VO: 你去美国干什么?
Me: I am going to pursue a master degree in XXX Uiversity . XXX Uiversity is one of the most highly ranked in the field of my major.
VO: 你之前13年去美国干什么?
Me: I went to visted my ex and have some travels.
VO: 她在那边干什么? (VO 真的说的是she)
Me: he was pursuing a master degree.
VO: 他还在美国么?(印象中是这个问题,我有点记不太清了。)
Me: I think so. But We don't have much contact after we broke up.
VO: 你是去看谁来着?
Me:my ex.
VO: 他和你同一个城市?同一个学校? (这个问题记不太清了,大概是这个意思。)
Me:Actually,I am not sure. We don't have much contact after we broke up.
VO 一直在打字,我看见冷场了,就说,I choose this program because it fits me very well, blabla 之类的说这个项目怎么适合我。
然后VO就转过来跟我说,you are not qualify.
Me: Could you please tell me why?
VO: (原话不记得了,大意是) 这个白纸上有解释的。
我又问了一遍Could you please tell me why? 他还是没说原因,我就说thank you 走了。
我觉得最好还是不要的好。你可以单刀直入的说你真的和ex没有任何联系,all your family and friends are at home and why you are coming back to China. 不要笼统,be specific!!作者: inkfisher 时间: 2015-7-15 16:39:11