一样的时候也可以用not only but also的,只是结构最好是接近的;甚至很多英文里会是not only, but...没有also 或者vice versa
4.medical and health system是医疗卫生系统的意思
5.overfunding是“过度拨款”的意思,当然我不知道我写成了over funding算不算对,我觉得从结构上来说应该也是可以的。。求其他大神指点了。

作者: 冬菇猫    时间: 2014-7-13 18:45:52

fighter519 发表于 2014-7-13 00:57


Check it~
作者: princess谜    时间: 2014-7-13 20:05:22

冬菇猫 发表于 2014-7-13 17:04


1、伴随状语get it~ 以前不太经常用这个。。。
2、医疗卫生系统medical and health system是固定的吗?不是medical health system或者medical and healthy system?各位版内的大家是怎么觉得的呢??
作者: karen小心    时间: 2014-7-13 20:23:01

princess谜 发表于 2014-7-13 20:05
1、伴随状语get it~ 以前不太经常用这个。。。
2、医疗卫生系统medical and health system是固定的吗? ...

表示用medical system或 health system表示就可以啦。大家都懂啥意思。不要总用中文翻译的思维写文章
作者: fighter519    时间: 2014-7-14 00:26:43

wddbest 发表于 2014-7-11 12:07

[attach]324428[/attach] 水平有限,见笑了。
作者: wddbest    时间: 2014-7-14 09:04:15

本帖最后由 wddbest 于 2014-7-14 09:06 编辑
karen小心 发表于 2014-7-11 12:13


作者: wddbest    时间: 2014-7-14 09:04:56

fighter519 发表于 2014-7-14 00:26

作者: karen小心    时间: 2014-7-14 15:31:00

wddbest 发表于 2014-7-14 09:04

sorry 忘记上传了~


plz check it~thx
作者: karen小心    时间: 2014-7-14 15:49:25

princess谜 发表于 2014-7-11 15:03

check it ~
it is just my own advice.
作者: karen小心    时间: 2014-7-14 15:51:27

本帖最后由 karen小心 于 2014-7-15 10:54 编辑


作者: wddbest    时间: 2014-7-14 18:56:25

karen小心 发表于 2014-7-14 15:31
sorry 忘记上传了~

作者: wddbest    时间: 2014-7-14 19:00:35

本帖最后由 wddbest 于 2014-7-15 08:38 编辑

作者: karen小心    时间: 2014-7-14 19:12:47

wddbest 发表于 2014-7-14 18:56

谢谢修改!那您的意思系 写healthcare services系应该由公立医疗还是私家医疗服务来提供是吧?而不是治疗费用由谁来买单的问题?
作者: 小菜2015    时间: 2014-7-14 21:05:42

本帖最后由 小菜2015 于 2014-7-15 10:58 编辑

占个楼 还来得及吗[attach]325263[/attach]

作者: 冬菇猫    时间: 2014-7-14 21:30:39

princess谜 发表于 2014-7-13 20:05
1、伴随状语get it~ 以前不太经常用这个。。。
2、医疗卫生系统medical and health system是固定的吗? ...

作者: wddbest    时间: 2014-7-15 08:36:40

karen小心 发表于 2014-7-14 19:12
谢谢修改!那您的意思系 写healthcare services系应该由公立医疗还是私家医疗服务来提供是吧?而不是治疗 ...

作者: 小菜2015    时间: 2014-7-15 10:54:39

小菜2015 发表于 2014-7-14 21:05
占个楼 还来得及吗


作者: vivien6    时间: 2014-7-15 13:00:12

我倒是暑假有空 想跟着大家一起练 但是现在是完全新手,刚刚着手复习,写不出来什么东西和大家互改。忧桑~
作者: 小菜2015    时间: 2014-7-15 23:45:11

wddbest 发表于 2014-7-14 19:00



写得比我强太多了 都不好意思改了
作者: wddbest    时间: 2014-7-16 08:10:57

小菜2015 发表于 2014-7-15 10:54

作者: karen小心    时间: 2014-7-16 09:12:07

wddbest 发表于 2014-7-14 19:00

check it
作者: karen小心    时间: 2014-7-16 09:13:33

小菜2015 发表于 2014-7-15 23:45
写得比我强太多了 都不好意思改了

作者: karen小心    时间: 2014-7-16 11:13:34

本帖最后由 karen小心 于 2014-7-16 11:31 编辑

7-16 ageing society

作者: princess谜    时间: 2014-7-16 13:27:29

本帖最后由 princess谜 于 2014-7-16 22:31 编辑

占楼占楼~~  16th作业 elderly people

[attach]326217[/attach]  ~~~~~
作者: 小菜2015    时间: 2014-7-16 16:44:55

wddbest 发表于 2014-7-16 08:10

好的 下次注意
作者: 小菜2015    时间: 2014-7-16 20:54:12

先占楼 待会就写
作者: 小菜2015    时间: 2014-7-16 21:47:57

小菜2015 发表于 2014-7-16 20:54
先占楼 待会就写


作者: karen小心    时间: 2014-7-16 21:57:38

小菜2015 发表于 2014-7-16 16:44
好的 下次注意

童鞋 你还没改我的作文呢。
作者: 冬菇猫    时间: 2014-7-16 22:27:12

本帖最后由 冬菇猫 于 2014-7-16 23:31 编辑

感觉今天写不粗了 明早一定交ageing。。。占座先



作者: 小菜2015    时间: 2014-7-16 22:51:41

karen小心 发表于 2014-7-16 21:57
童鞋 你还没改我的作文呢。

我改了你的 在77楼 你看看
作者: karen小心    时间: 2014-7-16 23:01:27

小菜2015 发表于 2014-7-16 22:51
我改了你的 在77楼 你看看

the figure for是固定搭配啊。千万不要写成the figure of 这种常见错误啦亲。
作者: fighter519    时间: 2014-7-16 23:31:24

[attach]326261[/attach]  :lol
作者: 冬菇猫    时间: 2014-7-16 23:33:26

fighter519 发表于 2014-7-16 23:31

好巧好巧 我们差不多时候交的耶,结果又轮到我改你的啦~
作者: fighter519    时间: 2014-7-16 23:47:18

冬菇猫 发表于 2014-7-16 23:33
好巧好巧 我们差不多时候交的耶,结果又轮到我改你的啦~

作者: 小菜2015    时间: 2014-7-17 11:13:46

karen小心 发表于 2014-7-16 23:01
the figure for是固定搭配啊。千万不要写成the figure of 这种常见错误啦亲。

额额 不好意思 帮你改还改错了the figure of 是指图像 the figure for是指数字
作者: 喵呜~    时间: 2014-7-17 15:27:18

喵呜~~  我来给大A 捧个场~~
作者: karen小心    时间: 2014-7-17 17:09:13

喵呜~ 发表于 2014-7-17 15:27
喵呜~~  我来给大A 捧个场~~

作者: 喵呜~    时间: 2014-7-17 19:00:57

karen小心 发表于 2014-7-17 17:09

哦  其实写作文可以不那么频繁哈  我觉得2-3天一篇就挺好  精心改文章收获更多~~  正好可以趁他没布置作业的时候看点范文 学习一下哈~
作者: karen小心    时间: 2014-7-17 19:16:46

喵呜~ 发表于 2014-7-17 19:00
哦  其实写作文可以不那么频繁哈  我觉得2-3天一篇就挺好  精心改文章收获更多~~  正好可以趁他没布置作业 ...

作者: karen小心    时间: 2014-7-17 19:42:22

princess谜 发表于 2014-7-16 13:27
占楼占楼~~  16th作业 elderly people

[attach]326793[/attach]check it
作者: karen小心    时间: 2014-7-17 19:43:32



作者: fighter519    时间: 2014-7-17 22:52:26

karen小心 发表于 2014-7-16 11:13
7-16 ageing society

[attach]326927[/attach] 请查收,写的很不错,没什么好改的啊。

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