
标题: 填空求助 这句话什么意思? [打印本页]

作者: ndy900806    时间: 2015-4-12 13:05:56     标题: 填空求助 这句话什么意思?

  The painting was larger than it appeared to be, for, hanging in a darkened recess of the chapel, it was----by the perspective.
(A)        improved
(B)        aggrandized
(C)        embellished
(D)        jeopardized
(E)        diminished
作者: ndy900806    时间: 2015-4-12 14:11:07

The trainees were given copies of a finished manual to see whether they could themselves begin to___the inflexible, though tacit, rules for composing more of such instructional materials.
(A)        design
(B)        revise
(C)        disrupt
(D)        standardize
(E)        derive

作者: Fishinthetank    时间: 2015-4-12 14:28:04

本帖最后由 Fishinthetank 于 2015-4-11 22:57 编辑

The painting was larger than it appeared to be, for, hanging in a darkened recess of the chapel, it was----by the perspective.
选(E)        diminished
原因,看题目第一部分说,the painting was larger than it appeared to be,直译为这幅画比它看上去要大,意思就是这幅画实际上比较大,而你看到的情况是画变小了,第二句话写变小的原因,因为挂在a darked recess of the chapel,这幅画因perspective的原因变小了。

The trainees were given copies of a finished manual to see whether they could themselves begin to___the inflexible, though tacit, rules for composing more of such instructional materials.
(A)        design
(B)        revise
(C)        disrupt
(D)        standardize
(E)        derive
但我自己觉得是不是也可以这么理解,从排除错误选项着手,因为我实在找不出明显的原文与空格部分的重复对应 >_<
首先,题目说得从这些rule来compose instructional materials,但是这些rule又是inflexible的,就是没有什么可以改变的余地,所以这些trainees固然不能通过“改变”这些inflexible rules去compose instructional materials,所以排除选项B. revise 和D. standardize(别人都已经inflexible了,你还肿么去standardize呢),选项A. design也说不通,应为rules都已经是tacit和inflexible的,已经存在在那里了,不需要trainee去“设计”。选项C也可以通过inflexible这个原因排除,最后只有E. derive可以说得通,trainee必须"根据"这些已经存在的,inflexible的,tacit的rules,去compose.韦氏字典对derive的解释:1, to take or get (something) from (something else);2. to have something as a source : to come from something。so, derive is the perfect choice.
作者: bartenderrr    时间: 2015-4-12 16:04:49

作者: zzjynl    时间: 2015-4-12 17:08:10

Fishinthetank 发表于 2015-4-12 14:28
The painting was larger than it appeared to be, for, hanging in a darkened recess of the  ...

我怎么觉得第一题应该选B啊,后面带空格的半句不应该是第一句的重复改写吗,第一话说它大,第二句话不还是应该说它大吗?for引导原因从句,解释把它看到的原因是因为Be aggrandized by the perspective.. 在hanging in a darkened recess of the chapel 的情况下。
作者: ndy900806    时间: 2015-4-12 22:15:45

  Trapped thousands of years ago in Antarctic ice, recently discovered air bubbles are___time capsules filled with information for scientists who chart the history of the atmosphere.
(A)        inconsequential
(B)        broken
(C)        veritable
(D)        resplendent
(E)        impenetrable

太感谢各位的回答了 再看看那这道
作者: Fishinthetank    时间: 2015-4-13 08:05:10

zzjynl 发表于 2015-4-12 01:08
我怎么觉得第一题应该选B啊,后面带空格的半句不应该是第一句的重复改写吗,第一话说它大,第二句话不还是 ...

作者: Fishinthetank    时间: 2015-4-13 08:11:16

ndy900806 发表于 2015-4-12 06:15
Trapped thousands of years ago in Antarctic ice, recently discovered air bubbles are___time capsul ...

这道题选C,veritable (true or real)
原因,这个air bubbles被trap在Antarctic ice的冰层里经历了上千年,recently最近被科学家们发现了,毫无疑问这家伙被冰封了上千年,其中所蕴含的信息量可是科学家们求之不得的千年前的信息量,如果说有时空胶囊这种说法的话,那这个air bubbles还真是时空胶囊了,所以选veritable.
作者: zzjynl    时间: 2015-4-13 09:10:30

Fishinthetank 发表于 2015-4-13 08:05
第一句话不是说“它大”这么简单,而是说“画本身是大的,但是看上去小了”,所以第二句话也不可能是解释 ...

was larger than it appeared to be..... 怎么是本身是大被看小了呢? appear to be 是实际上,本身是什么样,was larger than 这样。。。 不应该是被看大了吗?
作者: zzjynl    时间: 2015-4-13 09:11:07

ndy900806 发表于 2015-4-12 22:15
Trapped thousands of years ago in Antarctic ice, recently discovered air bubbles are___time capsul ...

作者: Fishinthetank    时间: 2015-4-13 11:14:01

本帖最后由 Fishinthetank 于 2015-4-12 19:41 编辑
zzjynl 发表于 2015-4-12 17:10
was larger than it appeared to be..... 怎么是本身是大被看小了呢? appear to be 是实际上,本身是什么 ...

I am very very confused now....TOT...让我去静一静好好想想先

OK, I am ready.
was larger than it appeared to be,这句话究竟怎么理解,咱们的分歧就在这,所有误选那个放大选项的同学我估计也都是纠结在这里。

首先,咱们想象现在有一副画挂在某房间阴暗的角落里,然后你在欣赏它,"it appeared to be"指的就是你现在看到的这幅画的情况,对吧?也就是”你觉得“的这幅画的情况。我们举例,你觉得这幅画是40x40的。

然后有个人跟你说”这幅画was larger than it appeared to be“,也就是说这幅画was larger than你现在看到的情况,对吧?也就是说这幅画其实是60x60,那实际上这幅画是比你看到的这幅画大呢?还是小呢?

BTW, Webster对appear这个单词的解释如下:
Definition of APPEAR

a :  to be or come in sight <the sun appears on the horizon>
b :  to show up <appears promptly at eight each day>
作者: zzjynl    时间: 2015-4-13 21:20:05

Fishinthetank 发表于 2015-4-13 11:14
I am very very confused now....TOT...让我去静一静好好想想先

OK, I am ready.

是的 。。。还是你说的在理。。厉害厉害!!
作者: Fishinthetank    时间: 2015-4-14 01:35:31

zzjynl 发表于 2015-4-13 05:20
是的 。。。还是你说的在理。。厉害厉害!!

作者: ndy900806    时间: 2015-4-15 15:25:16

Future generations will probably consider current speculations about humanity's place in the universe to be ___--- omissions and errors; even rigorous scientific views change, sometimes overnight.
(A) immune from
(B) marred by
(C) uncorrupted by
(D) correct despite
(E) abridged by
作者: andyding13    时间: 2015-4-15 15:28:46

ndy900806 发表于 2015-4-15 15:25
Future generations will probably consider current speculations about humanity's place in the univer ...

作者: 王sir    时间: 2015-4-16 11:29:12


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