
标题: issue 64 Human minds always superior to machines [打印本页]

作者: maoerdwn    时间: 2014-12-11 13:24:19     标题: issue 64 Human minds always superior to machines

本帖最后由 tesolchina 于 2014-12-11 18:29 编辑
64) The human mind will always be superior to machines because machines are only tools of human minds.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.
作者: maoerdwn    时间: 2014-12-11 13:24:35

本帖最后由 maoerdwn 于 2014-12-11 17:57 编辑

(Thesis)That human are capable of using tools is the main distinction between human beings and less-intelligent animals. Some people believe that we ingenious human are always superior to machines because machines are only tools of our minds. I agree that all kinds of machines are tools of human minds, but whether we can be so confident about our superiority depends on what kind of machines we are talking about and what kind of abilities are compared between human and machines. I agree that for non-intelligent machines, we are always superior because they are just tools we designed to help us with manual labor. But for intelligent machines, they are superior than us in speed of calculating and the capability of memorizing while inferior than us in the flexibility.

(TS1)I believe that we can be confident about our minds' superiority than those non-intelligent machines. There is no doubt that we are ingenious to invent them helping us handle onerous manual missions. 举例:生活中的例子,人类发明核桃夹nut cracker,利用杠杆原理level principle,可以用很小的力打开坚硬坚果壳。人类发明蒸汽机,将热能转换为动能,带来了工业革命,解放了人类的双手。它们是人科学地设计出来,代替或帮助人力体力劳动的工具,是人类思维的产物,是显然低于人类思维的。(讲为什么低于感觉道理有点不令人信服)

(TS2)However, despite that intelligent machines like computer and smart phone are our tools, our minds are inferior than them in some aspects like speed of calculating and capability of memorizing information.举例:即使是再了不起的计算天才,他的计算速度也只是优于普通人,而不可能优于按程序执行的计算机。人类首次记忆需要一段不短的时间,而且要想实现永久记忆还得按照艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线,the curve of forgetting 来不断复习,这样的记忆也可能有错误。而计算机、智能手机的RAM存储器可以使得只需要方便地将内容输入即可永久保存,而且不会与原来存储的信息有不同。

(TS3)But intelligent machines are not always superior than us, when handling flexible tasks, human minds exceed these machines a lot.举例:计算机可以计算的很快,但当它遇到现实的,更复杂的问题时就不知道该怎样计算。而人类可以对问题进行数学建模,搜集资料,决定由计算机实现的具体的计算,把结果用来来给现实问题提供策略。
作者: tesolchina    时间: 2014-12-11 18:28:48

作者: maoerdwn    时间: 2014-12-11 19:23:09

tesolchina 发表于 2014-12-11 18:28

作者: maoerdwn    时间: 2014-12-13 14:41:40

我的提纲的问题:1、彻底忽略了”will”,将来时说明是需要我们畅想在未来的情况的,而不仅是针对现有的情况来讲。2、题目中实际已经暗示了machines是intellectual machines,(tools of human minds)所以自己的分类就不合适了,第一段就像写废话一样。我总结这种显而易见的道理写的时候确实需要谨慎啊哈哈~     在讨论中对老师的思路十分拜服。

所以本文的核心就是: machine在将来会有瓶颈,在这些领域比不上人类。


Flexibility 假设机器是在现有水平的基础上发展,只是速度越来越快,性能更稳定,performance reliable。但是运作方式仍然只能follow algorithm。这样的话flexibility就比不上人类头脑。

Creativity人可以创作。即使有继续学习能力的机器,但人对数据处理的能力比机器强很多。人在学习过程中不仅是input,更多的是通过output,比如speaking, creating, interaction 学习。但机器只能储存和处理,找到pattern, 但不可能有creativity.  (这个点老师的灵感来源:Situation learning)

Emotion,Sympathy, empathy. 细微的body language, non-verbal language,emotional connection机器很难体会到。比如做了一个机器人护士,实现所有的基本护理功能,但是没有human-connection。 但与病人的互动是护士极其重要的职能。但机器只能处理一些rational 的信息,Cpu 再快也很难有处理理性信息之外处理emotional的能力。

Spiritual 追求,宗教情怀,终极的存在的问题,没有identity,意识。


作者: tesolchina    时间: 2014-12-16 21:05:17


作者: zsczsl    时间: 2015-1-12 06:26:10

本帖最后由 tesolchina 于 2015-1-13 14:23 编辑


TS (pt1, pt2, pt3): Since the beginning of the Information Revolution last century, human beings have been curious about whether in the future the fast developing computers will eventually surpass our brains. Some of us declare that such intellectual machines can always merely be our tools and hence are never able to exceed our minds. Although I agree that at present and in the short run computers are just our devices due to its high performance computing and lack of creativity and emotion, such machines may be superior to us in the long run. In some science fiction movies, the development of the future computers has been depicted, and we cannot deem those prophetic artworks only as entertainment, or we will pay a price for our arrogance and ignorance.

intellectual vs. intelligent
exceed our minds 表达有问题

主旨句提出有层次的观点。 是
主旨句充分回应题目。  是

ts (pt1): First of all, I cannot deny that present computers and those in the near future cannot exceed all the limits in the science and technology, so they are merely able to assist us in calculating yet not to feel the world or innovate in the same way as ours. 目前和不久以后的电脑只能发挥其强大的计算能力,而不能如人类般有感情或者有创意,这是感情和创意的复杂性以及当前科技的局限性所决定的。例如哪怕是在1997年打败国际象棋冠军Garry Kasparov的超级计算机Deep Blue,也只不过是在棋盘上做一些计算罢了,不涉及感情和创意。

主题句明确支持主旨句的分论点。 否
这句话已经偏离题目所讲的The human mind will always be superior to machines because machines are only tools of human minds.



ts (pt2): Notwithstanding, the superiority of human brain is not likely to be always the case, because the fast pace of the computer development and the precedents in the history of the evolution of creatures on this planet. 虽然人脑的运作很复杂,但归根结底还是各神经原之间信息的传递,还是一种计算,只是计算方式与目前的电脑不同。随着计算机技术的高速发展,其计算方式会越来越接近人脑,计算速度也会越来越快,最终模仿人类的感情和创造力,甚至超过我们。地球生物的进化史已经给了我们先例,比如我们人类自己的感情和创造力,也是经过亿万年进化得来的。既然连结构十分简单的单细胞生物经过几亿年进化可以变成现在有高级智慧的人,那么现在本来就有很强计算能力的计算机经过几亿年,为什么就不能进化得超过人脑呢?

主题句明确支持主旨句的分论点。 是

中间段提出合适的例子支持分论点。 否
没有具体例子 只有speculation
你假设电脑会进化 证据?

中间段清晰论述提出的例子如何支持分论点。 n/a

ts (p3): What is more, some science fiction films have foretold the intellectual machines of tomorrow and suggest that we should keep humble in front of the current tools in our hands. 许多科幻片已经描述了超越人脑的超级电脑,例如,《终结者》里的“天网”,《黑客帝国》里的“建筑师”。这些作品里的情节虽然属于虚构,但艺术来源于生活,它们不过是将人自大导致失败、谦虚导致兴盛的道理运用到人和机器的关系上,能给我们一些警示。比如说《终结者》里人类在启动“天网”程序的时候,就假定它没创意,不会自我学习升级,只是人类的工具,结果它是一个毁灭人类的工具,不但操纵核弹发射消灭了几十亿人类,还自己开发出了不少先进的机器人继续剿灭剩下的人类。在虚构变成现实之前,人类还是少一分自大,对电脑多一分尊敬或是警惕为妙。

主题句明确支持主旨句的分论点。 是

中间段提出合适的例子支持分论点。 否

中间段清晰论述提出的例子如何支持分论点。 n/a



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