In the past, the discussion of artificial light was (i) ______. When electrification spread, the talking of artificial light became (ii) ______, perhaps because the material is more familiar. Distance lends enchantment。
engaging: very attractive or pleasing in a way that holds your attention (韦氏)
dormant: not doing anything at this time; not active but able to become active (韦氏)
不能机械的将题干的某一部分和要填的空进行对应,忽略更明显的hint。如果仅仅看"because the material is more familiar"这句话,dull是显得irrelevent,repetitious似乎更合理,但是题干的最后一句话既然在那里,必然不能忽略,把最后这句话和"because the material is more familiar"综合起来看,前两个空填AD很贴切,何况engaging和dull两个词有明显的反义关系,反而BE变得irrelevant了。