Part 0: 词汇
其实托福考试对词汇的要求是远远低于SAT和GRE的,所以背单词不是一件备考所必需的事情,更不是一件能让你的分数有显著提高的事情。那为什么要背单词呢?第一,它对考试最直接的作用就是阅读里的词汇题,如果你背过这个单词,就不用联系上下文去猜意思了,既省时间也确保正确率。其次,听力的材料都是时长5-6分钟的academic lecture,充足的词汇量也会有助于你对长文章的即时理解。但是鉴于背单词的性价比不高,建议不要把它当作priority,除非你有很充足的备考时间。
Part 1: 阅读
逻辑/内容:这是1/2题最重要的环节。强推“两点两例法”:Point 1 + Example 1 + Point 2 + Example 2。所以你要着重练习的是:如何在15秒内立刻把一个问题分解成两个point和两个example(我到现在都还有后遗症,看到任何问题就想分成两个point哈哈)
第一题 Describe the teacher that has the most influence on you.
Ms. Young, the class teacher of my senior high school
Point 1: Trust my ability
Example 1: Nominate me as class leader & representative to give a speech on the opening ceremony; Feel confident & motivated.
Point 2: Be strict on me
Example 2: Have a serious talk with me when I fail to balance students’ and academic work and give me some advice.
第二题:Your university is planning to replace paper books with electronic books. Do you agree with that plan? Why?
Point 1: Electronic books are harmful to eyes because of radiation.
Example 1: Many of my friends began to wear glasses right after they changed their habits of reading electronic books.
Point 2: It’s easier to get distracted while reading electronic books.
Example 2: Students can download games and moves onto Ipad and fictions onto Kindle, which are apparently more attractive. It’s much harder to supervise.
首先,因为只有45秒,所以基本上每个point一句话,每个example两句话,开头结尾各一句话,时间就到了。千万不要有任何废话,问你What characteristics do you think a good teacher should have,直接First, a good teacher should be patient to students,不要画蛇添足来一句I think a good teacher should have adequate patience and …,白白浪费5秒钟(1/10的时间)。
其次,例子不能太抽象,要有literally的例子,比如之前的两个例子,你不能只说 ”She trusted my ability so she gave me a lot of opportunities.”, “Students tend to do other things while reading electronic books.” 一定要有具体的事物和情节。