
标题: 综合写作怎么都是fair,练了这么久,快绝望了,贴出TPO11,求大神们帮助啊 [打印本页]

作者: shawnwu0712    时间: 2014-11-5 23:49:08     标题: 综合写作怎么都是fair,练了这么久,快绝望了,贴出TPO11,求大神们帮助啊

本帖最后由 shawnwu0712 于 2014-11-5 23:58 编辑


The lecture argues that people read less literature does not do harm to intellectual stimulation, culture improvement or writing literature as claimed in the reading passage.

On the issue that less literature might cause less intellectual stimulation, the lecture refutes this point by clarifying that not only literature, but also some other high-quality forms of books can provide intellectual stimulation, for example, science and history books can be as creative as literature and could stimulate the imaginations. We cannot deny these kind of books are not good books.

The lecture does not agree that spending time on trivial forms of entertainment has lowered culture level. In fact, culture now has changed to many different forms of culture, such as music and movie, these non-literature things are also culture in a different forms and can give a more direct impact on people than literature. No one can deny that listening to a high-quality song or watch a movie is not an improvement of culture.

Finally, the lecture points that the decline of literature writing is the fact, but this can not only blame on readers. Nowadays, literature writers are writing novels that is hard for readers to understand; even earlier generations will not read today's literature. So this is their problems that cannot blame on the readers.

作者: shawnwu0712    时间: 2014-11-5 23:58:51


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