
标题: issue 133/57/74/134 133) Claim: Knowing about the past ca [打印本页]

作者: chrishong119    时间: 2014-11-22 22:43:04     标题: issue 133/57/74/134 133) Claim: Knowing about the past ca

133) Claim: Knowing about the past cannot help people to make important decisions today.
Reason: The world today is significantly more complex than it was even in the relatively recent past.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.
作者: chrishong119    时间: 2014-11-22 22:43:13

    The speaker claims that it is of no use for people knowing about the past cause the world today is significantly more complex than it was before. It is true that knowing about the history can not help normal people to make important decisions today, but for elites of the society, this would matters significantly, even though the world today is not the one it was.
    For normal people, get to know about the history can not help them to solve such pressing problems as good-paid jobs, an apartment, a car, medical assurance, soundable and affordable education for children, not to say to help them make important decisions, but to leave them a good time to devote into history and possibly cultivate one`s cultural spirit. 尽管人们掌握了更多的知识,似乎这很有助于人们更好的去做出重要的决定,但是,人们会发现,其实,别人也是和他们处于同一知识水平的,而且,随着现代化的继续,往往普通人并不需要做什么基于历史等的重大决定,更多的是要为一个体面的生活而奋斗。
     It is true that the world is not the one it was before, the whole society is changing rapidly without a suspend. 我们今天所掌握的大多数知识都是过时的,比如说科学及历史,它们早已被新的科学及历史所覆盖了,甚至是被遗忘了。比如说,对于经典生物的掌握并不能让人们更轻易的做出有关基因学及免疫学的决定。甚至,最新的知识都有可能在几周甚至几天内过时。而随着社交媒体的出现,历史也逃脱不了这命运,现在的人们甚至可以知道目前这会儿在世界的各个地方发生了什么,他们所掌握的以往的事很快就会被新的历史及社会事件所覆盖。这个世界,确实是比以往更加复杂了。

    While, for elites of the society, it will be so beneficial to know about the past, this could help them make important decisions more efficiently. 对于商业领导来说,对于过往的认知,可以让他们站得更高,从而更有效、精准的做出相关的决定。认知历史就是认识未来,谁弄清了历史谁就把握得住未来。这对于政治及外交也是一样的。在政治及外交中,对手可以是朋友,朋友也可能是潜在的对手,清楚了政治伙伴、政治小组、政党的过往,政治领导们就可以把握住全局,并在关键时刻做出有效的决定。尽管社会在不停的变化,但,有些事情是不会变的,尤其是有关人的本性的事。而对于政治及外交来说,熟知别人的历史非常关键,尤其是其本性,包括个人的、团体的甚至是整个民族的,所以,对于政治及外交,熟知历史非常重要。
作者: tesolchina    时间: 2014-11-22 23:14:45

chrishong119 发表于 2014-11-22 22:43
    The speaker claims that it is of no use for people knowing about the past cause the worl ...

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