
标题: 14年秋季提纲互改小组- issue 108 [打印本页]

作者: tesolchina    时间: 2014-10-31 10:33:19     标题: 14年秋季提纲互改小组- issue 108

本帖最后由 tesolchina 于 2014-10-31 10:35 编辑





Critical judgment of work in any given field has little value unless it comes from someone who is an expert in that field.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.【第一类写作指导】



第二段 纯粹数学的论文、成果只能由领域内专家评判

第三段 经济学、工程学等领域的研究需要领域外的专家评判
经济学家在这些领域所做的工作需要得到来自这些领域专家的评判 他们具有相关的知识背景
工程学的研究成果往往涉及多学科 如计算机工程涉及复杂的数学模型 因此数学家的评价也很有价值

第四段 广告设计、电视剧本等作品需要非专家的观众点评
作者: raikkonen36    时间: 2014-11-3 15:58:44

Experts’ critical judgment of work in a given field indeed is always valuable. Nonetheless, a freshman in a given field’s critical judgment of work also receives much attention. Moreover, even the viewpoint from a man outside a given field should not also be ignored.

1.        Experts’ critical judgment of work in a given field indeed is always valuable. 举例,发表论文来说,当我们投稿时,我们常常理所当然的任务自己的paper是perfect,但是几个月过后,当我们接到审稿人的好几页的修改意见时,有可能是completely rejected时,我们非常愤怒,但是很多经历告诉我们,只要按到审稿人的意见进行修改,下次再投时,一般都会accepted。
2.        Nonetheless, a freshman in a given field’s critical judgment of work also receives much attention. 由于新手不受传统观念的限制,相对于该领域的专家来讲有其独特视角,其提出的观点有时的确有其新颖独到科学合理的一面。举例:比如中国神州五号总设计师王永民,在早期中国的火箭事业上,为了让火箭飞的更远,其他研究院都想法设法的往火箭里面加燃料,而他却想着减少燃料让火箭的重量减轻,钱学森采纳了他的建议,最后导弹发射成功。
3.        Moreover, even the viewpoint from a man outside a given field should not also be ignored. 比如在商业领域:制造商通过向消费者征求反馈信息来调整产品的质量和使用价值;在政治领域,政府官员通过向民众征求意见,适时调整自己的施政方针,使政府更好的服务人民,从而使社会更加和谐稳定。

作者: ikow    时间: 2014-11-3 23:32:00

As we known, in all fields we need to value works to recognise the excellent works and their authors.So people conclude that only critical judgment from an expert in that field has value. But it is not always true. In some fields like theoretical physics, the value the work must be valued by the experts in that field. At the same time, in some fields like economics and engineering, both the experts in and out that field have to evaluate the work. However, it's vital for nonspecialists to judge the work in some applicated fields like advertising design, products design.
1、The articles in theoretical physics can only be assessed by the theoretical physicist.该领域内的工作没有相关的应用,也没有与其他领域有交叉部分。涉及的概念只有研究该领域的专家才能理解,所以领域内的工作的重要性只有领域内的专家能够了解
2、But in economics and engineering we need expert from other field to judge those works.首先这些领域是交叉,综合的领域,涉及许多其他的领域,经济学理论已经被应用到法学、政治学、人类学等多领域,同样需要数学理论,物理模型的支持,工程学通常会涉及力学,材料学等领域,所以具有相关领域背景的专家可以评价该领域的工作
3、The products in those applicated fields like advertising design and products design should be appraised by their comsumers. 这些领域里的设计都是为了迎合消费者的需求,消费者的喜好决定了产品最终形态。产品的好坏应该由消费者来评价。广告的成功取决于是否能吸引消费者的目光,引起消费者的兴趣。产品的生产商通常都会有反馈问卷调查消费者对于产品的使用体验从而来修改完善产品。  
作者: skywongchiu    时间: 2014-11-5 13:38:28

回應老師 练习一

The speaker assumes that only the expert is eligible to make a critical commend regarding other people work because the speaker believes that the expert has a better understanding about the field while compared with the rest of social members. Thus, the expert is eligible to critically teach the rest of the people to correct their mistakes. For example, I define the experts as teachers. I do not doubt that teachers who are capable to give commend regarding to students work while the students are learning how to obey the social norms and how to perform their rules according to the social norms. However, once the scope of discussion extends to the area of innovation, experts are not capable to supervise or give comment regarding other people work. I explain my reasoning as follows.

1. To begin with, I do not doubt that teachers – the expert in guiding students to learn about the social rules – are capable to evaluate students’ behavior in terms of social mores. 這是因為老師在大學求學時, 老師是被訓練去學習社會道德, 和如何教導學生有關社會道德的資訊。因此, 當有學生行為失誤時, 老師很容易便察覺學生不當的行為。同一時間, 因為老師對道德有相當的了解, 老師有足夠的能力評估學生的行為和教導學生如何改善不正當的行為。在這情況之下, 學生可以透過老師的教導去改善自己的不當行為。

2. However, while the score of discussion extends to teach students or someone to be critical or innovative, experts’ are not capable to supervise their works. 這是因為創意是來自"Think out of the box", 而不是跟蹤專家的意見。換一種說法是,若果只是單方面遵守專家的意見,新的產品是不可以被發明/生產出來的。只有不跟隨專家的思想,發明家才可以把全新的產品生產出來。

3. Furthermore, it is not reasonable to say that only the expert is allowed to critically commend on someone’s work because of his or her super knowledge, and hence someone would be benefit. 很多時候,一個成功的概念/產品的靈感是來自於第三方(非該方面的專才)。專家大多數時間都局限於自己的知識領域,而沒有真正思考普羅大眾的想法。另一方面,第三方的人才往往可以看到大眾的需要,所以他們的概念/產品比較容易得到其他人的認同。
作者: tesolchina    时间: 2014-11-5 20:38:32

ikow 发表于 2014-11-3 23:32
As we known, in all fields we need to value works to recognise the excellent works and their au ...

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.【第一类写作指导】

As we known, in all fields we need to value works to recognise the excellent works and their authors.So people conclude that only critical judgment from an expert in that field has value. But it is not always true. In some fields like theoretical physics, the value the work must be valued by the experts in that field. At the same time, in some fields like economics and engineering, both the experts in and out that field have to evaluate the work. However, it's vital for nonspecialists to judge the work in some applicated fields like advertising design, products design.

value works to recognise the excellent works and their authors
author 这个词太狭窄了
applicated 用词

基本思路和我提供的一致 但是在语言表达上的问题比较多  
关于语言表达的问题如何解决 我还在思考 近期会推出一些练习 请关注我的教学博客

1、The articles in theoretical physics can only be assessed by the theoretical physicist.该领域内的工作没有相关的应用,也没有与其他领域有交叉部分。涉及的概念只有研究该领域的专家才能理解,所以领域内的工作的重要性只 有领域内的专家能够了解

2、But in economics and engineering we need expert from other field to judge those works.首先这些领域是交叉,综合的领域,涉及许多其他的领域,经济学理论已经被应用到法学、政治学、人类学等多领域,同样需要数学理论,物理模型的 支持,工程学通常会涉及力学,材料学等领域,所以具有相关领域背景的专家可以评价该领域的工作

3、The products in those applicated fields like advertising design and products design should be appraised by their comsumers. 这些领域里的设计都是为了迎合消费者的需求,消费者的喜好决定了产品最终形态。产品的好坏应该由消费者来评价。广告的成功取决于是否能吸引消费者的目光, 引起消费者的兴趣。产品的生产商通常都会有反馈问卷调查消费者对于产品的使用体验从而来修改完善产品。  

作者: tesolchina    时间: 2014-11-5 20:53:36

skywongchiu 发表于 2014-11-5 13:38
回應老師 练习一

Critical judgment of work in any given field has little value unless it comes from someone who is an expert in that field.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.【第一类写作指导】

回應老師 练习一

The speaker assumes that only the expert is eligible to make a critical commend regarding other people work because the speaker believes that the expert has a better understanding about the field while compared with the rest of social members. Thus, the expert is eligible to critically teach the rest of the people to correct their mistakes. For example, I define the experts as teachers. I do not doubt that teachers who are capable to give commend regarding to students work while the students are learning how to obey the social norms and how to perform their rules according to the social norms. However, once the scope of discussion extends to the area of innovation, experts are not capable to supervise or give comment regarding other people work. I explain my reasoning as follows.

social members这个说法有问题
how to obey the social norms and how to perform their rules  这些已经脱离了题目所讨论的对作品、工作的评价

1. To begin with, I do not doubt that teachers – the expert in guiding students to learn about the social rules – are capable to evaluate students’ behavior in terms of social mores. 這是因為老師在大學求學時, 老師是被訓練去學習社會道德, 和如何教導學生有關社會道德的資訊。因此, 當有學生行為失誤時, 老師很容易便察覺學生不當的行為。同一時間, 因為老師對道德有相當的了解, 老師有足夠的能力評估學生的行為和教導學生如何改善不正當的行為。在這情況之下, 學生可以透過老師的教導去改善自己的不當行為。


2. However, while the score of discussion extends to teach students or someone to be critical or innovative, experts’ are not capable to supervise their works. 這是因為創意是來自"Think out of the box", 而不是跟蹤專家的意見。換一種說法是,若果只是單方面遵守專家的意見,新的產品是不可以被發明/生產出來的。只有不跟隨專家的思想,發明家才可以把全新的 產品生產出來。

score? scope

3. Furthermore, it is not reasonable to say that only the expert is allowed to critically commend on someone’s work because of his or her super knowledge, and hence someone would be benefit. 很多時候,一個成功的概念/產品的靈感是來自於第三方(非該方面的專才)。專家大多數時間都局限於自己的知識領域,而沒有真正思考普羅大眾的想法。另一方 面,第三方的人才往往可以看到大眾的需要,所以他們的概念/產品比較容易得到其他人的認同。

Critical judgment of work in any given field has little value

super -> superb
someone would be benefit 语法

作者: tesolchina    时间: 2014-11-5 22:53:52

raikkonen36 发表于 2014-11-3 15:58
Experts’ critical judgment of work in a given field indeed is always valuable. Nonetheless, a fresh ...

Critical judgment of work in any given field has little value unless it comes from someone who is an expert in that field.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.【第一类写作指导】

Experts’ critical judgment of work in a given field indeed is always valuable. Nonetheless, a freshman in a given field’s critical judgment of work also receives much attention. Moreover, even the viewpoint from a man outside a given field should not also be ignored.


1.        Experts’ critical judgment of work in a given field indeed is always valuable. 举例,发表论文来说,当我们投稿时,我们常常理所当然的任务自己的paper是perfect,但是几个月过后,当我们接到审稿人的好几页的修改意见时,有可能是completely rejected时,我们非常愤怒,但是很多经历告诉我们,只要按到审稿人的意见进行修改,下次再投时,一般都会accepted。


2.        Nonetheless, a freshman in a given field’s critical judgment of work also receives much attention. 由于新手不受传统观念的限制,相对于该领域的专家来讲有其独特视角,其提出的观点有时的确有其新颖独到科学合理的一面。举例:比如中国神州五号总设计师王永民,在早期中国的火箭事业上,为了让火箭飞的更远,其他研究院都想法设法的往火箭里面加燃料,而他却想着减少燃料让火箭的重量减轻,钱学森采纳了他的建议,最后导弹发射成功。


3.        Moreover, even the viewpoint from a man outside a given field should not also be ignored. 比如在商业领域:制造商通过向消费者征求反馈信息来调整产品的质量和使用价值;在政治领域,政府官员通过向民众征求意见,适时调整自己的施政方针,使政府更好的服务人民,从而使社会更加和谐稳定

同上 需要指出某个具体的work 可以是某个政策或方案 一定要紧扣题目的字眼

总的来说结构思路都不错 注意例子要扣题
作者: max940623    时间: 2014-11-6 00:01:32

TS: In any given field, critical judgment is surely an indispensable procedure to evaluate works as well as appraise their producers. However, whether these valuable judgment should only come from the expert in that certain field depends on its type. Specifically, pure science fields of study such as Mathematics could only depend on the judgment from experts, some interdisciplinary subjects such as Economics should respect the opinion from expert in other field as well, and in applied area sometimes the judgment from normal people may outweigh that of experts.

Ts1: Since pure science fields always tend to be convolute and seldom intersect with other subjects, only the judgment from the experts is valuable. 艰深的科学领域往往只有同领域专家才能掌握足够的专业知识和业界经验来评判作品价值。又因为与其他领域交集少,其他领域专家的意见参考价值有限。

Ts2: As for interdisciplinary subjects, the evaluation of the work must combine the judgment from relevant field of study. 经济学为例,必须参考来自社会学市场学心理学法学政治学的专家的评判。

Ts3: Furthermore, in some applied fields the judgment from experts may even subordinate to that of non-expert. 酒店管理业,以顾客体验与判断为第一。酒店管理人员就算在菜肴赌博公关方面再有经验,最后他们的意见还是要服从于顾客这些门外汉的意见。

作者: skywongchiu    时间: 2014-11-6 00:20:32

本帖最后由 skywongchiu 于 2014-11-6 23:19 编辑
tesolchina 发表于 2014-11-5 20:53
Critical judgment of work in any given field has little value unless it comes from someone who is  ...

the score is not gd, u have already make a clear point, my writing is out of the scope....indeed, all the points mentioned above were the points that i wrote in the exam.... starting from now, i need to work hard and please supervise our work.

By the way, I have revised the work according to Wang sir's comment, would you please give me further advice.

Critical judgment of work in any given field has little value unless it comes from someone who is an expert in that field.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.【第一类写作指导】

回應老師 练习一

The speaker assumes that only the expert is eligible to make a critical commend regarding other people work because the speaker believes that the expert has a better understanding about the field while compared with the rest of social members. Thus, the expert is eligible to critically teach the rest of the people to correct their mistakes. I partly agree with the speaker’s argument. I do not doubt that experts’ comment are useful while we make an attempt to learn how to perfect our work according to the regulation created by the field’ experts. However, once the scope of discussion extends to the area of innovation, experts are not capable to supervise or give comment regarding other people work. I explain my reasoning as follows.

1. To begin with, while the discussion related to schooling, I do not doubt that teachers are capable to critically judge students’ homework. 這是因為相學生來說, 老師對學科知識的要求的掌握比同學較好。當教育局設定學科課程的時候, 老師是被邀請參加課程的制定。政策制定者一定相對非政策制定者更加了解教育局對學生的要求。所以, 老師有能力評估學生對學科知識的掌握是否足夠和準確。

2. Furthermore, it is commonly true that a team leader has the ability in evaluating the teammates work according to the company requirement. 這是因為組長是属於公司的管理階層。換句話來說,組長會制定一套機制去評估其他員工的工作。所以, 組長有能力評估普通員工的工作是否能夠達到公司的要求。

3. However, while the scope of discussion extends to the judgment of innovative work, experts’ comment is not important. 這是因為創意產品是來自"Think out of the box", 而不是跟蹤專家的意見。換一種說法是,若果只是單方面遵守專家的意見,新的產品是不可以被發明/生產出來的。只有不跟隨專家的思想,發明家才可以跳出玩有的局限。所以, 尊家的意見對於發明家的產品是不重要的。

作者: liliudodo    时间: 2014-11-6 22:47:02

Critical judgment of work in any given field has little value unless it comes from someone who is an expert in that field.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

Is critical judgment of work in any given field has little value unless it comes from someone who is an expert in that field? In my opinion, people should consider different situations and aspects. While in such area like mathematic physical and some other pure theories, professional expert should play an important role in judgment of the work, in some other places, just like music, popular culture, pedestrian also can afford valuable suggestion of such work, in fact these critical judgments is necessary.

In most of Pure science, the judgment from experts who has plenty of experience is crucial to the development of such area. 科学研究要求技术比较高,一般人不会,所以一般人的评价往往是不正确的。 业内专家有着丰富的经验,他们的评价可以起到指导作用。举例诺贝尔奖的评选过程。

But with the development of science and technology, more and more interaction of different professional areas appears. This new situation induces that experts from one single area cannot handle the whole knowledge of his or her research. They need more help from experts in other parts. 举例比如物理学,需要数学的帮助。 运动生物力学,需要体育,物理的知识。有时候一个领域问题的解决,往往是因为其他相关领域取得了突破。

In fact, in some field just like pop culture, the critical judgment from experts is valueless comparing with common people, because only most people accept and like some kinds of pop culture it can be seen as a success style. 举例,比如MJ的音乐,虽然绝大部分他的fans不会作曲,但是不代表MJ的音乐不成功。一个广告设计师水平的高低,不是看他的学历,而是看他的作品是否被大多数人所认可。



作者: tesolchina    时间: 2014-11-7 13:25:17

max940623 发表于 2014-11-6 00:01
TS: In any given field, critical judgment is surely an indispensable procedure to evalu ...

issue 108

Critical judgment of work in any given field has little value unless it comes from someone who is an expert in that field.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

TS: In any given field, critical judgment is surely an indispensable procedure to evaluate works as well as appraise their producers. However, whether these valuable judgment should only come from the expert in that certain field depends on its type. Specifically, pure science fields of study such as Mathematics could only depend on the judgment from experts, some interdisciplinary subjects such as Economics should respect the opinion from expert in other field as well, and in applied area sometimes the judgment from normal people may outweigh that of experts.

depends on its type 这里是什么意思 没说清楚

Ts1: Since pure science fields always tend to be convolute and seldom intersect with other subjects, only the judgment from the experts is valuable. 艰深的科学领域往往只有同领域专家才能掌握足够的专业知识和业界经验来评判作品价值。又因为与其他领域交集少,其他领域专家的意见参考价值有限。

tend to be convolute(d) 这个表达有些问题

Ts2: As for interdisciplinary subjects, the evaluation of the work must combine the judgment from relevant field of study. 经济学为例,必须参考来自社会学市场学心理学法学政治学的专家的评判。

evaluation combine的搭配有问题

Ts3: Furthermore, in some applied fields the judgment from experts may even subordinate to that of non-expert. 酒店管理业,以顾客体验与判断为第一。酒店管理人员就算在菜肴赌博公关方面再有经验,最后他们的意见还是要服从于顾客这些门外汉的意见。

这里要注意强调某种work  比如the training program for staff  

总的来说 这个提纲写得不错 但语言表达的问题较多  

作者: max940623    时间: 2014-11-7 21:15:38

tesolchina 发表于 2014-11-7 13:25
issue 108

Critical judgment of work in any given field has little value unless it comes from so ...

Critical judgment of work in any given field has little value unless it comes from someone who is an expert in that field.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.【第一类写作指导】
KW: critical judgment, any field, value, expert

In any given field, critical judgment from specialists is surely an indispensable procedure to evaluate works as well as appraise their producers. However, the statement that valuable judgment can only come from the expert may not hold true in all fields. Specifically, pure science fields of study such as Mathematics could entirely depend on the judgment from experts, some interdisciplinary subjects such as Economics should respect the opinion from expert in other field as well, and in applied area sometimes the judgment from normal people may outweigh that of experts.

Since pure science fields are convoluted and seldom intersect with other subjects, only the judgment from the experts is valuable. For instance, the relative theory and the quantum mechanics that reveal the limit of seemingly universal rule, Newton’s Law, must be evaluated by specialists in theoretical physics. According to my experience, the layman will have difficulty judging or even understanding these intricate theories due to the lack of specialized knowledge. Besides, these two works have limited relevance to other subjects. In fact, the relative theory and the quantum mechanics even appears to contrast with common mathematical rules, which makes the judgment from mathematicians futile or even misleading. 这一段以例子的总结结尾可以吗?还是一定要回到主题句?

As for interdisciplinary subjects, the evaluation of the work must refer to the judgment from relevant field of study. Assuming that we are the stock holders in this market, without doubt we will fail in fierce competition barely relying on the economists’ judgment. When the economists try hard to predict the price of a stock based on demand and supply relationship, other factors such as political environment, social change and consumers’ mind also have a great impact on any stock. In this case, our evaluation on a stock should respect the opinion from other fields, especially politics, sociology and psychology. 尝试了您说的思想实验法。。。不知道对不对

Furthermore, in some applied fields the judgment from experts may even subordinate to that of non-expert. For example, the self-evaluation on service in a hotel will treasure the customers’ comment more than that from hotel administration. Admittedly, the hotel mangers surely have more experience and knowledge in this field. However in applied field like the service industry, the one and only one principle is to fulfill the requirement of the consumers, even if they are non-expert and frequently make “mistakes” in rating from the perspective of the experts. 这点不知道该怎么说,就成了炒冷饭翻来覆去地说

作者: tesolchina    时间: 2014-11-8 17:12:56

skywongchiu 发表于 2014-11-6 00:20
the score is not gd, u have already make a clear point, my writing is out of the scope....indeed ...

Critical judgment of work in any given field has little value unless it comes from someone who is an expert in that field.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.【第一类写作指导】

回應老師 练习一

The speaker assumes that only the expert is eligible to make a critical commend regarding other people work because the speaker believes that the expert has a better understanding about the field while compared with the rest of social members. Thus, the expert is eligible to critically teach the rest of the people to correct their mistakes. For example, I define the experts as teachers. I do not doubt that teachers who are capable to give commend regarding to students work while the students are learning how to obey the social norms and how to perform their rules according to the social norms. However, once the scope of discussion extends to the area of innovation, experts are not capable to supervise or give comment regarding other people work. I explain my reasoning as follows.

social members这个说法有问题
how to obey the social norms and how to perform their rules  这些已经脱离了题目所讨论的对作品、工作的评价

1. To begin with, I do not doubt that teachers – the expert in guiding students to learn about the social rules – are capable to evaluate students’ behavior in terms of social mores. 這是因為老師在大學求學時, 老師是被訓練去學習社會道德, 和如何教導學生有關社會道德的資訊。因此, 當有學生行為失誤時, 老師很容易便察覺學生不當的行為。同一時間, 因為老師對道德有相當的了解, 老師有足夠的能力評估學生的行為和教導學生如何改善不正當的行為。在這情況之下, 學生可以透過老師的教導去改善自己的不當行為。


2. However, while the score of discussion extends to teach students or someone to be critical or innovative, experts’ are not capable to supervise their works. 這是因為創意是來自"Think out of the box", 而不是跟蹤專家的意見。換一種說法是,若果只是單方面遵守專家的意見,新的產品是不可以被發明/生產出來的。只有不跟隨專家的思想,發明家才可以把全新的 產品生產出來。

score? scope

3. Furthermore, it is not reasonable to say that only the expert is allowed to critically commend on someone’s work because of his or her super knowledge, and hence someone would be benefit. 很多時候,一個成功的概念/產品的靈感是來自於第三方(非該方面的專才)。專家大多數時間都局限於自己的知識領域,而沒有真正思考普羅大眾的想法。另一方 面,第三方的人才往往可以看到大眾的需要,所以他們的概念/產品比較容易得到其他人的認同。

Critical judgment of work in any given field has little value

super -> superb
someone would be benefit 语法

作者: tesolchina    时间: 2014-11-10 22:04:36

max940623 发表于 2014-11-7 21:15
Critical judgment of work in any given field has little value  ...

In any given field, critical judgment from specialists is surely an indispensable procedure to evaluate works as well as appraise their producers. However, the statement that valuable judgment can only come from the expert may not hold true in all fields. Specifically, pure science fields of study such as Mathematics could entirely depend on the judgment from experts, some interdisciplinary subjects such as Economics should respect the opinion from expert in other field as well, and in applied area sometimes the judgment from normal people may outweigh that of experts.

比如procedure这个词用在这里不合适 judgment肯定不是一个步骤
然后depnd on这个词也用的不太好
specifically这一句的第一个expert后面加一个 experts within the field 或许好些  
然后respect这个词也用得不太好 因为subject是不能respect的


Since pure science fields are convoluted and seldom intersect with other subjects, only the judgment from the experts is valuable. For instance, the relative theory and the quantum mechanics that reveal the limit of seemingly universal rule, Newton’s Law, must be evaluated by specialists in theoretical physics. According to my experience, the layman will have difficulty judging or even understanding these intricate theories due to the lack of specialized knowledge. Besides, these two works have limited relevance to other subjects. In fact, the relative theory and the quantum mechanics even appears to contrast with common mathematical rules, which makes the judgment from mathematicians futile or even misleading. 这一段以例子的总结结尾可以吗?还是一定要回到主题句?

relative theory - theory of relativity
limit - limitation
汗 物理学理论怎么可能和数学规则矛盾呢

感觉部分句子没有直接支持 主题句

As for interdisciplinary subjects, the evaluation of the work must refer to the judgment from relevant field of study. Assuming that we are the stock holders in this market, without doubt we will fail in fierce competition barely relying on the economists’ judgment. When the economists try hard to predict the price of a stock based on demand and supply relationship, other factors such as political environment, social change and consumers’ mind also have a great impact on any stock. In this case, our evaluation on a stock should respect the opinion from other fields, especially politics, sociology and psychology. 尝试了您说的思想实验法。。。不知道对不对

Assuming that we are the stock holders in this market, without doubt we will fail in fierce competition barely relying on the economists’ judgment.这句话里并没有提到任何的work  感觉和主题句不相关
整段变成写evaluate stock而不是theoretical works of economists  

Furthermore, in some applied fields the judgment from experts may even subordinate to that of non-expert. For example, the self-evaluation on service in a hotel will treasure the customers’ comment more than that from hotel administration. Admittedly, the hotel mangers surely have more experience and knowledge in this field. However in applied field like the service industry, the one and only one principle is to fulfill the requirement of the consumers, even if they are non-expert and frequently make “mistakes” in rating from the perspective of the experts. 这点不知道该怎么说,就成了炒冷饭翻来覆去地说


Critical judgment of work in any given field has little value unless it comes from someone who is an expert in that field.

1 work 可以是科研成果 酒店的管理方案  
2 critical judgement  任何对相关工作的判断
3 from someone 各种专家或普通人
4 value  有没有价值或用处

self-evaluation指的是什么 为什么可以treasure

作者: gzc405933323    时间: 2014-11-12 03:31:23

Thesis: For the pure theoretical fields including pure mathematics and metaphilosophy, only experts of those realms of study can provide valuable critics of the work in those fields. For the fields that focus on both theories and application including public policy and finance, the expert from other relevant fields can offer judgment conducive to the work in those areas. For the fields that focus on the public application including media study and literature, the favors of the non-expert public are also significant.

1.        For the theoretical studies like pure math and metaphilosophy, the experts seem to be the only valuable source of evaluations.
a.        这些学科的理论非专家人士能理解,因此他们的意见不重要
b.        这些学科的发展并没有太多的其他领域的应用,因此其他领域专家的意见不重要
c.        行内专家对这些学科是最熟悉的,因此他们意见重要。

2.        In contrast, experts in other fields can offer essential views on the work in the fields that value both application and theories, including statistics and economics.
a.        某些学科的理论需要其他领域专家的点评,从而在该领域得到有效应用。例如公共政策和经济。
b.        某些学科的理论需要基于其他领域的理论,因此也需要其他领域专家的点评。例如金融和统计学:Black-Scholes Model是基于统计学的随机过程理论,因此需要统计学专家的意见来修正模型。
3.        Moreover, for the fields that heavily rely on the application to the public, the opinions of the non-expert are indispensable in improving the work on those fields.
a.        文学作品需要读者的意见
b.        传媒学的研究需要了解公众对大众媒体的偏好

4. Conclusion.

作者: qinjichun    时间: 2014-12-1 08:54:24

Due to the widespread use of internet, people can easily get access to numerous resources which were not attainable before. Critical judgment or work is required by populace to help them select from the huge pool of similar works. Since experts specialize in their fields, it is argued that only critical judgment of work from an expert in that field is valuable. However, whether this opinion is right depends on the field we discuss. In some fields, like math, this argument holds true. In the fields like physics and engineering areas, experts from other fields can also give valuable insights. In some fields, like movie scripts and advertisement design.

In some fields, the work can only be understood comprehensively and profoundly by the experts in that field. By this attribute of those fields, only evaluation and feedback from experts in those fields has inappreciable value.比如在pure mathematics领域,只有数学家才能理解论文中推理的过程,而这超越了其他科学家的能力范围,如果不理解过程,就无法评论其是否正确。

In other fields, a work may involve interdisciplinary knowledge, so experts from different areas equip with the ability to understand and then evaluate it. For example, though physicists may struggling in understanding mathematicians’ works, in most cases the latter will not face a similar situation when they judge physicists’ works.因为物理学经常要用到数学理论。

Furthermore, as regard to some fields relevant more to daily life, not only judgments from experts but also from public should be considered. 比如IMDb评分就基本可以反映一个电影的水准,而且许多人会电影在网站上的口碑来选择是否观看。而这些评分大多数都不是电影专家打的。

作者: tesolchina    时间: 2014-12-1 21:57:25

qinjichun 发表于 2014-12-1 08:54
Due to the widespread use of internet, people can easily get access to numerous resources which were ...


作者: qinjichun    时间: 2014-12-2 03:08:55

tesolchina 发表于 2014-12-1 21:57

Due to the widespread use of internet, people can easily get access to a wide range of resources and so how to select the optimum resource from the huge pool become the essential problem for most people. Since experts always specialized in their own fields and always possess a profound understanding on the work in their filed, it is argued that only critical judgment of work from an expert in that field has a great value. Whether this statement hold true depends on the field discussed.

In the area of pure mathematics, I agree that only mathematicians are adequate to give valuable judgment. Even engineers or scientists who usually deal with data by mathematical theories are not capable of fully understand the underlying complicated theory and the deduction process involved in the thesis, let alone experts from other fields. Without comprehensive understanding, they are not able to distinguish a great work from those ordinary works and give valuable judgment.

However, in most areas, the works involve some interdisciplinary knowledge. For example, in a physics paper, mathematics theories and knowledge are also applied to solve some problems. So mathematicians have the ability to evaluate if these theories are correctly used. In civil engineering area, some paper study the effect of force applied on buildings. So physicist are eligible and adequate to judge the paper.

Unlike those areas mentioned above, in some areas which are more concerned with populace, like advertisement design and movie industry, not only experts but also public can provide valuable judgment on the works. Take IMDb as an example, It is the public not experts determine the rate of a movie. the rate of a movie on it always reveal its true quality and popularity. Some people also choose whether or not watch a movie according to the comments and rate, which means the judgment from public is also valuable.

Overall speaking, judgment on a work from an experts in that field should always be valuable, however, in most cases, judgment from other people may also be desirable.

作者: tesolchina    时间: 2014-12-2 08:58:55

qinjichun 发表于 2014-12-2 03:08
Due to the widespread use of internet, people can easily get access to a wide range of resources a ...

pure mathematics是作为一个例子来讨论的 所以最好写成 In certain theoretical research fields such as pure mathematics 这样你的例子才具有某种generalizability
第二段的主题句要写清楚一些 因为我们这里的思路是experts from other fields may also provide valuable feedback  你需要点明 这样后面的讨论才能和题目明显的契合

还有一些大小写、标点什么的 要注意一下  

作者: 四点滴    时间: 2014-12-11 20:21:41

tesolchina 发表于 2014-12-2 08:58
pure mathematics是作为一个例子来讨论的 所以最好写成 In certain theoretical research fiel ...


The statement supposes that critical judgment of work in any field has little value only if it comes from an expert in that field. Admittedly, it reveals some truth. However, it varies in different circumstances: in those domains that various disciplines confluence, the specialists from other field come give a cogent assertion; as for applied works and products, it is their audience and users that have the ultimate right to give a judgment.
Firstly, as far as the pure theoretical research fields which are hardly relevant with other fields and practical appliance, their study are so professional and abstruse that only their experts have enough knowledge and sage to make a valuable judgment. For example in pure philosophy, the subject matters of their research are so abstract and those technical terms are so occult. Meanwhile it rarely insects with other disciplines and has few chances to apply to the daily life, which means that this research field are almost open to the professors and students. In a result, if a paper or a monograph is to be judged, then only the philosophy expert are able to give the most constructive appraisement.
Secondly, nowadays, so many domains involves more than two disciplines, this circumstance indeed need experts from different fields to make the judgment. For example, some historians are attempting to explain the success or failure of various political strengths in the term of the climate and ecological conditions. In a result, the papers or book in this aspects can get a sensible assertion from climate and ecology pundits.
In the last, when referring to those applied works or product it is the judgment from their audience and users that makes sense, such as the advertisements. Whether the advertisement successes or falls depends on the responses of the audience, who are obviously not experts. As for some kind of products, the user experience is one of the essential things on which the factory base their amelioration—similarly, these users are not product professors, either.

Consequently, whether this statement that only values experts’ judgment holds true relies on different circumstances: is the field abysmal? Does it involve other disciplines? Is this one an applied field? We should answer these questions before making the assertion.

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