
标题: 15年5月27日同主题写作 issue 13 [打印本页]

作者: tesolchina    时间: 2014-10-18 19:41:00     标题: 15年5月27日同主题写作 issue 13

本帖最后由 tesolchina 于 2015-5-27 15:39 编辑

13) Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.


以下涂成白色的内容为我为issue 70 列的提纲,请大家练习后查阅参考。

Claim: Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's major field of study.
Reason: Acquiring knowledge of various academic disciplines is the best way to become truly educated.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.

相关题目包括:13, 46, 54, 102,112,140



Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's major field of study because acquiring knowledge of various academic disciplines is the best way to become truly educated.


I agree that students should be required to take different courses outside their majors because training in other fields can help students to study their major fields more effectively,  improve their basic reading, writing and thinking skills that are important parts of education and network with people from different academic backgrounds.   

because前面的主句就是对claim的同意转换 改成了被动语态
- 更好地学习主修科目 这里可以举的例子是工程的学生要学物理、数学和编程;经济学的同学要学统计学、社会学等等
- 通过学各种学科可以增长知识 提升基本的阅读、写作和思考的能力 包括学习文学、历史、哲学等等
- 通过选修其他学科可以接触到不同领域的同学 和他们交流 对将来的事业发展会有帮助 比如创业 或者对世界有了新的认识

其实这里的三个分点都是对truly educated这个抽象的目标的一种具体化  这里涉及到我们如何理解教育的目的的问题 因人而异 我的前两个点很快就想出来了 主要是从specialist和generalist两个层面讨论 而第三个点我想了一会儿才想到 其实就是所谓的教育作为社会或社交活动 所有的学习都是一种进入某个群体和那个群体的人交流的过程 比如学计算机、编程就是和程序员交流成为他们一份子的过程 而如果一个学文学的同学能和程序员交流也是很有利的  

具体文章我暂时不写了 以后有空再写吧

作者: smily_ray    时间: 2014-10-19 21:40:30



If we define 'truly educated' as to empower students with broad knowledge and transferable skills so that they can live a better life, multi-discipline background is necessary for student to engage in both social life and academic research. However, the claim may overemphasize the importance of course variety, which may pose certain risks that undermine the aim of higher education.

In order to take an active part in civic life, one must master the skills or subjects that are considered essential for an educated man. 现代社会要求人必须具备基本的人文科学、社会科学、自然科学的知识。学自然科学的学生需要了解一些社会学、政治学、经济学的知识,从而更好地认识当代社会;学人文科学的学生需要了解一些基本的科学知识,以跟上科学技术的进步。只有对各学科都有基本的了解,学生才能对问题进行独立思考,而不是盲从权威。

Meanwhile, many academic research ask for a background of multi-subject. 例如考古学研究需要历史学的知识来断定年代,需要语言学的知识来识别古文字,需要档案学的知识来对资料进行分类整理。再比如计算机领域中,机器学习的算法借鉴了生物学、生态学和社会学的知识,机器翻译需要语言学的知识,人工智能需要心理学的知识等。

However, overemphasis on the number of courses may hinder students from in-depth study of their academic area. (1)研究表明,要在一个领域里取得成功,至少需要10000小时的投入,这要求高校学生四年里每天至少投入7小时。如果在其他领域投入过多的时间,可能影响学生的专业学习。(2)学校的这种选课要求可能增加学生的负担,为了达到要求,学生可能选择一些轻松、给分高的课程,而没有真正获得多学科的知识。因此学校不应require every student这样"一刀切"。

作者: tesolchina    时间: 2014-10-19 22:03:25

smily_ray 发表于 2014-10-19 21:40

我 ...



If we define 'truly educated' as to empower students with broad knowledge and transferable skills so that they can live a better life, multi-discipline background is necessary for student to engage in both social life and academic research. However, the claim may overemphasize the importance of course variety, which may pose certain risks that undermine the aim of higher education.

In order to take an active part in civic life, one must master the skills or subjects that are considered essential for an educated man. 现代社会要求人必须具备基本的人文科学、社会科学、自然科学的知识。学自然科学的学生需要了解一些社会学、政治学、经济学的知识,从而更好地认识当代社会;学人文科学的学生需要了解一些基本的科学知识,以跟上科学技术的进步。只有对各学科都有基本的了解,学生才能对问题进行独立思考,而不是盲从权威。

Meanwhile, many academic research ask for a background of multi-subject. 例如考古学研究需要历史学的知识来断定年代,需要语言学的知识来识别古文字,需要档案学的知识来对资料进行分类整理。再比如计算机领域中,机器学习的算法借鉴了生物学、生态学和社会学的知识,机器翻译需要语言学的知识,人工智能需要心理学的知识等。

我很高兴的看到你上面两段分别在呼应主旨句中的 both social life and academic research,看来1+3的模型已经开始在你的文章中被运用。可否具体谈谈你写个提纲的过程和想法,遇到的困难等等。

However, overemphasis on the number of courses may hinder students from in-depth study of their academic area. (1)研究表明,要在一个领域里取得成功,至少需要10000小时的投入,这要求高校学生四年里每天至少投入7小时。如果在其他领域投入过多的时间,可能影响学生的专业学习。(2)学校的这种选课要求可能增加学生的负担,为了达到要求,学生可能选择一些轻松、给分高的课程,而没有真正获得多学科的知识。因此学校不应require every student这样"一刀切"。

我觉得你要考虑一下这道题所涉及的社会背景。在美国的高等教育制度里,有一种所谓的distribution requirement,也就是要求学生在专业以外也要修一些学分,这已经成为所有美国本科生的标配。而从全文的安排来看,讲完好处之后讲不足会使你整体的观点出现自相矛盾的情况,破坏文章的coherence。

我倒是建议你在中间第三段可以讨论一下关于require的争议 比如有人认为require会威胁学生的选择自由 但是指出学生既然读大学要拿到大学的学位 大学就有责任保证学位的质量和毕业生得质量 而且这些requirement是在新生入学的时候就写明的 如果不同意 可以不入学 最终还是要维系你对这个问题的基本立场即支持

我对于让步和平衡论证持有比较怀疑的态度 主要担心这样写使本来就不长的文章在观点上出现撕裂 关于这一点 你可以再考虑一下 其他同学也可以参与讨论发表意见

作者: smily_ray    时间: 2014-10-19 22:49:03

tesolchina 发表于 2014-10-19 22:03

你 ...

我最开始的思路是同意reason不同意claim,主要是不同意require和variety(有可能是我没理解对variety的意思。您说的distribution requirement我了解好像是把所有课程分成几个大类,要求学生每一类都要修一定的学分。但是variety给我的感觉好像要比几大类更多,各种各样的)。但是对reason的同意又写不出两个有相互联系的理由,于是就分类说了。我初步觉得分类讨论是一种挺有操作性的办法,例如分成社会生活与学术研究;科学类的题目可以分成自然科学和社会科学等。

作者: dongyan18    时间: 2014-10-19 23:30:43

I agree that students should be required to take a variety of courses outside the student's major field of study, because training in other fields can help them to study more effectively in their major field, improve their basic reading, writing and thinking abilities that are important part of education, as well as network with people from different academic disciplines.

With the knowledge of other fields, students could study their major more effectively. Students majored in literature, usually are required to have some knowledge of history and philosophy which could serve as a background to understand the individual literature work; students majored in economics usually need to take statistic and sociology courses, which give them the instruments for analysing diversified economical phenomenon. Besides these basic utilities, other fields knowledge could also edify students to solve their academic problems through comparison and draw on other's experiences, even enable them to get breakthrough and make innovation in their own field.

Furthermore, with the course of other disciplines students could improve their basic study ability, such as reading, writing and thinking. With the literature courses, one is training to understand the deep connotation of an article, which improves his skills in reading. With the course of philosophy, one will learn how to thinking logically. And with knowledge of many other fields, such as economic, media studies, etc., one could master more materials for writing. All the skills practiced in other discipline courses would serve to promote the students' comprehensive quality, which is an important part of truly education.

Last, through taking courses in other disciplines, students could broad his human network. In this broadened network, one could communicate with different kinds of friends, who could give you new views and different perspectives towards the things. In the future, they will be the unwanted human resources when you turn to create your own business.

In conclusion, it is necessary for universities to allocate different courses outside students major field. Actually many comprehensive university have already done this for several years, and numerous students have obtained the benefit from choosing the outside courses. This trend should be insisted by these universities, and develop to more other universities .

作者: tesolchina    时间: 2014-10-24 22:01:46     标题: Pochun111的提纲点评

issue 70(13,46,102,112)
Claim: Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's major field of study.
Reason: Acquiring knowledge of various academic disciplines is the best way to become truly educated.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.
Should universities require every students to take various courses outside their major field of study for them to be truly educated? A broad spectrum of courses will assist students on their major field of study as well in addition to make them to be truly educated. therefore, I fundamentally agree with the assertion insofar as this requirement will not add unnecessary burden to the students.   

as well in addition to  
make them to be truly educated

至于对整个命题设置某种限制  insofar as this requirement will not add unnecessary burden to the students 我不太确定是否符合题目的要求

In the first place, a well organized educational plan which allow students to dabble in various courses will intrinsically direct them in experiencing true education.

这里你需要解释truly educated的涵义 包括你所说的思考能力 艺术欣赏 等等
注意“正确”这个词在西方教育理念中是不适用的  你在这里用了两次

In the second place, requiring students to take outside field courses plays an essential role in assisting them on their major field of study.

你需要将这里协助主修学科和truly educated联系起来

Nevertheless, schools must be aware of keeping good control on this requirement by guaranteeing won't add extra burden to students。

或许你可以把这段话写成anticipate challenges
有人会担心这样做如何如何 你认为如何如何  

作者: raikkonen36    时间: 2014-11-2 15:30:58

本帖最后由 raikkonen36 于 2014-11-2 15:35 编辑

Claim: Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's major field of study.
Reason: Acquiring knowledge of various academic disciplines is the best way to become truly educated.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.

Perhaps, students only acquiring knowledge of various academic disciplines are not truly educated. Nonetheless, universities can encourage every student to take a verity of courses outside the student’s own field. In addition, in the process that a student attempts to take a wide range of courses outside the student’s own field, some problems may emerge.

1.        Perhaps, students only acquiring knowledge of various academic disciplines are not truly educated. 毫无疑问,学习不同学科有助于truly educated,但是如果只专注于学习不同科目知识,未必会truly educated。 举例,只专注于学习,在校成绩优秀的北大学生卖肉或者中科大学生找不到工作,呆在网吧上网打发时间。
2.        Nonetheless, universities can encourage every student to take a verity of courses outside the student’s own field. 学生往往在学习不同学科的过程中找到自己真正的兴趣所在,举例tirole。 他开始的修的phd是数学,但是他发现自己真正的兴趣在经济,从而转去学经济,今年的诺贝尔奖。
3.        In addition, in the process that a student attempts to take a wide range of courses outside the student’s own field, some problems may emerge. 一个人精力有限,未必是好事。举例。 真的!  还整什么选修课!  有什么用啊!!竟整那些没用的! 还一整一学期就得修满四科,下学期还有什么科技创新选修!  本来课就多!还整那么多选修来!压得我们都喘不过气来了!!!  真是没天理! 我倒不是光玩的人!

作者: tesolchina    时间: 2014-11-2 17:10:48

raikkonen36 发表于 2014-11-2 15:30
Claim: Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's  ...

Claim: Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's major field of study.
Reason: Acquiring knowledge of various academic disciplines is the best way to become truly educated.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.

Perhaps, students only acquiring knowledge of various academic disciplines are not truly educated. Nonetheless, universities can encourage every student to take a verity of courses outside the student’s own field. In addition, in the process that a student attempts to take a wide range of courses outside the student’s own field, some problems may emerge.

感觉你还是喜欢写成折衷的观点 这个不知道是受了哪本书的影响 有机会探讨一下
你这个主旨句还是出现了自相矛盾的情况 如果你不认同读不同的课程可以达到真正受教育的目标 为什么还要说universities can encourage every student to take a verity of courses outside the student’s own field. 如果这么做了 你下一句提到的problem 又如何解决  

考虑到issue题库里有一种题型是address the challenge 我觉得ETS的意图是希望我们有一个鲜明的立场 同时考虑对方的观点并作出回应 像你这种和稀泥的写法 未必合适

我觉得你可以明确反对take a vareity of courses outside major field 认为这个和大学教育的目的背道而驰

1.        Perhaps, students only acquiring knowledge of various academic disciplines are not truly educated. 毫无疑问,学习不同学科有助于truly educated,但是如果只专注于学习不同科目知识,未必会truly educated。 举例,只专注于学习,在校成绩优秀的北大学生卖肉或者中科大学生找不到工作,呆在网吧上网打发时间。

感觉你是先有一些例子在脑海里 然后勉强套到题目上 而不是根据题目想例子   其实例子没必要是真人真事

2.        Nonetheless, universities can encourage every student to take a verity of courses outside the student’s own field. 学生往往在学习不同学科的过程中找到自己真正的兴趣所在,举例tirole。 他开始的修的phd是数学,但是他发现自己真正的兴趣在经济,从而转去学经济,今年的诺贝尔奖。

题目讲的是修读不同课程 不是转换专业或方向   

3.        In addition, in the process that a student attempts to take a wide range of courses outside the student’s own field, some problems may emerge. 一个人精力有限,未必是好事。举例。 真的!  还整什么选修课!  有什么用啊!!竟整那些没用的! 还一整一学期就得修满四科,下学期还有什么科技创新选修!  本来课就多!还整那么多选修来!压得我们都喘不过气来了!!!  真是没天理! 我倒不是光玩的人!

some problems may emerge. 这个用词太模糊 要具体说什么问题 the extra courses may distract the students from focusing on their major fields  

先提出你对truly educated的理解是在某个专业上受到很系统深入的训练
举例 学经济学需要修一些数学、统计学和计算机的课

但是对于无关的课程就不应该强制修 因为修了会有干扰 本来精力就不够
学经济学 就没必要去学化学、生物了  

学校可以考虑开设一些 比较轻松的课程 供学生选修 而非强制  培养学生的兴趣

你可以提出 某些人会认为学生应该兴趣广泛 应该选修一些和本专业学习无关的课程 其实这些兴趣爱好可以通过业余和课外活动来做 不必修学分课程

作者: lisa_C    时间: 2014-11-7 02:08:48

本帖最后由 lisa_C 于 2014-11-7 02:11 编辑

Claim: Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's major field of study.
Reason: Acquiring knowledge of various academic disciplines is the best way to become truly educated.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.

相关题目包括:13, 46, 54, 102,112,140

我的思路是分成pure science 和applied science两个不同的专业大类来讨论。

In modern society, the demand for inter-displine talents is increasing. To keep in pace with the times, many schools educate students by inter-displine training, introducing courses outside the students' major field of study. But it does not mean that every student in every major should be required to take courses of other fields of study. For pure science like mathematics, it is better to make courses of other fields of study as selective courses other than mendatory courses; And for applied science like economics, it is politic for schools to require every student to take courses outside their field of study.

To begin with, other than inter-displine talents, theorists in pure science are also important for our social development. Thus, it is hard to say that inter-displine training, which may handicap the cultivation of exellent theorists, is the best to become truly educated.

For pure science that requires concentration such as mathematics and physics, it is not wise for universities to make courses in other study fields as required courses.

For applied science such as social science and engineering, universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's major field of study, which is not only good for students' study in their major but also for open mind.

作者: raikkonen36    时间: 2014-11-7 14:37:53

Claim: Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's major field of study.
Reason: Acquiring knowledge of various academic disciplines is the best way to become truly educated.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.

Students only acquiring knowledge of various academic disciplines are not truly educated. Moreover, it is unrealistic for universities to require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student’s major field of study. Nonetheless, universities can encourage students to take a wide range of courses outside their study field.

1.        Students only acquiring knowledge of various academic disciplines are not truly educated. 举例,北大学生卖肉或者中科大学生找不到工作,在面试时,不会和面试官沟通,无法展现自己,最后导致丧失信心,呆在网吧上网打发时间。
2.        Moreover, it is unrealistic for universities to require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student’s major field of study. 一个人精力有限,未必是好事。举例。 真的!  还整什么选修课!  有什么用啊!!竟整那些没用的! 还一整一学期就得修满四科,下学期还有什么科技创新选修!  本来课就多!还整那么多选修来!压得我们都喘不过气来了!!!  真是没天理! 我倒不是光玩的人!
3.        Nonetheless, universities can encourage every student to take a wide range of courses outside the student’s own field. 学生往往在学习不同学科的过程中找到自己真正的兴趣所在,举例tirole。 他开始的修的phd是数学,但是他发现自己真正的兴趣在经济,从而转去学经济,今年的诺贝尔奖。

作者: tesolchina    时间: 2014-11-8 12:52:47

lisa_C 发表于 2014-11-7 02:08
Claim: Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the  ...

To begin with, other than inter-displine talents, theorists in pure science are also important for our social development. Thus, it is hard to say that inter-displine training, which may handicap the cultivation of exellent theorists, is the best to become truly educated.

你这一段似乎在讨论truly educated的定义问题
看你整体的论述 你的观点应该是truly educated的关键不在于知识广博 而在于在本专业有所建树
你可以在这一段把这个观点讲清楚 解释为什么广博没有专业重要  

然后接下来你可以通过纯理论学科和应用学科的分类来讨论 前者不需要修读其他课程 后者需要

我建议你看一下  82楼:思想实验可产生更切题的例证

还有一些表达的问题 比如politic这个词的用法
se'le’ctive -> elective

作者: tesolchina    时间: 2014-11-8 12:54:05

raikkonen36 发表于 2014-11-7 14:37
Claim: Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's  ...

这个提纲和你7楼的区别不是很大 我说的例子偏题了你还是继续用 那我就没什么好说的了

作者: raikkonen36    时间: 2014-11-8 19:14:27

这个提纲有问题吗? 我还是没想通,例子我在换。
作者: isabellaxia    时间: 2014-11-11 09:38:17

raikkonen36 发表于 2014-11-7 14:37
Claim: Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's  ...

亲,我之前也写过类似的题目,然后以下是我对你提纲的一些建议 :)

1. It might be better to define the term "truly educated" before you say someone are not truly educated. Because if the grader sees this point, he/she must have a vague and broad definition of the term which is not also very helpful for your following arguing.
2. From what I see, you didn't hook up your example with your point. You need to say all these graduates who can't find jobs because the university required them to take too many courses. And the fact they ended in Internet cafes has something to do with this requirement.
3. Why is it unrealistic? You need to substantiate the term "unrealistic". For example, you can talk from the perspectives of time, energy and hinging the students future career/job finding to detail the point unrealistic.
4. In line of your arguing, I think it might be better to say "Nonetheless, the university should not deprive students of the right to take electives. Because for some students who have the interests and can handle the pressure, the chances to take electives can be beneficial for their future.
5. The Triole example here. Same problem. You need to hook up the example with the point. Really use the examples to substantiate the point instead of purely mentioning it.  

作者: raikkonen36    时间: 2014-11-11 10:53:39

isabellaxia 发表于 2014-11-11 09:38
亲,我之前也写过类似的题目,然后以下是我对你提纲的一些建议 :)

1. It might be better to define ...


1. 我的意思是他们沉浸在学习中,没有锻炼其他能力,比如沟通能力,导致在面试时失败。这样就不是truly educated

3. Triole那个例子,可能我省略了,就是指他在学习其他课程当中时,发现他的兴趣在经济上,不知道是不是缺这句话
作者: gzc405933323    时间: 2014-11-12 01:54:46

本帖最后由 gzc405933323 于 2014-11-12 02:21 编辑


Thesis: Although  the college requirement for a broad range of non-major curriculum is not desirable for both the universities and the students of demanding quantitative majors, obtaining knowledge from different academic fields is an ideal way for one to learn more from their major studies and people from other academic backgrounds.

1. It is difficult for colleges to offer a wide range of courses for students, which will increase the efforts of course management and the expenditure of universities. 上述政策需要学校开设不同课程,因此学校同时也要有效管理这些课程以保证教学质量,因此学校必须投入更多精力在课程管理方面。与此同时,学校开设不同课程需要招聘来自更多领域的授课人员,因此开支会上涨。如果该大学财政出现赤字,将会难以承担上述政策。

2. In addition, it is not efficient for students of demanding majors including chemical engineering and physics to focus on their major studies if they are required to take non-major courses. 展开:时间的限制(物理和化学这些理工类的学科需要学生通入大量的时间,因此这些要求也许会剥夺他们宝贵的major学习时间), 分散注意力(不同领域会分散他们的注意力,从而会影响他们对本科学习的专著度,从而降低他们的学习效率)
3.However, seeking knowledge from a variety of academic subjects can broaden the view of the students, which further inspire them on their major studies. 例子1:不同科目知识结构之间存在直接关系,比如数学和物理学的直接关系,历史上许多物理学家都把他们的理论建立在数学模型的基础上,比如保罗迪拉克(Paul Dirac)的迪拉克方程和薛定谔(Erwin Schrodinger)的薛定谔方程。例子2:某些major外的课程能够培养有助于在自己上major取得成就的能力,例如修辞学(rhetoric)和商业管理,修辞学能培养表达和沟通能力,而表达沟通能力是一个商业管理精英必备的能力,因此UC Berkeley的Haas School of Business鼓励学生去上一些修辞学的课程。

4. Taking a variety of non-major courses can expose them to a broader social circle of students and professors from different academic backgrounds.学习不同课程可以认识不同领域的教授和学生,交到更多朋友,从而从不同人身上学习到不同东西,而且对未来职业发展也会有帮助。

4.        Conclusion:先总结,然后提出其实大学可以建议而不必要求学生去学主科以外的课程,同时在不超出能力的情况下开设尽量多的不同科目的课程,以供学生选择。
作者: tesolchina    时间: 2014-11-13 02:12:04

gzc405933323 发表于 2014-11-12 01:54
王老师,我这种写法是先否定政策,然后同意政策背后的原因,最后在结论处讨论如何改进政策。不知这种写法可 ...

Claim: Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's major field of study.
Reason: Acquiring knowledge of various academic disciplines is the best way to become truly educated.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.


Thesis: Although  the college requirement for a broad range of non-major curriculum is not desirable for both the universities and the students of demanding quantitative majors, obtaining knowledge from different academic fields is an ideal way for one to learn more from their major studies and people from other academic backgrounds.

感觉似乎应该先肯定reason也就是前提,然后可以对claim提出保留意见  这样似乎更make sense

1. It is difficult for colleges to offer a wide range of courses for students, which will increase the efforts of course management and the expenditure of universities. 上述政策需要学校开设不同课程,因此学校同时也要有效管理这些课程以保证教学质量,因此学校必须投入更多精力在课程管理方面。与此同时,学校开设不同课程 需要招聘来自更多领域的授课人员,因此开支会上涨。如果该大学财政出现赤字,将会难以承担上述政策。

不觉得这个理由说得通 因为每个院系都要给本专业的同学开课 开公选课不会有太大的问题
如果要说实施的难度 或许对于某些没有相关背景的同学 比如数学不太好的同学 理工科的课程或许读不了

2. In addition, it is not efficient for students of demanding majors including chemical engineering and physics to focus on their major studies if they are required to take non-major courses. 展开:时间的限制(物理和化学这些理工类的学科需要学生通入大量的时间,因此这些要求也许会剥夺他们宝贵的major学习时间), 分散注意力(不同领域会分散他们的注意力,从而会影响他们对本科学习的专著度,从而降低他们的学习效率)


3.However, seeking knowledge from a variety of academic subjects can broaden the view of the students, which further inspire them on their major studies. 例子1:不同科目知识结构之间存在直接关系,比如数学和物理学的直接关系,历史上许多物理学家都把他们的理论建立在数学模型的基础上,比如保罗迪拉克 (Paul Dirac)的迪拉克方程和薛定谔(Erwin Schrodinger)的薛定谔方程。例子2:某些major外的课程能够培养有助于在自己上major取得成就的能力,例如修辞学 (rhetoric)和商业管理,修辞学能培养表达和沟通能力,而表达沟通能力是一个商业管理精英必备的能力,因此UC Berkeley的Haas School of Business鼓励学生去上一些修辞学的课程。


4. Taking a variety of non-major courses can expose them to a broader social circle of students and professors from different academic backgrounds.学习不同课程可以认识不同领域的教授和学生,交到更多朋友,从而从不同人身上学习到不同东西,而且对未来职业发展也会有帮助。

其实感觉你3-4两段的例证都不错 为什么不考虑写全面肯定呢  

4.        Conclusion:先总结,然后提出其实大学可以建议而不必要求学生去学主科以外的课程,同时在不超出能力的情况下开设尽量多的不同科目的课程,以供学生选择。

基于你的提纲 我建议你可以这么写

中间段1 同意 reason  truly educated就是要多学不同课程

中间段2 不同意claim的第一个理由是 部分学生课业繁重 未必有时间读这些课程 如果强加的话 会不尊重学生的资助权 同时也会影响主业

中间段3 不同意claim的第二个理由是 学生未必有能力修读部分课程 比如数学不好 或者 阅读速度不够 强行要读 会给老师和学生带来麻烦

作者: gzc405933323    时间: 2014-11-13 03:28:56

tesolchina 发表于 2014-11-13 02:12
Claim: Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside th ...

作者: qinjichun    时间: 2014-11-19 09:59:17

Claim: Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's major field of study.
Reason: Acquiring knowledge of various academic disciplines is the best way to become truly educated.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.

If we define “true education” as to help student realize their future goals, get students prepared for their future path and enable them to contribute to our society, then students should take a variety of courses to acquire an inter-discipline background. In a modern society, only focus on your own major is no longer sufficient to become truly educated.

Firstly, Students will benefit from the chances of navigating in the sea of different disciplines and it is favorable for them to find where their passion and talent is. So they can determine their future goals.之后使用思维实验论证,如果他们不喜欢现在的专业的话,没有选这些课,他们可能很难找到适合自己的专业甚至可能对自己的未来产生怀疑以及缺乏明确的未来规划,而这肯定不是教育的目的。,

Secondly, an inter-discipline background will be beneficial for students to prepare for their future path.不管你的计划是什么,在现代社会, 学理工科的需要掌握基本的语言知识,经济学知识,哲学知识从而他们能更好与人交流以及适应社会变化。而学人文学科的需要掌握一定科学知识以跟上时代变化。

Thirdly, contribution to society requires mastery and proficiency in their own major and learning knowledge from other fields will facilitate their performance in their own field. 学习各科可以拓宽视野,提高写作以及思维能力,这都对专业表现有助。比如我自己选修了一门科技写作的课,这有助于我更准确更客观的表达我的观点。

作者: aiyin    时间: 2014-11-19 21:27:28

In my opinion, the claim that students should be required to learn varied courses outside their major field of study is reasonable. With broad background knowledge, students could study their major field more efficiently and work more confidently in rapid development of the occupation. Likewise, students will be more likely to get innovative results if they acquire different academic disciplines’ knowledge.

To begin with, a comprehensive knowledge system will help students learn in their major field more efficiently. 人类知识体系是相互交叉的,在学习一个领域的时候往往需要另一个领域的知识做基础。比如,学习物理的时候,没有数学知识将寸步难行。或者,学习法国文学的时候,没有法语知识将无从下手。

Moreover, consider the rapid development of the technology, acquiring diverse kinds of knowledge will help one work more confidently in rapid development of the occupation. 随着科学技术的发展(包括政策变迁、产业转移等其他因素),一些新的职业会不断产生,同时旧的职业会消亡。在过去十年里,柯达胶卷停产了,唱片公司纷纷倒闭,各大报纸争先推出网络版本。旧的职业消亡了,新的职业快速产生。如果一个工人只会在胶卷厂工作,或者一个编辑只会对纸质报纸进行编辑,那是有很大的失业风险的。如果有其他领域学习的知识储备,学生在未来会较好地应对变化,并且有信心来引导变化。这就是take a variety of courses outside the student's major field of study的实用性和重要性。

Likewise, if the students acquire different academic disciplines’ knowledge, they will be more likely to get innovative results. 不同领域之间的合作可以为创新提供思路。比如,爱因斯坦酷爱小提琴,他曾经说过,他的理论的部分灵感来源于音乐的美感。苹果创始人乔布斯曾经研习书法,他表示,在当时很少有人能看到学习书法的价值,但实际上他正是通过学习书法掌握了不同的字体,在设计Mac计算机字体的时候加入了书法的创意。乔布斯说:“如果我没有学习书法,可能是Mac计算机一大缺憾。”

作者: tesolchina    时间: 2014-11-20 09:58:13

qinjichun 发表于 2014-11-19 09:59
Claim: Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the  ...

Claim: Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's major field of study.
Reason: Acquiring knowledge of various academic disciplines is the best way to become truly educated.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.

If we define “true education” as to help student realize their future goals, get students prepared for their future path and enable them to contribute to our society, then students should take a variety of courses to acquire an inter-discipline background. In a modern society, only focus on your own major is no longer sufficient to become truly educated.

inter-discipline 词性
尝试界定truly educated确实很有必要

help student realize their future goals, get students prepared for their future path and enable them to contribute to our society,

界定的目的是为你后面的讨论奠定基础 因此需要比较具体
而你的界定很空泛 未来目标 未来路径 贡献社会 这些的内在含义完全因人而异
或许你可以把truly educated 定义成 become an expert in a given field as well as a generalist with broad horizon  

先写理工科的学生应该学写作课程 就是你的最后一段
再写文科社科的学生应该学写代码 大数据时代 你懂的
最后一段写成为generalist的重要性 对不同学科、领域的涉猎 帮助我们从不同角度认识社会与人性 有助我们处理人际关系和人生问题等等

Firstly, Students will benefit from the chances of navigating in the sea of different disciplines and it is favorable for them to find where their passion and talent is. So they can determine their future goals.之后使用思维实验论证,如果他们不喜欢现在的专业的话,没有选这些课,他们可能很难找到适合自己的专业甚至可能对自己的未来产生怀疑以及缺乏 明确的未来规划,而这肯定不是教育的目的。

你这里的前提条件是学生专业选得有问题 这个似乎会严重限制你这个点的适用范围

Secondly, an inter-discipline background will be beneficial for students to prepare for their future path.不管你的计划是什么,在现代社会, 学理工科的需要掌握基本的语言知识,经济学知识,哲学知识从而他们能更好与人交流以及适应社会变化。而学人文学科的需要掌握一定科学知识以跟上时代变化。

这个点相比较下一段的内容 显得不那么具体

prepare for their future path. 具体怎么理解呢   
比起下一段所说的 帮助更好地学习专业 这个点显得很模糊

Thirdly, contribution to society requires mastery and proficiency in their own major and learning knowledge from other fields will facilitate their performance in their own field. 学习各科可以拓宽视野,提高写作以及思维能力,这都对专业表现有助。比如我自己选修了一门科技写作的课,这有助于我更准确更客观的表达我的观点。


作者: tesolchina    时间: 2014-11-20 10:16:21

aiyin 发表于 2014-11-19 21:27
In my opinion, the claim that students should be required to learn varied courses outside their majo ...

In my opinion, the claim that students should be required to learn varied courses outside their major field of study is reasonable. With broad background knowledge, students could study their major field more efficiently and work more confidently in rapid development of the occupation. Likewise, students will be more likely to get innovative results if they acquire different academic disciplines’ knowledge.

the occupation指代不明

get innovative results (of what?)  
’s -> of
或许你在观点句中要回应一下题目中的关键词 truly educated  

To begin with, a comprehensive knowledge system will help students learn in their major field more efficiently. 人类知识体系是相互交叉的,在学习一个领域的时候往往需要另一个领域的知识做基础。比如,学习物理的时候,没有数学知识将寸步难行。或者,学习法国文学的 时候,没有法语知识将无从下手。


法语知识这个点 要说清楚一些 是语言学的知识和研究方法对研究文学的意义

Moreover, consider the rapid development of the technology, acquiring diverse kinds of knowledge will help one work more confidently in rapid development of the occupation. 随着科学技术的发展(包括政策变迁、产业转移等其他因素),一些新的职业会不断产生,同时旧的职业会消亡。在过去十年里,柯达胶卷停产了,唱片公司纷纷倒 闭,各大报纸争先推出网络版本。旧的职业消亡了,新的职业快速产生。如果一个工人只会在胶卷厂工作,或者一个编辑只会对纸质报纸进行编辑,那是有很大的失 业风险的。如果有其他领域学习的知识储备,学生在未来会较好地应对变化,并且有信心来引导变化。这就是take a variety of courses outside the student's major field of study的实用性和重要性。


Likewise, if the students acquire different academic disciplines’ knowledge, they will be more likely to get innovative results. 不同领域之间的合作可以为创新提供思路。比如,爱因斯坦酷爱小提琴,他曾经说过,他的理论的部分灵感来源于音乐的美感。苹果创始人乔布斯曾经研习书法,他 表示,在当时很少有人能看到学习书法的价值,但实际上他正是通过学习书法掌握了不同的字体,在设计Mac计算机字体的时候加入了书法的创意。乔布斯说: “如果我没有学习书法,可能是Mac计算机一大缺憾。”

举例的话 能否还是写校园内修读课程
第一点是说 修读部分专业外课程是专业课程的基础

作者: aiyin    时间: 2014-11-20 13:26:59

tesolchina 发表于 2014-11-20 10:16
In my opinion, the claim that students should be required to learn varied courses outside thei ...

1.occupational market
A:能够改成occupational market?
A:likewise 不能用于句首?已改成Besides,
3.’s -> of
4.或许你在观点句中要回应一下题目中的关键词 truly educated  
A:我是看到truly educated 这个词的,但我对这个词的把握不是很自信,所以就避开了,我下面抄了你的半句话来回应这个词。
In my opinion, the claim that students should be required to learn varied courses outside their major field of study is reasonable. With broad background knowledge, students could study their major field more efficiently and more likely to get innovative results of research that are important parts of education. Besides, students will be work more confidently in the rapid development of occupational market if they acquire different knowledge of academic disciplines.

作者: qinjichun    时间: 2014-11-21 05:23:04

tesolchina 发表于 2014-11-20 09:58
Claim: Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside  ...

作者: tesolchina    时间: 2014-11-22 17:37:01

qinjichun 发表于 2014-11-21 05:23
谢谢老师,您的提议真的很好,一下文章就显得有条理有逻辑多了,受益匪浅。之后写下全文,找找中间段的感 ...

我开了一个全文修改的转帖 你看看
作者: chrishong119    时间: 2014-11-30 21:40:05

tesolchina 发表于 2014-11-8 12:54
这个提纲和你7楼的区别不是很大 我说的例子偏题了你还是继续用 那我就没什么好说的了


    The speaker claims that universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the students` field of study. Should that be the general code? Well, it would be quietly necessary for arts students to take various courses, especially students in business school. While, for science students, medical students in particular, it would be better to tightly focus on one`s filed of study.
    To know something about almost everything is of critical importance for arts students to make a difference in the future, major-related courses only are not enough to prepare them for the future. For instance,商学院学生,宏观微观经济学、金融学、高数等等之外,还得熟知历史、国际政治、国际外交、地缘政治、民族学等等其他学科的知识,同时,还得对演讲、交流、礼仪等熟知,要是想有更大作为的话。

    While, for science students, it is of critical and direct importance for them to dig deep into major-related courses to be proficient about related knowledge. 比如说医学生,因为所学科目比较多,也很深奥,而时间比较有限,那么,主要精力必须用在关键方面,就算是这样子,在大学几年里能学到的也只是皮毛,而医学等科学学科的更新非常快,在其毕业之前,很多相关的知识早就又出来一大堆了,所以,更别说让其在大学时候多花些时间去学其他的课程了。

    Some people may argues that an absent of various courses in universities would significantly cripple students`s common knowledge and thus cripple their capacities to adapt to the society and succeed in the future.常识性的东西可以在日常生活中得到,包括与别人的交流,以课外活动,或看书,或外出旅游,而且,在大学中,除了专业课程之外,学生还会有一些相关的基础课程及选修课程,这些,早已足够让学生跟上时代步伐了。而且,学生都会自己去思考,综合起来,并不阻碍其在社会中的生活,更不妨碍其日后的成功。

作者: tesolchina    时间: 2014-12-1 22:01:25

chrishong119 发表于 2014-11-30 21:40

拼写 选词 句子结构 请尝试修改
arts student是文科生 但是你的汉语展开却是商科生?


作者: ee_stone    时间: 2015-1-1 23:47:24

本帖最后由 ee_stone 于 2015-1-3 20:07 编辑

1220考场上遇到Issue 140, 悲剧。哪里跌倒就要从哪里爬起来,恩,重新写提纲。


Some people believe that universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study. Others believe that universities should not force students to take any courses other than those that will help prepare them for jobs in their chosen fields.

Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented.

Recent years have seen the contention that universities should require students to take courses outside the major field of study, or require them to focus only on the courses which potentially help them to prepare for jobs. In my point of view, the courses outside the field of study are equivalently important to the success of a student, while students should be free to make the decision on whether to take the courses and which courses to take based on their future plan.

With the increasing interdisciplinary exchanges between fields of study, some propose that the courses outside the specific filed should be a must to take for students to get the degree. While others are concerned with the limited bandwidth available for students, and want them to put the courses helpful for future jobs at top priority. I agree that most students should take extra courses in other fields, to inspire the new ideas and build great personality. Although it may take some bandwidth of students, the courses should be required to give the proper guidance and direction.

Recent years have seen the contention that 这样开头不好 太模板了 (已改)

he courses outside the field of study are equivalently important to the success of a student 这里equivalently important 表达有问题 我想知道你从哪里看到这种表达

找5篇我写过的范文 提取其中第一段的主旨句 用谷歌翻译成汉语 帖在论坛上 然后总结一下可以学到什么句型

Point 1:
General courses, such as music, PE or history which are outside most students' fields of study, help to build a person's personality and health, which are very important to the future success.

注意题目说的是require 而你这里却变成了provide和encourage 这明显偏题啊  (已改)

Point 2:
Some specific courses in other fields can also help to inspire the ideas in the major field of study, and facilitate the cooperation with experts in that field.

同上 (已改)

Point 3:
The bandwidth of students are one of major concerns of opponents. However, the bandwidth of college students is in general feasible for more versatile courses.

so that这里用得不对 (已改)
请看看我的范文 严格按照1+3模型来写  

作者: jinxiaochen321    时间: 2015-5-24 16:31:33

作者: 一般一般    时间: 2015-5-26 18:12:35

作者: sokiller    时间: 2015-5-26 20:59:58

5.26 更新

Issue 13


感谢点评 辛苦了!!
作者: Kssandra    时间: 2015-5-27 09:44:39

5月27日 issue 13

https://bbs.gter.net/forum.php?mo ... age=1#pid1779516359

作者: 艾小卉    时间: 2015-5-27 10:27:06

作者: ndy900806    时间: 2015-5-27 11:01:33

作者: Lannister    时间: 2015-5-27 14:59:12

作者: 晹城    时间: 2015-5-27 18:23:44

本帖最后由 晹城 于 2015-5-27 20:06 编辑

0527   Issue 13 提纲
https://bbs.gter.net/forum.php?mo ... amp;fromuid=3586536
作者: fishgo    时间: 2015-5-27 19:25:06

5.27 issue13
https://bbs.gter.net/forum.php?mo ... amp;fromuid=3607599
作者: 锤先森G330    时间: 2015-5-27 20:01:32

https://bbs.gter.net/forum.php?mo ... amp;fromuid=3603995
作者: 晹城    时间: 2015-5-27 20:04:27

fishgo 发表于 2015-5-27 19:25
5.27 issue13
https://bbs.gter.net/forum.php?mo ... id=1779517987&f ...

作者: 艾小卉    时间: 2015-5-27 21:54:35

5.27号更新  Issue 13

https://bbs.gter.net/forum.php?mo ... amp;fromuid=3484633

作者: cchen2014    时间: 2015-5-27 23:38:38

作者: cchen2014    时间: 2015-5-27 23:38:57

我的Issue13 辛苦小伙伴们和老师了!
作者: ee_stone    时间: 2015-5-28 00:13:31

我觉得这篇不好写。。。很纠结, 求指教
https://bbs.gter.net/forum.php?mo ... amp;fromuid=3573213
作者: dingka    时间: 2015-5-28 02:11:02

https://bbs.gter.net/forum.php?mo ... amp;fromuid=2453299
作者: 刘小帆童鞋    时间: 2015-6-24 11:45:19

https://bbs.gter.net/forum.php?mo ... amp;fromuid=3606137

作者: tmdxlp    时间: 2015-6-27 03:09:12

补写的issue 13

https://bbs.gter.net/forum.php?mo ... amp;fromuid=2745223

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