
标题: argument 22/119/120138 According to a recent report, cheating among college and [打印本页]

作者: chrishong119    时间: 2014-11-22 22:38:59     标题: argument 22/119/120138 According to a recent report, cheating among college and

本帖最后由 chrishong119 于 2014-11-22 22:41 编辑
22) According to a recent report, cheating among college and university students is on the rise. However, Groveton College has successfully reduced student cheating by adopting an honor code, which calls for students to agree not to cheat in their academic endeavors and to notify a faculty member if they suspect that others have cheated. Groveton's honor code replaced a system in which teachers closely monitored students; under that system, teachers reported an average of thirty cases of cheating per year. In the first year the honor code was in place, students reported twenty-one cases of cheating; five years later, this figure had dropped to fourteen. Moreover, in a recent survey, a majority of Groveton students said that they would be less likely to cheat with an honor code in place than without. Thus, all colleges and universities should adopt honor codes similar to Groveton's in order to decrease cheating among students.
Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the recommendation and the argument on which it is based are reasonable. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the recommendation.
作者: chrishong119    时间: 2014-11-22 22:39:11

    The report recommends that all colleges and universities should adopt honor codes similar to Groveton`s in order to decrease cheating among students because the honor codes does work effectively in Graviton College. Well, close scrutiny of the argument it based, I find this recommendation is problematic for several fields.

    First of all, are the whole situations of other colleges the same as that of Groveton? 有可能Graviton的学生荣誉感更强更自觉些,而且其所执行的信用体系更全面且执行得更严格,那么就算Graviton的作假降低了,只要别的学校的情况比之差,那么其所采取的方法在别的学校不一定能凑效。

    Second, is cheating proportion increased as students number in Groveton decreasing and no cheating cases have been missed in Groveton?五年后,作假的案例只是十四,但,有可能此期间Groveton的学生数减少了一半甚至更多,那么其作假率也没下降,甚至是提高了。再者,毕竟没有人监督了,而是靠自觉,所以,有可能有些作假没被发现而被漏报了,甚至,Groveton为了显示其新方法是有效的,会故意少通报些作假案例。

    Third, what is the proportion of the students who said wold less likely to cheat under an honor code system to those students who said no? 绝大部分表态了,但没作此表态的人呢,也许这些人的个数不会低于三十,再者,接受调查时总不能说自己还会作假,所以表态不作假的那些人中还是会有人去作假的,所以,此调查不可靠。

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