Open Positions for PhD Students in Information Engineering at the Department of Engineering of the Università di Napoli Parthenope
Important: we plan to have a first interview with PhD student candidates next Sept. 5, 8 and 9.
The schedule of the interviews is: - Sept. 5: Starting at 8:00 am (Italian Time, that I suppose to be 2 pm China and HK time);
- Sept. 8: Starting at 8:00 am (Italian Time); - Sept. 9: Starting at 10:00 am (Italian time, 4 pm China and HK Time). The interview will be done via Skype video call.
Please, let we know as soon as possible if there are students interested to the interview, and which time slot they prefer.
Program Information:
The topics of the PhD positions are in the field of Radar Remote Sensing: SAR Techniques, SAR Interferometry and Tomography, Along Track InSAR, Multi-Channel SAR Systems, Ground Penetrating Radar Systems, Microwave Tomography, Remote Sensing Image Processing, Statistical Signal Processing, Compressive Sensing, etc ...), in which my Research Group is actively involved since 1986.
PhD candidates are required to have a relevant degree in fields related to the mentioned topics, and skills in Electrical and Computer Engineering, in particular in Signal and Image Processing, Probability and Random Processes. The PhD course has a duration of three years, and will start on January 2015 and will finish in December 2017. Six Scholarships of three years from Italian Ministry of University and Education are available.
The deadline for the applications is next September 15, 2014.
Moreover, during the 3 years there will be also the possibility for the Student to spend some period (typically 6-12 months) back in his/her University or Research Institution, taking also advantage of an increase of the Scholarship of 50%. In my opinion, this could be a very interesting opportunity for us to start a collaboration between our research groups on the previously mentioned scientific topics. The Phd Students could stay in Italy, in my University, for 2-2.5 years, and he/she could spend 6-12 months in his/her University or Research Institution, always paid from my University.
Further details on the application procedure are available on request.
About the Supervisor:
Vito Pascazio, PhD
Full Professor of Communications
Head and Dean of Department of Engineering
University of Napoli Parthenope
Centro Direzionale di Napoli, Isola C4
80143 Napoli, ITALY
Phone: +39 081 5476712-6714
Director of National Laboratory of Multimedia Communications
Italian Consortium of Telecommunications (CNIT)
Complesso Universitario di Monte S. Angelo
Via Cintia – 80126 Napoli, ITALY
Phone: +39 081 676994
General Chairman of
2015 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS)
26-31 July 2015
Milano, ITALY 作者: 生命之水 时间: 2016-9-17 18:29:17