标题: 老板要招收PhD,Science or engineer 背景均可,感兴趣的看一看 [打印本页] 作者: CD有朵大蘑菇 时间: 2014-12-1 17:11:35 标题: 老板要招收PhD,Science or engineer 背景均可,感兴趣的看一看
本帖最后由 CD有朵大蘑菇 于 2014-12-4 20:26 编辑
Hi all,
We invite applications for two PhD studentships in a group of Dr. Ayumu Tashiro in Warwick-NTU Neuroscience research program, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Our work focuses on the function of hippocampal circuitry through a multi-disciplinary approach combining virus-mediated genetic manipulation, optogenetics, behavioral analysis and unit recording techniques in behaving rodents. PhD student positions will be affiliated with School of Biological Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, and be available from August 2015.
Project 1 – In vivo unit recording from specific cell types in the dentate gyrus (granule cells, mossy cells, adult-born neurons)
Project 2 – Roles of astrocyte-neuron signaling in neuronal information processing in the hippocampus
Project 3 – Molecular mechanisms underlying activity-dependent regulation of adult hippocampal neurogenesis (Ref. Tashiro et al. Nature 442:929-33, 2006. J Neurosci, 27:3252-9, 2007, Aasebo et al., Euro J. Neurosci, 33, 1094-100, 2011).
Requirements for successful candidates
1) A good B.Sc degree (higher second class honors upper division) in Science, Engineering or related field
2) Research experience in a laboratory
3) Basic knowledge in neuroscience
4) For applicants who received degrees from universities in non-English speaking countries, GRE (or GATE) and TOEFL (or IELTS) scores are required.
To apply, please send your C.V., transcripts (bachelor and master) and GRE (GATE) and TOEFL (IELTS) scores by email to ayumu.tashiro@gmail.com.