Oksana Carlson, Ed.D., MBA
Assistant Dean, Global Collaborations
The Johns Hopkins Carey Business School
Dr. Oksana Carlson has joined the Johns Hopkins Carey BusinessSchool in 2009 to help develop and launch the innovative Global MBAprogram. As her role expanded, she provided leadership andoversight to Master of Science programs, Executive MBA, andinternational initiatives of the Carey Business School. In August2014, she relocated to Beijing, China, to lead the school’scollaboration with the universities in Asia, building the employernetwork and identifying talented students for Carey graduateprograms.
Prior to joining the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School, Dr.Carlson managed the international programs at The George WashingtonUniversity. Her professional experience includes internationalproject development and project management at Johns HopkinsMedicine International; the Hyundai Business Center, and extensivework in business development with both nonprofit and for-profitorganizations.
She received her Doctor of Education degree with focus onInternational Education from the University of Minnesota, anMBA in InternationalBusiness from the George Washington University(Washington, DC), and Master of Arts in Marketing and Journalismfrom the Far Eastern State University (Russia). In addition, shecompleted professional management training programs in Italy andJapan, organized by the Russian Ministry of ForeignAffairs.