Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study.
1. 学习专业外各种课程的好处:拓展知识面,有助于本专业学习;结交朋友;丰富生活。
2. 但是不能要求所有学生都这么做。1. 违背教育本质:学生没有自主选择的权利,根据自己的特点安排。2.不实际。 更多的时间花在非专业课上,专业学习耽误;学校财政负担变重,课堂效率降低。
In this increasingly complex society, the capricious job market seems to favor the more versatile talents. Naturally, such recommendation that taking a diversity of courses outside the students’ major is a requirement may probable comes into being. There is no doubt that varieties of courses outside the major courses will bring students multiply advantages, such as expanding their scope of knowledge which may facilitate their future study and work, enriching their social life by acquainting with the youths from different backgrounds, and making a science student more entertain more humanity or a liberal art students more logical. Also, proponents of this recommendation can easily find seemingly compelling evidence. For instance, Steve Jobs, the CEO of Apple company, when in university, took a design course in university that was not his major out of interest. Yet, it is those basic knowledge in design that boost the success of his company. Still numerous examples exist in many multi-displinary areas like netro-liguistics, chemical biology and so on. Moreover, fostering the youth that cater to the market, without any doubt, is one of the most pragmatic goals for most of the extant universities. It seems that such a recommendation bring all good. Yet, such commend will be impractical and betray the true goal of education.
Education, in its most fundamental purpose, is to foster an independent individual who can make decisions for themselves and know who they are. The best definition of education can be best illustrated by an aphorism uttered by Will Durant, a prolific American writer. He once said “education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance.” The connotation of this utterance is getting to know ourselves. Choosing a major before entering a college or university can be an excellent reflection of our independence. However, the requirement proposed above just runs counter to the definition of education. Such a mandatory order will deprive students of the rights to be autonomous and arrange life for themselves.
In addition, this well-intentioned recommendation is indeed impractical for both students and the university. There is no denying that time and energy are limited for an individual. Yet when every student learn a variety of courses, each of them is doomed to be “Jack of all trades”. What is worse, it is possible for them to stay overnight to complete various projects and homework required for those courses, as a result, less time and excellence for their major. Studying for them is a mere a progress of finishing tasks. Plus, this commend will increase burdens for the universities. Increasing needs for various courses entail mounting needs for classes and faculties, which will inevitably, put a heavy economic burden on universities. More enrollments in a certain course will enlarge the size of the class, as a result, will make teaching less efficient.
Therefore, despite the possible promising advantages brought by the recommendations, it will be impractical and bring many side effects for both students and universities. However, .cracking the barriers between different departments in the university and offer sutdents free choice to register any courses across the university will be better.