因为不想再考一次语言了,而且手头也有备选的欧洲学校,所以在HKU给的accept DDL之前发邮件问学校能不能退(我还没寄出签名的notice of admission),学校给的回复非常官方,就是说一旦接受offer了deposit交了就不给退了(好吧我明明其实没有接受嘛还T T)。然后我问condition的问题,学校说从接了offer到学校给的ddl(7.17)之前你必须去考试,如果仍然没有达到condition的话那么就可以在那之后申请退deposit。【所以我现在想的解决方案就是去考一个达不到条件的语言...】
You have to provide the original language reports which proof that you have taken tests between the date of our offer letter and deadline on July 17, 2015, but still unable to fulfill the condition. The possibility of successful refund is up to the approval of Registry.
好想知道这个reports还有tests 有没有次数的要求....总不至于还得考两次以上吧T T
You have to provide the original language reports which proof that you have taken tests between the date of our offer letter and deadline on July 17, 2015, but still unable to fulfill the condition. The possibility of successful refund is up to the approval of Registry.
好想知道这个reports还有tests 有没有次数的要求....总不至于还得考两次以上吧T T