
标题: [口语小组]chrischukovski作业贴 (13/12/2014) [打印本页]

作者: chrischukovski    时间: 2014-11-25 18:09:27     标题: [口语小组]chrischukovski作业贴 (13/12/2014)

本帖最后由 chrischukovski 于 2014-12-2 20:08 编辑

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1. 希望点评的同学能着重批一下我的应试技巧,例如考官会倾向何种表达方式以及何种口音什么的。谢谢。我也会尽自己所能为你提供我的一些看法。谢谢!
作者: Alfredfeng    时间: 2014-11-27 13:12:43

本帖最后由 Alfredfeng 于 2014-11-29 10:21 编辑


TASK 1: 听出了三个点。思路挺好的,总-分结构

" The person I enjoy talking to should be my college roomate "

He has a good knowledge , so it's very easy to start a topic.  具体的例子呢?只有观点让人不信服。

He is open-minded , so he makes people willing to talk to him, even if the person talking to him has conflicting views ( but he doesn't mind ).  录音的原句,在这里说的不够清楚,让人不理解。 更重要的问题,还是例子。

He is humorous,making people enjoy the conversation. 还是例子


拿第一个点来说:可以这样展开: 我的室友的知识面很广,什么都知道,我没事的时候喜欢跟他聊聊篮球,游戏,但是除了跟男生相处得好,也有很多妹子喜欢约他一起吃饭,因为他也懂得很多女生的东西,跟女生有共同的话题。所以他知识面很广。

TASK 2 : “ I prefer to playing in the field rather than sit in the audience chair watching. The reason behind the kinda choices is , first , because I think sport is about participation , to get involved in this sport is the main reason why we have them,while the 2nd reason is like you get a lot more fun when you are really playing it , to watch is one thing and  to really do it is another. If you never play football , you'll never understand how exciting it is to run on the ground and clash with others. "

大致听抄了一下。 从原文可以看出问题:


prefer doing to doing
prefer to do rather than ( to ) do

If you never play football , you'll never understand how exciting it is to run on the ground and clash with others.
这样更好些: You'll never understand the fun of competing with others until you really start to play football. 表达这种:”你不去做什么就不会知道什么“的句子最好用not --- until...,这样简洁一些,给自己的supporting reason留出时间

first , because I think sport is about participation , to get involved in this sport is the main reason why we have them

其实sport is about participation和to get involved in this sport is the main reaon...前后的意思是等价的,后面那个可以用个具体一点的事例来支撑sport is about participation

先评 T1 T2。 后面的等回来再继续评

11.25 TASK 3 : 同学你用了40秒来summarize the reading passage,简直是够了 = =!

about covering the old mud pavement , with a new cement one .
1st better for students to run on the pavement , which makes safer for them to run on it
second : look better and attractive

while the man doesn’t agree , with contradicting views : 1st , hurt the bone and joints. secondly , doesn’t think look good , not major ( = not of major concern )

reading passage部分过于冗长,句式复杂且语速跟不上导致时间消耗太多。特别是听到了which 定语从句这里,简直是醉了,这种定语从句在口语中太杀时间了= =;

about the man's view:

1st:hurt the bone and joints ( since cement pavement means hard surface )

2nd: He doesn't think the pavement looks good , 这里少了the fact that people would stop feeling relaxed if they ran on the paved track.  因为时间不够了

好机智的 vice versa

based on the research on 2 groups of monkeys ,

用了30秒钟来描述这个research的过程, 还可以通过句式来压缩一下时间,语速快一些的话用一个before就要好些,或者用过去完成时。 比如The researchers were/had been informed of the difference in the intelligence of monkeys (before they performed their research).


建议:多用介词结构和不定式来代替从句,让表达更简洁; 把相关的内容放在一起说。 比如:researchers事先被被有意误导了,他们被告知两个组猴子的智商有区别,其实并没有区别。
The researchers had been informed of the difference in intelligence although monkeys were identical in their intelligence.

TASK 5: The lady's white shirt was stained .She couldn't go to the performance in that shirt. The one who got the exactly same shirt was her roommate , but the roommate was out of contact. My proposal is that she suck it up because it's not good to take the shirt without permission. 这个展开的很好,没什么问题。


这个outstanding不太好,换个表达she would end up looking different from others

TASK 6: 主要的问题是,口语表达不够清晰,应该是平时很少说英语造成的吧。

The position of the eyes are critical to birds in two forms: the first one when the eyes are positioned in the forewards , ...... on the birds skull , e.g. the eyes of hawks which are positioned in the front , allows it to see things straight and forward, at the same time gives them the sterotypical view , clear off the distance between themselves and preys of them , while the other form is eyes are located in each side of skull , which allows them to be alert to the predators that potentially harm them

lecture 的原文是这样展开的 the position of birds’ eyes is critical to their surivival , both for predators and preys ,然后分开说predator和prey

比如我觉得先提一下as for predators 再举例子hawks 要更清晰一些。as for predators blah blah blah... as for those being preyed on blah blah blah...

作者: chrischukovski    时间: 2014-11-27 16:53:23

Alfredfeng 发表于 2014-11-27 13:12

作者: wlfjqcj    时间: 2014-11-29 20:37:36

t1 楼主的语音还很不错啊,说的也是blablabla的,很流利。存在两个问题:


t3.楼主和我一样发现自己说错了就喜欢回读,一起改正啊。。。。。这一题楼主的回答结构很有问题啊,,建议看看托福口语看这本就够了,这本书,里面有这道题的答题介绍  听力永远是重点呀


t5 这一题的语音语调很好,答题结构也很老练。。。细节+自己的想法都很丰富。。这样答我觉得可以拿满分了(只是我觉得!!!!!!!)

t6 楼主这几题是一起录的,怎么这一题的发音和上一题差这么大。还是英音美音混得很厉害。。。但是细节很丰富

作者: chrischukovski    时间: 2014-11-29 20:39:09

Alfredfeng 发表于 2014-11-27 13:12

作者: chrischukovski    时间: 2014-11-30 17:48:18

wlfjqcj 发表于 2014-11-29 20:37
t1 楼主的语音还很不错啊,说的也是blablabla的,很流利。存在两个问题:
1.英美音混杂,例如task,楼主说 ...

作者: sLeepor    时间: 2014-12-2 12:59:01

11.30的只看到了 Task1,2噢
作者: 李善浩    时间: 2014-12-2 14:48:56

小伙伴真是抱歉我来晚了 因为前天重感冒今天才好点
1 most最后一个t的音没有发出来 我本科阶段没学得特别好所以努力申请这个研究生感觉有点不是因果的关系啊 中间那个超出预期的学校offer感觉说的可以 扣题很紧
2 语法没啥问题 但是内容有点罗嗦 就一个理由白天学习效率高 换了好几种方式说 感觉是拖完的 最后一句还是this is why巴拉巴拉 可以多想一个point
3这一段感觉说得很好 点都到了 不过从句衔接太多的感觉 作为口语的话感觉太正式了 特别inceasment这种词的话感觉只有在很正式的学术文章里有 一半口语里大家都表达increase吧(当然 这个只是个人意见 仅供参考 不一定对哈)
4 这里你所说的第二个reason听力内容我理解的是他画人的技巧太过拙劣 只好从报纸上剪裁人物贴到他的画里 跟他画的其他东西不协调(也可能是我理解错了 总的来说个人主观感觉就是第二个reason表述不够贴切)
5 感觉表述理由的时候还是用听力内容里面存在的客观理由比较好 做项目的薪酬可以承担租房子的费用这个听力文并没有提到 做理由似乎不合适 而且似乎连perhaps都没有太过武断
6 contrast部分解释过少 unity太多 导致从你的内容里contrast部分一下听不出来contrast是一种怎样的风格 内容里的例子红白色的cushion放在黑绿色的sofa细节也没有提出来 好像也没有过于contrast导致房间看起来混乱的这一点(最后一句说如果用的不好的话会, 个人感觉最好说清楚是太过于contrast)
总的来说 楼主口音很似乎不模糊(作为听过的男生口音来说是最好的了 语音特别清晰听着舒服) 有个别单词发音不完整 不过不影响整体的理解 楼主还有个优点就是语速很合适 全文整体语速都很平均, 其他有的童鞋比较熟的部分过快 不熟的部分又吞吞吐吐的)只不过类似P2的问题其他几个部分也有 就是一个point表达太过罗嗦 解释了几遍 但是有时候后面一句话和前面一句话只是换了一种表达并没有太多新内容(当然这仅仅是个人意见, 不一定对哦 嘿嘿)
PS 请问楼主口音口音 如何练得如此decent 听过我的口音应该感觉到这方面对我是个很大的问题   你一半都是如何练习口语呢 是跟读新闻或者新概念这些材料么
作者: chrischukovski    时间: 2014-12-2 16:30:30

sLeepor 发表于 2014-12-2 12:59
11.30的只看到了 Task1,2噢

作者: chrischukovski    时间: 2014-12-2 16:35:13

李善浩 发表于 2014-12-2 14:48
小伙伴真是抱歉我来晚了 因为前天重感冒今天才好点
1 most最后一个t的音没有发出来 我本科阶段没学得特别好 ...

hi 同学,谢谢你的点评。对我很有帮助!例如从句过多,表达的时候忘了口语怎么说就直接大词上阵。谢谢!

作者: sLeepor    时间: 2014-12-2 20:09:01

本帖最后由 sLeepor 于 2014-12-2 20:10 编辑

Coherent delivery!

Tolerance of mistakes brings improvement in learning: a good point!
' new things' 估计是思路断了? 不过这样处理也行了
'everybody make mistake' 没s音
正反论证:很受启发 :)

Queen accent? 不知道TOEFL里是否受欢迎

是harmful? 是的话发音不好辨认  carefully发音
'the nature light '好像原文是natural light
'contradicted effect' a good summary

Rosa 你读的是法语发音?

没有简述两种解决方案, 听力里不是说她不确定prof是否允许延交?

转述OK 你好纠结his or her ,baby用it就好了  

作者: chrischukovski    时间: 2014-12-2 20:17:17

sLeepor 发表于 2014-12-2 20:09
Coherent delivery!

T2 那个说成那样是想试一下用British到底可不可行,想回来还是算了。

作者: sLeepor    时间: 2014-12-9 10:02:35

12.03 的作业呢 ;)

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