
标题: 【Nick每日分享】Note-taking Skills for Speaking Phase 2 [打印本页]

作者: theworldpath    时间: 2015-5-29 22:44:51     标题: 【Nick每日分享】Note-taking Skills for Speaking Phase 2

IELTS speaking - Note-taking Skills for Speaking Phase 2


Problems: A lot of candidates spend too long writing long phrases or sentences for each suggested area of the phase 2 topic; therefore, they don’t cover everything in time.

In IELTS Speaking Phase 2 the assessor will give you a card with a topic on it and explain that you have 1 minute to make some notes about the topic before you start to speak.

Here is an example of a topic card:

You have to talk about the following topic for between 1 and 2 minutes. You have 1 minute to make some notes before you start speaking.

Describe your favourite birthday.

You should think about
•        Why it is your favourite
•        What happened
•        Who was there


The three bullet-points in the example above are only suggestions. You do not have to use any of them if you can think of others that are related to the topic.

The examiner will then give you the card to read and a piece of paper and a pencil to make your notes.

Below are different styles of notes on the same topic:

Style 1

It is my favourite birthday because I was given a new car by my parents and I had always wanted this car for a very long time.

As soon as I got the car I drove my family to Cha-am for the day and we had seafood on the beach.

My family – my mother, my father, my 2 brothers and my dog.

Style 2

17th – also got accepted to Thammasat Uni – many friends – went to MK in Siam – went to pub in RCA – got drunk – was very ill next day – all my high school friends

Style 3

Why favourite?
Because saw my girlfriend

What happened ?

Went to eat at romantic restaurant

Who was there?

My girlfriend and me only

Style 4

Which one is the best to read from?  Why?

ANSWER: Most candidates use style 1 and they normally read directly from their notes, which sounds very unnatural. Students who use style 4 find it much easier to make the notes on all areas because they can move around the topics easily and when they refer to the notes when they are speaking, they sound much more natural.

Written by The Worldpath Limited. All Rights Reserved.



Nick在British Council 工作了10年,是前雅思高级考官,改过无数的雅思考卷,非常清楚考官判分要求。

他有超过二十年的教学经验,去过不同的亚洲国家教英文。他专门教授亚洲人的口语,特别清楚我们学英语的困难和弱点。他此前曾于全球著名的国际学校、顶级大学以及世界五百强的机构教授学生、CEO人数超过十万。他的很多雅思学生也在跟他学习了很短的时间内进步超过一分,有些更是拿了British Council的雅思奖学金出国。

关于the worldpath

theworldpath.com 是香港政府重點支持的網上教學機構,由美國、英國、加拿大、澳洲的雅思前考官組成,在香港多間中學及大學舉辦雅思課程,學生成績優秀,曾經接受過香港多個媒體報導。推薦他們的學生除了有清華北大的,也有香港大學及香港中文大學,更有斯坦福大学、康奈尔大学和伯克利加大的。他們堅持只用接受過嚴格雅思改卷訓練的考官教口語跟寫作,因為他們很清楚考官喜歡怎樣的口語跟寫作,可以幫學生打做一個考官會給高分的exam,但是絕對不用模板。
作者: 影zi    时间: 2015-6-10 16:31:38


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