
标题: 犹豫了很久,决定发个帖子督促自己。 [打印本页]

作者: far2go    时间: 2015-5-21 07:53:38     标题: 犹豫了很久,决定发个帖子督促自己。

本帖最后由 far2go 于 2015-5-22 23:00 编辑

  感觉自己效率低下,希望发帖能够给自己一点压力。由于T还没考,而且下学期还要实习,以我目前这种情况来看,如果不能在开学前结束GT,我就完了。身边有同学准备T和IELTS, 都是长线准备,考了4、5次(一年多),让我产生一种考试很难,准备很多次是很正常的感觉,但是在gter上我意识到一次过才是王道。希望自己能争气二战分手,一战成绩 144+159+3.

  先介绍下自己的情况,我除了周二早上和周三一整天有课,其他时间没课(时间充足,但是效率低下,之前常常背100个单词要将近半小时,各种走神)。因为不知道具体是什么时候期末考所以还没决定二战的具体时间,不过一般是 628,705,710 三者之一。目前准备情况是陈圣元做到S65,长难句GRE部分看了一遍多(不知道是不是使用方法不当还是怎么,感觉效果似乎不明显,要被自己蠢哭了),magoosh数学视频再过2天左右就能全部看完,进入刷题阶段。今天准备先从逻辑题开始切入阅读。

我最近每天复习的内容是:1.长难句20 2.单词500 3. 陈圣元5个Section 4.看magoosh 视频。一天才做这么点事,我也是挺无奈的, 如果大家有什么方法能提高效率,希望能给我一些建议。

逻辑:robin 推荐的LSAT逻辑题。
RC: 36 套, LSAT RC guide, 吴中东或LSAT阅读。

向@无敌浩克one 学习,坚持更新,总结错误,克服自己的缺点。欢迎大家提出批评建议。

作者: far2go    时间: 2015-5-21 07:57:52

今天任务:magoosh statistics & counting的视频 单词长难句照常陈圣元照常,然后开始写LSAT逻辑题。
作者: yukie小丑猪    时间: 2015-5-21 09:15:00

作者: 无敌浩克One    时间: 2015-5-21 09:40:00

本帖最后由 无敌浩克One 于 2015-5-21 09:42 编辑
yukie小丑猪 发表于 2015-5-21 09:15



作者: 我在路中央    时间: 2015-5-21 10:40:10

提示: 该帖被管理员或版主屏蔽
作者: far2go    时间: 2015-5-21 11:08:19

yukie小丑猪 发表于 2015-5-21 09:15




作者: far2go    时间: 2015-5-21 11:09:10

无敌浩克One 发表于 2015-5-21 09:40


在楼下的链接里面 那个答案没有详解 大家一起做的话可以讨论讨论
作者: 无敌浩克One    时间: 2015-5-21 11:42:18

far2go 发表于 2015-5-21 11:09
在楼下的链接里面 那个答案没有详解 大家一起做的话可以讨论讨论

好呀!!!!你也要做LSAT 阅读吗?
作者: far2go    时间: 2015-5-21 12:01:24

无敌浩克One 发表于 2015-5-21 11:42
好呀!!!!你也要做LSAT 阅读吗?

作者: wfxmfwjw    时间: 2015-5-21 16:05:21

作者: logically    时间: 2015-5-21 16:43:45

1. 可以站着看书、背单词
2. 把每天上网(包括用手机水微博微信或者论坛)的时间固定在某个时段,比如晚上10点,只留半个小时。要用电脑做题的时候不要联网。


如果你一战已经3分了,提高到3.5最有效的途径应该是把Argument写到4分。可以参考这两个系列的帖子,https://bbs.gter.net/thread-412534-1-1.html        https://bbs.gter.net/forum.php?mo ... 63476&highlight
作者: 无敌浩克One    时间: 2015-5-21 18:11:24

logically 发表于 2015-5-21 16:43
1. 可以站着看书、背单词
2. 把每天上网(包括用手机水微博微信或者论坛)的时间固定在某 ...


作者: far2go    时间: 2015-5-21 18:21:24

logically 发表于 2015-5-21 16:43
1. 可以站着看书、背单词
2. 把每天上网(包括用手机水微博微信或者论坛)的时间固定在某 ...

1. 背单主要词容易走神,最早的时候一个list要一小时,现在好多了。跑步的话我是有进行的,只不过最近进入雨季了,暂停了一周左右。
2. 上网时间固定我会采取的。
2. 我看20句长难句都要好久。。有些句型印象比较深刻,可能一遍就能过,不熟的还得再看下解析。可能因为平时阅读没怎么练,提高的不明显。
3. 请问开始练阅读之后也是需要每天练一定量的填空吧?
4. 作文我是3分,我争取多写写!
作者: far2go    时间: 2015-5-21 18:22:17

wfxmfwjw 发表于 2015-5-21 16:05

作者: logically    时间: 2015-5-21 19:27:12

无敌浩克One 发表于 2015-5-21 18:11
版主求问:就比如仍控制30分钟看长句这件事,我有时给自己定目标,例如30分背50单词,这样,可是就是背不 ...

作者: 无敌浩克One    时间: 2015-5-21 19:47:56

far2go 发表于 2015-5-21 18:21
1. 背单主要词容易走神,最早的时候一个list要一小时,现在好多了。跑步的话我是 ...

作者: 无敌浩克One    时间: 2015-5-21 19:48:58

logically 发表于 2015-5-21 19:27
这种情况是因为你潜意识觉得“盯着这个单词多看几眼我就会记得更牢一些”,其实没必要,复习单词的时候扫 ...

作者: far2go    时间: 2015-5-21 20:02:28

无敌浩克One 发表于 2015-5-21 19:47
同问填空量的问题,我现在巨郁闷,做过一遍的填空依然不能保证全对,而且速度并没有提高太多!!!{:t_00 ...

verbal 155的视频 有填空阅读单词 论坛里面有 你可以搜搜看
作者: yukie小丑猪    时间: 2015-5-21 20:22:04

作者: far2go    时间: 2015-5-21 22:00:15

LSAT 逻辑题 assumption
3. More than a year ago, the city announced that police would crack down on illegally parked cars and that resources would be diverted from writing speeding tickets to ticketing illegally parked cars. But no crackdown has taken place. The police chief claims that resources have had to be diverted from writing speeding tickets to combating the city‟s staggering drug problem. Yet the police are still writing as many speeding tickets as ever. Therefore, the excuse about resources being tied up in fighting drug-related crime simply is not true.
The conclusion in the passage depends on the assumption that
(A) every member of the police force is qualified to work on combating the city‟s drug problem
(B) drug-related crime is not as serious a problem for the city as the police chief claims it is
(C) writing speeding tickets should be as important a priority for the city as combating drug-related crime
(D) the police could be cracking down on illegally parked cars and combating the drug problem without having to reduce writing speeding tickets
(E) the police cannot continue writing as many speeding tickets as ever while diverting resources to combating drug-related crime

作者: far2go    时间: 2015-5-21 22:56:02

far2go 发表于 2015-5-21 07:57
今天任务:m ...

逻辑题 assumption 1- 10: 6/10 正确率
作者: far2go    时间: 2015-5-21 22:58:24

本帖最后由 far2go 于 2015-5-24 22:25 编辑


MonTueWedThu (5.21)Fri(5.22)Sat(5.23)Sun(5.24)
单词 500 500 500 500


10 20 20 20
逻辑题 LSAT assumption1-10 11-30
其他 Q statistics&counting Q probability& data interpretation Magoosh Q 20题 1.Q 20
填空 陈圣元 S66-70 陈圣元 S71-76 S77-80
5.23: 下午为了拿学时去看了一个愚蠢的比赛. 明天开始练习阅读.
5.24: 阅读实在难啊,感觉看完都不知道在说什么,不过我花了很久才做完,正确率居然还可以。

作者: far2go    时间: 2015-5-22 22:09:44

One of the requirements for admission to the Lunnville Roller Skating Club is a high degree of skill in roller skating. The club president has expressed concern that the club may have discriminated against qualified women in its admissions this year. Yet half of the applicants admitted to the club this year were women. This proves that there was no discrimination against qualified women applicants in the club’s admissions this year.

Which one of the following is an assumption on which the conclusion of the argument depends?

(A) Only a few applicants were found to be qualified and were admitted to the club this year.
(B) No more than half of all the roller skaters in Lunnville are women.
(C) No more than half of all the roller skaters in Lunnville are men.
(D) This year no more than half of the applicants who met all the qualifications for admission to the club were women.
(E) This year no more than half of the members of the club’s committee that makes decisions about applicants’ qualifications were men.

D 的意思不是“今年没有超过一半的女性申请者满足所有的入取要求” 吗?
作者: far2go    时间: 2015-5-24 08:41:45

今天开始用五步法练习,采用的文章是 The economist Blog里的.

第一步,打开word,写上要读的文章, 然后精读文章,用5分钟(以后逐渐减少,最终目标是3分钟到3分30s)


第三步,写出中心论点,比如 Though China is making efforts to clean its air, it will be a long time before benefits are seen and problems will continue to arise.

第四步,根据记忆写每一个段落的作用,比如 Background information, current problem, elucidating ways to read information given, return to problem and potential short-term solution, problems for that as well. Conclusion no clear cut solution but changes are being made.


作者: far2go    时间: 2015-5-24 08:42:40

IRELAND became the first country in the world to legalise same-sex marriage by referendum on Saturday. The result had been widely expected, but it was not certain whether the vote would be close. It was not. In the end 62.1% voted "yes"; the affirmative side carried the day in 42 of the country's 43 constituencies, with particularly large margins of victory in urban centres and among youth. Ireland becomes the 19th country to legislate for marriage equality, joining a worldwide trend.

The sizeable majority reflects a dramatic shift in public attitudes in Ireland, a socially conservative country where 84% of the population regard themselves as Catholic (although far fewer actually practice). Same-sex sexual activity was not decriminalised until 1993, and then only because the European Court of Human Rights upheld a legal challenge brought by a gay Irish Senator, David Norris, five years before. Divorce was approved by referendum in 1995, by a razor-thin margine (50.28% to 49.72%), reversing a decisive defeat a decade earlier. But the pace of social reform has greatly accelerated in recent years. In 2010, civil partnership legislation (including for gay couples) was introduced. But few then thought that five years later voters would so emphatically back gay marriage.

Why have public attitudes changed so rapidly? The declining influence of the Catholic church is a major factor. The church has been deeply scarred by its handling of a succession of child-abuse scandals, diminishing its authority. In the same-sex referendum campaign the church took a low profile, in marked contrast to its position in the 1970s and 1980s, when the church helped block moves to legalise contraception and divorce. In 1983 the church supported a constitutional change that has effectively outlawed abortion.

With all the main political parties favouring marriage equality, the referendum proved an unequal contest. The "yes" campaign throughout was better-organised and better-financed, with celebrity endorsements from the rock star Bono of U2, actor Colin Farrell, novelist Colm Toibin, and the heads of several Irish-based multinational companies. The "no" campaign was largely spearheaded by the Iona Institute, a Catholic advocacy group. It claimed that marriage equality would damage the family and hurt child welfare, sending out mailers with the slogan “A mother’s love is irreplaceable”—a point that lesbian couples no doubt found moot.

Two unexpected interventions on the "yes" side may have swayed undecided voters. Mary McAleese, a former president of Ireland and a devout Catholic, spoke of the difficulties that her son faced in being accepted as a gay man. And a well-regarded political journalist, Ursula Halligan, came out as gay during the campaign, writing movingly of her struggles to come to terms with her sexuality.

For political strategists, the most significant aspect of the successful "yes" campaign was its success in mobilising young voters. This included enlisting support from hundreds of Irish emigrants who returned from as far away as Australia to vote. (Under Irish law, citizens who move abroad are only allowed to vote for an 18-month period after their departure.) Pre-referendum polls showed the strongest support for marriage equality among 18- to 24-year-olds, reaching 71%. The lesson political parties will draw from the referendum campaign is that young people will turn out to vote if an issue captures their interest. With a general election due within a year, the major political parties—all of which astutely picked the right side on gay marriage—will be working on how to replicate that success.
作者: far2go    时间: 2015-5-24 09:26:36

下次一定不在浏览器里面写了, 不小心按到到后退,结果白写了!!!

作者: far2go    时间: 2015-5-24 09:44:43

main content: Ireland become the 19th country allows gay marriage through voting, although the majority people are Catholic.The "yes" parties earn the most votes because the supporters are from every kind of fields and even have some celebrities, such as rock star U2 and some novelists. However, the Catholic church lost its authority due to child-abuse scandals recently. And most emigrants vote for "yes" are teenagers, the author thinks the political party should learn from this event, it is a success not by chance.

main point: Although Ireland is a Catholic country, it allow gay couples to marriage now.

author attitude: He thinks that political parties should learn from it, So I infer he is supporting it. Or maybe he is just think this event is worthwhile to learn, but he doesn't show us his attitude for the same sex marriage.(I'm not sure).

As for the paragraph function, this passage contains 6 paragraphs, I cannot remember all the paragraphs, should I write them down?

This is my first to use this method to practice if there are some errors, welcome anyone to critic, I will accept it and correct.
作者: far2go    时间: 2015-5-24 17:11:32

本帖最后由 far2go 于 2015-5-24 18:38 编辑

http://www.economist.com/blogs/e ... n-and-death-penalty
说包含不良信息 我就只能发链接了

main content: At first, the author said that religious and capital punishment are intertwined, and then, he introduces some Christianity pioneers who are executed and tell us some religion's attitude about death penalty.He also give some example about execution happened recently including the one caused Boston Marathon accident. According to some roll, it give the figure about people's attitudes about death penalty among different colors in US. He mention that the number of people supporting death penalty is decreasing and hope something( I don't understand )

author attitude: He is not support for death penalty, we can know this form the title of passage.

作者: 艾小卉    时间: 2015-5-24 22:07:55

今天我也看了Eco 里的这篇文章,但我写的main content少一些,就大概列了下标题。。。还有感觉楼主做数学好早啊。。
作者: far2go    时间: 2015-5-24 22:13:55

艾小卉 发表于 2015-5-24 22:07
今天我也看了Eco 里的这篇文章,但我写的main content少一些,就大概列了下标题。。。还有感觉楼主做数学好 ...

数学差。。 笨鸟先飞
作者: 艾小卉    时间: 2015-5-24 22:15:42

far2go 发表于 2015-5-24 22:13
数学差。。 笨鸟先飞

作者: far2go    时间: 2015-5-24 22:18:01

艾小卉 发表于 2015-5-24 22:15

作者: far2go    时间: 2015-5-25 13:13:18

本帖最后由 far2go 于 2015-5-25 14:15 编辑

Nash's Nobel prize
IT SOUNDS like a sports fan’s dream. In Stockholm on October 11th, three men shared a $1m prize for their skill at analysing games. They are not television pundits, or armchair critics of Manchester United or the Miami Dolphins, but economists. Two Americans, John Harsanyi and John Nash, and a German, Reinhard Selten, have won this year’s Nobel prize for economics for their studies of “game theory”.

Game theory may sound trivial. It is not. In the past 20 years or so it has revolutionised the economics of industrial organisation and has influenced many other branches of the subject, notably the theories of monetary policy and international trade. These days, no economics students can hope to graduate without knowing the rudiments of it.

Odd though it may seem, until game theory came along most economists assumed that firms could ignore the effects of their behaviour on the actions of others. That is fine when markets are perfectly competitive: what one firm or consumer does can make no difference to the overall picture. Fine, too, when unchallenged monopolists hold sway: they have no rivals to worry about.

But in many instances this assumption is wrong. Many industries are dominated by a few firms: by building a new plant or cutting prices (or threatening to cut them), a firm can affect how its rivals behave. And it is not just in industrial economics that such calculations matter. Some countries may impose (or threaten) trade sanctions against others in an attempt to prise open protected markets. A government may put up short-term interest rates when inflation is low to convince financial markets that it is serious about fighting inflation; with luck, the markets will then require lower long-term interest rates.

These examples are, in a way, just like games: no football coach plans an attack without taking into account the defenders’ likely response. Modern game theory was fathered by John von Neumann, a mathematician, and Oskar Morgenstern, an economist, who published “Theory of Games and Economic Behaviour” in 1944 (an anniversary which was not lost on this year’s Nobel-prize givers). Messrs Harsanyi, Nash and Selten have honed it into the sharp tool economists use today.

In the early 1950s Mr Nash produced a compelling way of working out how games will end up when players cannot commit themselves, or do not want to collude with each other. A “Nash equilibrium” occurs when no player wants to change his strategy, given full knowledge of other players’ strategies.

Take one famous example of a Nash equilibrium. An industry has two firms (1 and 2). Each of them can choose a “high” or a “low” price. If they both choose high prices, they make hefty profits, of $3m apiece. With low prices, they make only $2m each. But if one sets a high price and the other a low one, the low-price firm makes $4m; the high-price firm gets a mere $1m. Although the firms would do best if they both set high prices, they will not. If firm 1 sets a high prices, firm 2’s best choice is to undercut it: it would earn $2m instead of $1m. The same goes for firm 1: it too sets a low price. So they both choose low prices—and they make only $2m each.

The incredible game theorist

But Mr Nash’s work needed refining. First, it applies to games played only once, or in which players move simultaneously. But virtually all interesting economic games involve continual interaction between players. Mr Selten extended the Nash equilibrium to such settings. From that emerges the importance of credibility: there is no point in one player following a plan which other players know will have to be changed at some point.

For example, a monopolist might try to keep a would-be rival out of its market by threatening a price war if the rival steps in. Such a war might mean that the entrant would make a loss. But it would be costly for the monopolist, too. If the price war costs a lot, the monopolist would do better to share the market with the new entrant. In that case, the threat of a price war is not credible: the entrant can go into the market, knowing that the incumbent would be foolish to fight back.

Second, it is not realistic to assume that the players know what is in each other’s minds. As Adam Brandenburger of Harvard Business School puts it, “games are played in a fog.” Mr Harsanyi cut through the mist, by showing that games in which players are not well informed about each other can be analysed in almost the same way as ordinary games.

When some players have information that others do not, their strategies can alter their reputations to their advantage. A government that shoves interest rates up to signal its anti-inflationary credentials is one example. Or take a monopolist that would like to stop entry into its market. It can do so if would-be rivals fear that it likes fighting price wars, in spite of the cost. By fighting anyone who does enter, the monopolist can built a reputation as a price warrior and put other entrants off. And oligopolists may be able to keep profits up by setting high prices and nurturing reputations for being friendly to their rivals.

Yet some economists are still wary of game theory, despite the insights it has brought. That is partly because the theory is difficult: it demands lots of tricky mathematics. That, however, is merely a reflection of the complexity of the world. But there is a more telling objection—namely, that game theory is just that: theory. So far there have been precious few real-life applications. Game theorists have been good at explaining the intricacies underlying strategic interdependence and producing ever more refined concepts of equilibrium but less adept at giving governments and firms practical advice.

Even that criticism, though, is weakening. Central bankers now know all about reputation and credibility. America’s Federal Communications Commission used game theorists to design this year’s auction of radio spectrum. And businesses, too, are beginning to learn about game theory: Harvard’s Mr Brandenburger, for example, teaches it to MBA students and executives. The time is coming, he says, when self-respecting MBAs, as well as economics graduates with a taste for maths, will not leave school without it.

main content: there are three people won the economic Noble Price, two of them are Americans, one is German. They introduced "Game Theory". The author explains what Game Theory and Nash equilibrium is and present examples to us. I remember the example to Nash equilibrium is there are 2 firms in one field, if they both set same price, they will earn same profit, if not, it is different(unfortunately, I do not understand what it really mean) Although it is not perfect because it only play for once, someone has expanded it. And some of economist do not totally accept it, it is because that it require intricate math. Nowadays, it is used widely, including authorities and universities.

author's attitude: I think the author's attitude is that although it is not perfect, it actually have a huge influence in our life, he is praise of it.

作者: far2go    时间: 2015-5-25 23:13:16

本帖最后由 far2go 于 2015-5-31 23:06 编辑

Mon(5.25) Tue(5.28)wed(5.27) Thu(5.28) Fri(5.29) Sat(5.30) Sun(5.31)
TC 陈圣元s86-88 magoosh easy:10 23 20 23
RC 36T 1 & 讲解 & 五步法 1篇 36T 2 & 重新复习了下第一套 36T 2讲解& 2篇吴中东&2篇五步法 36 T3 36T 4
五步法 2
看了一点LSAT guide
单词 复习了之前填空的笔记 500 500 500
长难句 20 20 20 20
数学 20 20 20 20 20 20

5.25: 36T-1 6/13 t: 32m
5.26: 36T-2 6/13 t: 35m 有一篇文章之前做过了还错成这样。。 5.28: 一些长文章看下来,完全没记住在说什么 :(
5.30: 今天做了下作业,快到期末了,有两科大作业得完成。。
5.31: 阅读只停留在字面意思上,没能发觉背后的含义,因此一直没很好地体会阅读在考逻辑。要好好分析分析及篇文章,找出同义替换和潜台词。
作者: 无敌浩克One    时间: 2015-5-26 09:28:22

本帖最后由 无敌浩克One 于 2015-5-26 09:29 编辑
far2go 发表于 2015-5-25 13:13
Nash's Nobel prize
IT SOUNDS like a sports fan’s dream. In Stockholm on October 11th, three men sh ...

作者: far2go    时间: 2015-5-26 12:18:51

无敌浩克One 发表于 2015-5-26 09:28
PS昨天又堕落了一天,和你的效率比差好多, ...

我效率不高啊。。我有一整天时间的。 我阅读速度才100出头那样。。200字绝对够了的,你别太担心了。
作者: 无敌浩克One    时间: 2015-5-26 15:14:07

far2go 发表于 2015-5-26 12:18
我效率不高啊。。我有一整天时间的。 我阅读速度才100出头那样。。200字绝对够了的,你别 ...

作者: far2go    时间: 2015-5-26 16:22:26

无敌浩克One 发表于 2015-5-26 15:14

你看看这个 不行再问
作者: far2go    时间: 2015-5-28 21:15:40

本帖最后由 far2go 于 2015-5-28 22:18 编辑

The start of the rebellion?

1.  Background, introduce an economist and his assertion.
2. In his day, have more leisure time was tread as uselessness and the number of working hours is climbing over 50 years,  especially in highly educated people.
3. one suggestion, the people of lower class emulate the people of higher class, working longer.
4. But a report in Australian shows the opposite.
5. conclusion, give a "sour grapes" explanation.

some skin off their noses

main content: in microgravity condition, body's fluid will redistribute, astronauts are subject to more deleterious
than we think. loss of bone density and muscle mass is two of effects, in 1990, people find the injuries of skin, they ascribed it to low humidity in space. some experiment use mice as subject, many of them died. its skin become thiner. But someone said that human is different from mice, the question about the effects of skin is still open. the further research will bring more information

作者: vinci_goh    时间: 2015-5-28 21:59:42

作者: far2go    时间: 2015-5-28 22:03:12

vinci_goh 发表于 2015-5-28 21:59

作者: far2go    时间: 2015-5-30 10:42:14

本帖最后由 far2go 于 2015-5-30 20:28 编辑

the weaker sex

main content: Although men are dominating the world, there are some problems need to concern.  Men are more likely to drop-out school than women, when they lose their job, they do not tend to find job again. the outcome of them is no job and no family. it would become a vicious circle,if children were raised up without father, it is bad for them. Both policy and education system need to change to help this situation.

her final steps

main content: Ms G is called the "greatest dancer of our time" due to the main two facts, the perfect figure and her grit. many dancers are struggling for continue to perform ballet beyond 30,  she transformed ballet to contemporary dance when she was 38. she performed some most famous female role in some ballet. the author makes some examples to substantiate it and highly praise her.
作者: far2go    时间: 2015-6-1 23:18:13

本帖最后由 far2go 于 2015-6-7 22:21 编辑


RClsat guide 看到 46页last 46-66 66-9293-11036 套 6
单词500 500 500500500500
长难句20 20
数学2020 20202020

LSAT Guide 很不错 希望这周能把它看完。
6.2: 周六下午得去参加什么闭幕式,还不让我请假

作者: far2go    时间: 2015-6-6 19:56:27

作者: iwishican    时间: 2015-6-6 20:20:02

far2go 发表于 2015-6-6 19:56

作者: far2go    时间: 2015-6-6 22:21:10

iwishican 发表于 2015-6-6 20:20

作者: iwishican    时间: 2015-6-7 10:16:31

far2go 发表于 2015-6-6 22:21

作者: far2go    时间: 2015-6-7 22:22:36

iwishican 发表于 2015-6-7 10:16

作者: iwishican    时间: 2015-6-8 07:57:38

far2go 发表于 2015-6-7 22:22

作者: iwishican    时间: 2015-6-8 11:56:26

作者: far2go    时间: 2015-6-8 13:10:34

iwishican 发表于 2015-6-8 11:56
你考过一次,问一下,那个正式考试的时候,界面和PP2的一样么?写作文的框也是那么大?字体也是那么小?我感 ...

作者: iwishican    时间: 2015-6-8 16:22:40

far2go 发表于 2015-6-8 13:10
界面差不多吧,字和框的话,考试的时候我觉得会大点,因为那个屏幕比较大所以字和文本框都会比较大(比我 ...

作者: far2go    时间: 2015-6-8 17:41:38

iwishican 发表于 2015-6-8 16:22

作者: far2go    时间: 2015-6-8 23:26:11

本帖最后由 far2go 于 2015-6-21 23:06 编辑


RClsat guide 111-156triple your reading speed 1-10 lsat guide 157-173  reading speed 17-44last guide 189-216 &
reading speed
last guide
&1984 appendix
last guide 239-278(结束了)
1984 4-23
单词500700 600300+笔记300+复习笔记300

数学4020 40404040

6.9:阅读惨不忍睹啊。 test1:96wps ,48% comprehension6.14: 明天开始做36套

作者: iwishican    时间: 2015-6-9 08:03:56

far2go 发表于 2015-6-8 23:26

作者: far2go    时间: 2015-6-9 12:34:20

iwishican 发表于 2015-6-9 08:03

作者: iwishican    时间: 2015-6-9 16:02:58

far2go 发表于 2015-6-9 12:34
阅读现在对我来说还是太难了,如果q拿不了高分的话基本就没希望了。magoosh的视频讲解还是可以的,你可以 ...

作者: far2go    时间: 2015-6-15 23:17:08

本帖最后由 far2go 于 2015-6-21 23:08 编辑

og hard
150 4&5
RC36套 1
1984 24-43
考满分 og 1 考满分 og 阅读 2 3
1984 44-55
考满分 150 1&2150 3&4150 5&6&7

数学404020og sampleog easy medium
猴哥 1234
og data analysis
猴哥 5 6 7

作者: 无敌浩克One    时间: 2015-6-16 18:55:28

far2go 发表于 2015-6-15 23:17

作者: far2go    时间: 2015-6-16 19:58:50

无敌浩克One 发表于 2015-6-16 18:55

作者: far2go    时间: 2015-6-22 23:15:17

本帖最后由 far2go 于 2015-6-27 23:06 编辑


RC36套 8

36套 9 1036套 11 1213&14


数学猴哥 8&9
manhattan statistics & combination

猴哥 10 11 124040

这周三就结束课程啦。 下周考完试!

作者: far2go    时间: 2015-6-30 22:49:18

本帖最后由 far2go 于 2015-6-30 22:50 编辑

作者: far2go    时间: 2015-6-30 22:50:37

本帖最后由 far2go 于 2015-7-5 23:00 编辑

pp2订正剩下pp2 30

36套 15&16pp2订正剩下pp2 考满分og阅读5考满分阅读




pp2正确率:TC: 4/6, SE: 1/4, RC: 3/10                 TC: 1/6, SE: 2/4, RC:4/10

作者: logically    时间: 2015-7-1 18:52:48

far2go 发表于 2015-6-30 22:50

作者: far2go    时间: 2015-7-1 19:26:58

logically 发表于 2015-7-1 18:52

明天做 因为停了两天没做阅读 想今天再练一下来着
作者: far2go    时间: 2015-7-2 11:59:08

logically 发表于 2015-7-1 18:52

模考了pp2 第二套 147+166.。。。q做慢了,有两道题来不及,v的填空有段时间没碰了,感觉反应迟钝了很多。
作者: logically    时间: 2015-7-2 13:45:21

far2go 发表于 2015-7-2 11:59
模考了pp2 第二套 147+166.。。。q做慢了,有两道题来不及,v的填空有段时间没碰了,感觉反应迟钝了很多。 ...

填空可以在这两天把麟渡兮填空刷一遍,Q 的话这两天每天卡时间刷一定量的难题,肯定会有提高。
作者: wfxmfwjw    时间: 2015-7-2 14:00:26

far2go 发表于 2015-7-2 11:59
模考了pp2 第二套 147+166.。。。q做慢了,有两道题来不及,v的填空有段时间没碰了,感觉反应迟钝了很多。 ...

作者: far2go    时间: 2015-7-2 22:52:36

logically 发表于 2015-7-2 13:45
填空可以在这两天把麟渡兮填空刷一遍,Q 的话这两天每天卡时间刷一定量的难题,肯定会有提高。

明白了 thanks
作者: far2go    时间: 2015-7-2 22:53:29

wfxmfwjw 发表于 2015-7-2 14:00
模考还不错,考试应该有320的,我还没做pp2,刚开始做magoosh数学,打算做完有时间再做pp2,我是报了两次 ...

作者: far2go    时间: 2015-7-6 22:23:07

本帖最后由 far2go 于 2015-7-8 22:14 编辑

Mon(7.6)Tue(7.7)Wed(7.8)Thu (7.9))Fri(7.10)SatSun
单词 400

复习issue issue 1篇 issue题库

rc 考满分阅读

tc 10 麟渡兮 11-34 35-50

q 30 40 30


作者: far2go    时间: 2015-7-10 20:40:59

暂时告一段落了。。。152+163. 得先刷t去了,过段时间再战g。数学做了所有 magoosh,猴哥112 ,官方150,才多了4分,无药可救了,谁能给我指条明路。模考的次数不够,考场上明显感觉吃不消,想弃考啊。。


作者: vinci_goh    时间: 2015-7-11 19:59:42

far2go 发表于 2015-7-10 20:40
暂时告一段落了。。。152+163. 得先刷t去了,过段时间再战g。数学做了所有 magoosh,猴哥112 ,官方150,才 ...

作者: far2go    时间: 2015-7-11 20:32:08

vinci_goh 发表于 2015-7-11 19:59
顺便我想问一下,你之前做阅读训练,用 ...

作者: vinci_goh    时间: 2015-7-11 20:58:28

far2go 发表于 2015-7-11 20:32

作者: far2go    时间: 2015-7-11 21:08:37

vinci_goh 发表于 2015-7-11 20:58
我那些是超时的正确率(有时候是严重超时),今天试着用NO题限时间做,校对的时候,正确率和眼泪就一起往 ...

作者: lilyshi    时间: 2015-7-11 23:26:54

咱们貌似都是7/10考的,分数也差不多哎~~ 今天好好逛了逛论坛发现不少干货,一战时间太紧没准备好,二战一定要踏实备考!楼主期末加油!GRE加油!
作者: iwishican    时间: 2015-7-12 22:04:30

作者: far2go    时间: 2015-7-12 22:07:54

iwishican 发表于 2015-7-12 22:04
你也考完了,我比你还惨呢,分数都不敢报。现在很迷茫,不知道怎么办,是继续考试呢今年申请还是等明年再申 ...

作者: far2go    时间: 2015-7-12 22:08:25

lilyshi 发表于 2015-7-11 23:26
咱们貌似都是7/10考的,分数也差不多哎~~ 今天好好逛了逛论坛发现不少干货,一战时间太紧没准备好,二战一定 ...

我期末结束了 加油
作者: iwishican    时间: 2015-7-12 22:09:19

far2go 发表于 2015-7-12 22:07
我没考完啊。。我还得继续的,能早一年出去何必多等一年。。起码我是这样认为的。我一战才303,不要太在意 ...

作者: far2go    时间: 2015-7-12 22:12:01

iwishican 发表于 2015-7-12 22:09

我这两天在休息。。还没开始准备。。 肯定可以出去啊,你去看看那些汇报结果的,不是都是320+才能出去的。
作者: iwishican    时间: 2015-7-12 22:16:14

far2go 发表于 2015-7-12 22:12
我这两天在休息。。还没开始准备。。 肯定可以出去啊,你去看看那些汇报结果的,不是都是320+才能出去的 ...

作者: far2go    时间: 2015-7-12 22:22:58

iwishican 发表于 2015-7-12 22:16
是吗?但是那样的话估计有的学校第一轮就被刷下来了,肯定得50名之后的学校了。那样去会不会有点心里不满 ...

作者: iwishican    时间: 2015-7-12 22:43:41

far2go 发表于 2015-7-12 22:22
肯定不可能只凭一方面就把你拒了,G和其他相比来说相对没那么重要,不过对于我这种什么都没有的人来说还是 ...

作者: far2go    时间: 2015-7-13 07:03:14

iwishican 发表于 2015-7-12 22:43

作者: iwishican    时间: 2015-7-13 09:06:21

far2go 发表于 2015-7-13 07:03


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