
标题: [分享]我的一些例子总结和关于作文的备考感悟 [打印本页]

作者: beatrice    时间: 2004-4-2 17:48:04     标题: [分享]我的一些例子总结和关于作文的备考感悟

Nowadays people pay great attribute to Homer, who is known for his eminent epic poem Iliad and the Odyssey, the recollection of many barbs’ poem.
Another example here which also rings true: British engineer and inventor watt, made fundamental improvements in the steam, his modern, high-pressure stream engine, has definitely been the first scientific revolution
Aristotle, the great Greek philosopher, whose theories on science, ethnic, logic, nature, have profoundly influenced Western civilization .Now the Philosophical system we use today--the essential method of rational inquiry, is based on syllogism, which follows empirical observation and logic, contributed by him.
某事would clearly seem to be a field that lies exclusively within 某人的 realm, yet the annals of 该事 are replete with 另一些人的names, such as… To compound the puzzle, there has exiguously been a tinge of rumor or scandal casting doubts on the…
以下是我写的范例be that as it may, the contribution to human modernization would conspicuously seem to be the position exclusively assigned within 通才的realm, yet the annals of the eminent intellects to the civilization of mankind is replete with 专家的name: such as
1.        阿基米德从小家教良好,虚心向很多数学家求教,发现浮力定律
Among all the most intellectual figures of antiquity, Archimedes, definitely, is indelible for his discovery of the principle of buoyancy, which forms a cogent example of the contribution of good cultivation at ones youth to his future achievement.
1.        但丁童年父母双亡,勤奋自学,写下<神曲>,是资产阶级人文思潮的萌芽
2.        莎士比亚从一个剧院的打杂工变为一代文学巨匠与自我提升是分不开的
Dante compose Devine comedy after all years of sedulous effort from an obscure orphan to a famous poet. Shakespeare  刻苦努力work without respite

1.        培根认为知识就是力量,反对中世纪经院哲学对人们思想的禁锢,鼓励人们推倒偶像,
2.        笛卡儿认为要清除由传统得来的偏见,办法就是怀疑,提出我思故我在
3.        哥白尼日星说
Bacon advocated the idea of testing the authority in order to gain real knowledge. Cause knowledge acquires certain skepticism to whatever we study even since the dawn of our civilization. Human beings have paid tribute to Copernicus for the first step he took in ignoring established boundaries and challenge long-standing assumption of astronomy for publishing his  Heliocentric conjecture that the earth and other planets revolves around the sun. Same thought have also preoccupied Descartes who considered holding little suspicions to the wholly spread religions is the only way to expunge prejudice from our mundane life.
Take Philadelphia for example, in 1847, With a population of 150,000, people still had to go to the post office to get their mail. The confusion and congestion of individual citizens looking for their letters was itself enough to discourage use of the mail. It is no wonder that, during the years of these cumbersome arrangements, private letter-carrying and express business developed, and thrived, and actually advertised that between Boston and Philadelphia they were a half-day speedier than the government mail.
In 1956, look magazine named Thomas Dooley as one of the year’s the most outstanding men. From August 1959 until his death in January, 1961, Dooley suffered almost continuous, excruciating pain. Knowing that he did not have long to live, Dr. Dooley worked without respite on behalf of Medico, the organization he had found to bring medical aid and hope to the world’s sick and needy. The lines of Robert Frost kept reverberating in his mind during those fretful days: “The woods are lovely, dark and deep; but have promise to keep, and miles to go before I sleep.” When he finally succumbed, millions throughout the world were stunned and grief-stricken by the tragedy.   
1.        科技的发展很快
Yet modern technology progresses so rapidly that what may be today’s wild dream will be next year’s kitchen appliance. In that case, one may prognosticated that within ten years every suburban matron will have her own robot servant
Precocious wizard 尚未成熟的新奇产品    affluent inventor才思泉涌的发明家  latest brainstorm 最新的发明
2.高科技产品也毁掉了人们某些难以名状的享受  ineffable joy
Speaking about inventions and discoveries, I just learned in a newspaper that an eminent scientist in Ohio has developed a pill that contains all the nutritive value of three complete meals. I am not intent to disparage such a laudable achievement, but to me it seems like a most objectionable discovery. Rather than a scientific triumph, I would be inclined to label it as an egregious blunder, a scientific disaster, a laboratory fiasco which is a replacement of the pleasure of devouring hot corn bread, masticating on a thick steak, biting into crisp French fries, or attacking chocolate bar? I am afraid this is the only pill l would like to eschew form chewing.  
Nowadays, far from being a clandestine activity, it is obvious to observe that, the skullduggery on every aspect of daily functions, is rampant. Clearly, an inexorable campaign will inevitably be called for, less to resolve duplicity—the sordid affair derived from a paucity of moral guidance—than to salvage our self-respect immediately.
Students have been given a plethora of skill instruction instead of ethics
The lack of probity as well as integrity, appears to be the skullduggery’s pernicious effect on personality
construe as an open invitation to cheat with impunity将其视为一种公开的不会受惩罚的欺骗的邀请
有背于考试最初的实质the rudimentary concept of examination /the concept of examination since its inception

voracious and indiscriminate reader
sb may very well be learning all these is to know in a very limited area
Take the enormity of Pablo Picasso’s artistic output for an illustration, which connotes an unrealistic interpretation of its original creature, exists as unrivalled tributes to an artist whose influence remain unequalled in quality and longevity. It is simply because of the innovative approach towards objects he applied to his work-- full of variety in its kind for individual to predict in their fragment--which people desperately needed.
2.        举爱默生的话,不要盲从他人    by Emerson
Familiar as the voice of the mind is to each, the highest merit we ascribe to Moses, Plato, and Milton is that they set at naught books and traditions, and spoke not what man, but what they thought. A man should learn to detect and watch that gleam of light which flashes across his mind from within, more than the luster of the firmament of bards and sages.
Great work of art have no such affecting lesson for us than letting thoughts which we have rejected come back to us with a certain alienated majesty, teaching us to abide by our spontaneous impression with good-humored inflexibility when the whole cry of voice is on the other side. Else tomorrow a stranger will say with masterly good sense precisely what we have thought and felt all the time, and we shall be forced to take with shame our own opinion from another.
3.        可用的句型
No way of thinking or doing, however ancient, can be trust without proof.      
By Henry Thoreau
作者: 九月爱上乒乓球    时间: 2004-4-2 17:53:14

作者: balise    时间: 2004-4-2 18:07:01

作者: dengrongbing    时间: 2004-4-2 22:36:44

作者: blueqiao    时间: 2004-4-2 23:12:29


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