各位不好意思 之前的图片版看不清换上了word版~~
考了两次g了 10月份准备考第三次 准备aw的时候看过好多书 gre5.5 小姜老师的书 还有一些原版书 另外还有一些包括 简单粗暴写好argument 等 感觉还是挺受启发的 现在不论 issue 还是 argument 30分钟都能随便码上500多字 但是第一次感觉不好拿了3.5分 第二次感觉很顺利才拿了3分 现在的状态是明白自己的aw是有问题 但又不知道大问题出在哪 问过其他人有说有模板的痕迹 当然我也意识到自己已经有些规规矩矩写aw了 至少是argument 但是除了模板我觉得肯定有其他我还没意识到的原因
这是我8/17拿到3分的argument 希望大家帮我分析下提高的方法 多谢大家
7/98/99.The following is a recommendation from the Board of Directors of Monarch Books.
"We recommend that Monarch Books open a café in its store. Monarch, having been in business at the same location for more than twenty years, has a large customer base because it is known for its wide selection of books on all subjects. Clearly, opening the café would attract more customers. Space could be made for the café bydiscontinuing
the children's book section, which will probably become less popular given that the most recent national census indicated a significant decline in the percentage of the population under age ten. Opening a café will allow Monarch to attract more customers and better compete with Regal Books, which recently opened its own café."
我们建议m 书店在电内开设一个咖啡厅。M 书店在目 前的店址上已经经营了20 多年,并由于其广泛的图书种 类而拥有了庞大的客户群体。很明显,新开设的咖啡厅会 吸引更多的客户,空间可以通过撤出儿童书籍柜台来获 得,因为最近一次全国调查显示10 岁以下儿童的比率显 著下降,所以儿童书就可能没以前那么畅销。开设新咖啡 厅将会使m 吸引更多客户并更好的与最近刚开设了咖啡
厅的r 书店展开竞争。
以下为我回忆考试时写的argument 求大家狠批!!!!
作者: allenwoo 时间: 2014-9-7 22:02:30
本帖最后由 allenwoo 于 2014-9-9 15:40 编辑
各位不好意思 之前的图片版看不清换上了word版~~
In the argument, the arguer comes up with a recommendation that the Monarch Books should replace the children's book section with a cafe in order to attract more customers and compete with Regal Books better. To bolster his recommendation, he cites the national census which points out the declining population percentage of children under 10. Meanwhile, he claims that the Monarch Books has large customer base because of the wide selection of books, and opening a cafe could expand the customer base. While it seems plausible at first glance, there're several questions remained to be answered before he can make his recommendation reasonable and convincing.
To begin with, the arguer unfairly assumes that the local children percentage is in accordance with that in the national census. Yet, it is unnecessary to be true all the time because the situation could varies greatly from place to place. In light of this, we should ask: what is the exact variations of percentage of children under ten in the local place in recent years. If the percentage of children declines as significantly as that in the national census, for example, at an annual rate approximate to 40 percentage, it is safe to claim the trend is true in the town and the recommendation will be strengthened. Whereas, if the children remains stable or decrease at low rate like 5 percentage, the arguer's assumption is obviously flawed and the recommendation will be undermined.
Further, the argument is based on another assumption that the quality and varieties of coffee in Monarch Books are competitive to the coffee offered in Regal Books. Hence, another question has to be answered is that whether the coffee offered in Monarch Books taste better and has more varieties compared with its competitors including Regal Books? If the Monarch could only offer vapid coffee within a few choices of flavors, the Monarch Books would far from being a competitor to Regal Books in that few people would buy it. What’s more, the great base of customers would spread the bad quality coffee more quickly, in this way, the reputation of Monarch Books would be greatly damaged. If so, the recommendation is not sound. Conversely, if the coffee is of a high quality, the café would not at least bring side effects to Monarch Books. And if a lot of coffee types are offered, it is worth a try to combat with its competitors in selling coffee and the customer base could get expanded. In this way, the recommendation could be supported.
Last but not least important, even if the above questions all turn out to have positive answers, another critical question must addressed is that whether the anticipated profits of the café far outweigh the revenues from children’s book section? While the coffee section seems to provide more benefits than the children’s section, there’s no specific evidence to substantiate it. The construction of café could demands to cover a large amount of extra expenses including the decoration fees, hiring new staff and expensive coffee machines. Meanwhile, some measurements can be done to increase the profits in children’s section such as introducing more profitable audio books to children. If the prospect of café does overshadow the children’s section even if enough measurements are taken, the recommendation could be justifiable effective supported. Otherwise, it is profoundly unfair to (replace the children’s section with a café) follow the recommendation since the revenues will not change significantly.
Overall, the arguer fails to address the above questions regarding to the local trend of children percentage, the quality and flavor of coffee offered and the prospect of cafe profits compared with children’s section. In order to reach a cogent and convincing recommendation, the arguer must provide evidences to answer the above questions and support his proposal.
如果我严格遵守question类的规则又会出现像你指出的第二段tenuous 的地方(根据官方对于question的要求Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the recommendation. 我想表达正面的answer会如何加强assumption,结果导致了啰嗦)