网上看了解析 感觉没法说服我
6. It can be inferred from paragraph 2 that spices from Asia were desirable in Europe in the Middle Ages because they
A were easily transported in large quantities
B could not be produced in European countries
C could be traded for products such as perfumes and medicines
D were expected to increase in value over time
答案是b,我选的d,因为前面说了大量的investment reflect benefit,那必然是有价值的啊,然后就给出了spice的例子,所以我觉得spice是为了支撑前面那个观点的例子,所以选d,而且,不一定没有才进口啊
9. Why does the author include the information that Western Europeans had developed and put into use the magnetic compass
A To provide an example of an instrument that was developed after caravels had begun traveling across oceans
B To provide an example of an improvement that resulted directly from the invention of the astrolabe
C To identify one of the technological advances that made sea trade with the East possible
D To explain how the problem of determining longitude was solved
求大神讲解,感激不尽作者: sokiller 时间: 2015-11-4 23:12:18
A,C选项不解释,肯定是错的。D选项的错误在于文中并没有提及或者暗示这个观点,你说的investment reflect benefit在这个例子中指的是一旦新航路开辟了,spice就不用大量的运输了。整段并为提及increase in value over time的事情。同时,这个答案也有答非所问的嫌疑。
B选项错在resulted directly from the invention of the astrolabe。magnetic compass跟astrolabe么什么关系。作者: wwzxbufangqi 时间: 2015-11-5 17:07:41
sokiller 发表于 2015-11-4 23:12
A,C选项不解释,肯定是错的。D选项的错误在于文中并没有提及或者暗示这个观点,你说的investment r ...
这段没有讲magnetic compass和astrolabe的关系 你可能是误会那句western europeans had also developed and put into use the magnetic compass, 这句话其实和前面没有任何关系。这个develop并不是指develop了astrolabe,而是指magnetic compass 作者: lighting 时间: 2015-11-10 22:36:04
但是第13题(插入题)中,插入的句子是They were highly valued for a couple of reasons.不知道这样算不算是spice具有value的暗示 我当时选的是B ,但看到13题后就改成了D