You are soooooooo excellent!
I must admire that I AM a little bit jealous of u.
Aha~ just teasing~
Congrats!作者: 想飞的豆豆 时间: 2014-8-8 01:52:16
Your listening, speaking, writing modules are really great!
You must have an excellent range of vocabulary~
If u do not mind telling me how and what u did to achieve it, I would be terribly grateful!
Waiting for ur reply! 作者: criseaster55 时间: 2014-8-8 02:37:11
想飞的豆豆 发表于 2014-8-8 01:52
Your listening, speaking, writing modules are really great!
You must have an excellent range of voc ...
I guess good pronunciation and quick reaction to the examiner may have contributed a lot to your high scores in speaking module.
Thank you for your patient reply.
I hope I can do as well as you did some day.
Sweat dreams. Night night~作者: karen小心 时间: 2014-8-8 08:59:31