45. Competition for high grades seriously limits the quality of learning at all levels of education.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.
之前得王老师在issue 86的指教,增强了练写作的动力。第一次发issue提纲,请老师和各位G友指教。
感觉这个题目的点比较多,涉及competition, high grades, learning quality,一不小心就容易写跑题,比如应试教育不利于学生成才啦,或者科学合理的标准化考试有利于衡量学生学习水平之类的。可能我自己的提纲还是会有偏差,请大家猛拍。而且例子想不到名人和历史感比较强的,可能会显得比较普通。
With the prevalence of standardized tests, racing for top scores has triggered heated debate. I fundamentally agree that such competition undermines the quality of learning on different educational stages, be it primary school or college. However, the claim exaggerates the severity of the problem and overlooks some merits of competition in facilitating learning.
TS1 Grade-orientated education appears to be detrimental for underage students in that it is prone to encourage rote learning and impose excessive pressure on young students who are usually psychologically vulnerable. One of the basic objectives of pre-college education is to explore students’ creativity, imagination and cognitive ability which can hardly be achieved by competitive exams.中国传统的应试教育使得小学生初中生只记忆标准答案,而不善于创新和想象。分数至上和考试排名给低龄学生带来心理压力,出现考试发挥失常,越学越学不进去的困境。
TS2 Striving for high grades is no more than pointless rat race since higher education values critical thinking and academic research which can hardly be quantified. Furthermore, such competition tends to deviate students from focusing on challenging and meaningful field of study. 当今大学生为了GPA而选择好通过、分数高的课程,而忽视了一些有深度和探索价值的学科或领域,这造成了学生的科研和学习能力难以提升,高等教育质量被稀释。
这段想说大学生么? 高中生跳过了?
TS3 In the meantime, the claim goes too far by overstating the downside of racing for top scores and neglects some potential advantages. 对于心智成熟的高年级学生来说,分数竞争并不会对学习节奏带来太多影响。例如大部分中国高考生都能在分数压力下顺利升学。其次,合理的分数设置可以提供学习动力,激励学生努力学习。例如一些大学生在追求提升GRE分数的备考过程中扩大单词量和阅读写作能力,由此提升了英语学习水平。
With the prevalence of standardized tests, racing for top scores has triggered heated debate. Learning consists of acquiring the ability of creativity and critical thinking as well as knowledge and skills. I fundamentally agree that such competition undermines the former aspect of learning on different educational stages, be it primary school, middle school or college. However, the claim overlooks some merits of competition in facilitating mastering the latter facet of learning.
TS1 Grade-orientated education appears to be detrimental for pre-college students in that it is prone to encourage rote learning and restrict development of their potentials. One of the basic objectives of pre-college education is to explore students’ creativity, and imagination which can hardly be achieved by competitive exams.中国传统的应试教育使得中小学生只记忆标准答案,担心出错被扣分而不敢自由发挥、提出异议或其他角度的解答,从而限制创新和想象力的发展。
TS2 Striving for high grades is no more than pointless rat race since higher education values critical thinking and academic research which can hardly be quantified. Furthermore, such competition tends to deviate students from focusing on challenging and meaningful field of study. 当今大学生为了GPA而选择好通过、分数高的课程,而忽视了一些有深度和探索价值的学科或领域,这造成了学生的科研和学习能力难以提升,高等教育质量被稀释。
TS3 In the meantime, the claim goes too far by neglecting some upsides of competition for high scores in obtaining knowledge and skills. 对于数学、语言等信息量大、强调熟能生巧的学科,分数竞争可以提供学习动力,激励学生努力学习,知识掌握更为扎实。例如亚洲学生重视奥林匹克数学竞赛,通过强化训练取得了优异成绩。再如一些大学生在追求提升托福、雅思成绩的备考过程中不断扩大单词量,训练短时阅读和写作技巧,由此提升了英语水平。 作者: 莲心~ 时间: 2015-3-2 20:24:25