在接触老大的方法之前,我也在网上看过很多经验贴,上面很零碎的讲了一些所谓的技巧,比如but,教授改变语气处,专业名词这样都要记笔记。但是当时不知道重点,就是乱抓一通,把能听到的都写下来。经常会出现第一句放完了,后面都出现3,4句了,我还在写第一句的内容。而且当时抓下来的笔记完全就是乱的,后来在找笔记的时候,完全就看不懂写的是什么。所以我当时就郁闷了很久。然后就开始练听写,每天花好多时间听写,但是如前面所讲,除了帮助我辨音了,其他作用好像不大!晒几张刚开始练习的笔记吧(我比较喜欢collect old things所以去年的笔记都还在)
Now, the typical pattern for an interglacial period, and we have studied several, is that the concentration of carbon dioxide and methane gas actually reaches it... its peak, that is, there is the most carbon dioxide and methane gas, uh, greenhouse gases in the atmosphere just after the beginning of the interglacial period. And then, for reasons which are not entirely clear , the concentration of greenhouse gases gradually goes down. Now, the climate continues to warm for a while because there is a lag effect. But uh, gradually as the concentration of greenhouse gases goes down, Earth starts to cool again, and eventually you slip back into an Ice Age.