
标题: LSE 和 DUKE里econ programs 的选择 [打印本页]

作者: 锦梓    时间: 2015-11-5 23:56:12     标题: LSE 和 DUKE里econ programs 的选择

最近正在申请duke的master of economics, 对MA 和 MSEM (Master of statistics and economics modeling)都挺感兴趣的,感觉MSEM对统计的要求多一些,在将来就业或者申请PHD方面应该都挺有帮助的。不过MA好像也可以选择statistics的课,最后可以修成和MSEM差不多的?有点担心MSEM是不是难申请一些。。。求各位大神介绍一下这两个program各自的优缺点,以及申请的难易程度~

同样还有LSE的MA和EME program,感觉EME必修的econometrics偏理论很多,如果要找工作的话是否不太实用? 还有就是听说EME要难申请一些,虽然我本科是主修统计的,但是很多计量focus的点和统计比较不一样,有点纠结应该选择哪一个项目更好一些。。。求指点!
作者: cheesechan    时间: 2015-11-6 00:23:52

1. In terms of job seeking, econometrics course are way more useful than economics course.
of course, econometrics theory course (like those discussing about consistence, or GMM or whatever) are not as useful as an applied one (e.g. ARMA GARCH, or whatever Bayesian or microeconometrics), but they are still way more useful than pure econ theory class (like discussion about the transformation between the four type of utility & expenditure function, whatever growth model and game theory......)

2. The main difference between LSE Econ and EME is not econometrics or not, but
I/ class size, and thus signaling effect to prof for reference letter and admission committee
not to mention the peer group
II/ more advanced economics coursework in EME, which is at PhD level somehow indeed, i.e. a very good chances for have a positive signal for PhD application.
of course the downside of it is: student have to spend much more time on study and very likely not have enough time for job seeking and networking during study.

作者: zero的小号    时间: 2015-11-6 10:48:05

EME 每年一半找工作一半申 phd。找工作的话也有中国同学找得很不错的
作者: Gris17    时间: 2015-11-6 14:22:56

借楼主的帖子问一下,Duke今年新开的Master of Analytical Political Economics的前景大家怎么看。。。
作者: 锦梓    时间: 2015-11-6 20:52:24

zero的小号 发表于 2015-11-6 10:48
EME 每年一半找工作一半申 phd。找工作的话也有中国同学找得很不错的

Soga! 一开始还以为申请EME都是奔着PHD去的呢!
作者: 锦梓    时间: 2015-11-6 20:57:02

cheesechan 发表于 2015-11-6 00:23
1. In terms of job seeking, econometrics course are way more useful than economics course.
of cours ...

Thanks for the detailed answer~

Can't agree more on the class size part. Haven't thought about it before.
But also, will it be more difficult to stand out if competing with stronger peers? (though learning experience will probably be good)

Btw, quite curious in point 3;P

作者: cheesechan    时间: 2015-11-6 21:44:47

本帖最后由 cheesechan 于 2015-11-6 21:46 编辑
锦梓 发表于 2015-11-6 20:52
Soga! 一开始还以为申请EME都是奔着PHD去的呢!
如果是找工作的话是留在英国的多一些么?有没有可能申请 ...

1. LSE then job in US? Dream less.

想像一下美國各類有OPT 29 的 STEM major尚叫有可能找到工作, 沒有OPT extension的business major基本回國的節奏, 你覺得你拿著英國學位, 投美國的opening會有回音嗎?

當然, 如果閣下是美國公民, 或是手持綠卡則另計.

What if job in US after Duke Econ?
search here in gter for an old post which have a very detailed data for historical record of that.
I will say the record is good but not excellent.

至於英國嗎, LSE EME, 單論學位, 放在CV上找工作是沒有問題的, 不過:
1. EME is quantitative, that's a big plus (as an international), but it is still theoretical. Skill are not practical enough for application in industry (of course talking about financial industry as it is in London). Compare it with Risk and Stochastic, or Imperial Math and Fina, you will note the difference.
2. I guess EME is a very busy program. One need to really work hard and devote lots of time to get a good grade from it. I doubt if you still have the time to go to all those campus recruitment talks and networking, and have time to look into what's the difference between various role in different department of a firm and do the application.
3. visa is definitely a problem for sure. The problem here is, you will have much less choice of job that you are apply to as you are limited to companies that sponsor a visa, and thus the competitive are really intensive. This multiply the effect of point 1 and 2.

My suggestion is, as a international student things are tough, as thus it is better either to focus on preparing towards a PhD, or find a job there. Normal people won't have time to do both.

P.S. 沒有point 3, that's a typo.
作者: nyhqq2008    时间: 2015-11-6 23:11:25

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作者: 锦梓    时间: 2015-11-6 23:14:36

cheesechan 发表于 2015-11-6 21:44
1. LSE then job in US? Dream less.

想像一下美國各類有OPT 29 的 STEM major尚叫有可能找到工作,  ...

Yea...you are probably right here. Getting a job as an international is always hard, no matter for US or UK.
So maybe in my case, a better choice is to go for a 2-year program...then I can have a bit more time to think about what to do in the future~:p

Thank you very much for your answer! Wish you all the best~

作者: joy_yuan_clown    时间: 2016-1-3 11:48:24

EME  而且如果lz不是英本的话还是选duke  我拿到lse和ucl的con之后还是计划去北美
LSE then job in US? Dream less! cannot agree more with the view

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