
标题: 【天津的小伙伴看过来】香港中文大学金融工程硕士招生宣讲会(1月12日) [打印本页]

作者: 小小小荔枝    时间: 2015-1-10 11:55:55     标题: 【天津的小伙伴看过来】香港中文大学金融工程硕士招生宣讲会(1月12日)

      香港中文大学金融工程硕士项目(Master of Sciences in Financial Engineering),将于1月12日在南开大学进行项目说明与招生宣讲,届时将对该硕士项目的招生相关事宜进行详细介绍。


      有意参加的同学请通过邮件进行报名,发送基本信息(学校、专业、年级、姓名)至 xufc@mail.nankai.edu.cn
      时间:2015 年 1 月 12 日(星期一) 16:00-17:00
      地点:南开大学商学院 305
      主讲人: 香港中文大学 蔡小强教授


Information Seminar on the new Master of Science Program in Financial Engineering

This information talk introduces a program of Master of Sciences in Financial Engineering newly launched by the Chinese University of Hong Kong on its Shenzhen campus. Responding to a huge demand from the Greater China region for practitioners with advanced quantitative skills, the program is designed to equip students with multidisciplinary training in applying quantitative methodologies to finance.  Benchmarking closely similar master programs in financial engineering offered by some leading universities such as Columbia, Stanford, Oxford, and Carnegie Mellon, it is the first of its kind in the Pearl River Delta region. The program boasts a strong team of faculty members from CUHK Engineering, Sciences, and Management disciplines. Moreover, it will leverage on its excellent location in Shenzhen, one of the two financial centers in Mainland China, where its fast-growing financial industry offers ample opportunities for students.

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