UMass Lowell机械工程系的Assoc Prof David Willis招收Aero-acoustics, computational fluid dynamics方向的博士生两名,全奖资助(含学杂费tuition and fees,生活费stipend 和 health insurance)。
来校时间越快越好,有相应背景的同学请尽快联系。春季开学也来得及的哦!可直接发电子邮件到,附上a short CV/Resume and a short statement highlighting your interest and experience.
PhD Assistantship Opening # 1: Computational Aero-Acoustics (CAA)
Type of position: PhD Thesis
Support: 50% RA (NSF), 50% TA
Project Duration: ~3 years
Funding: NSF Funded, Competitive Stipend
The researcher in this position will develop and use computational aero-acoustics simulation tools to perform CAA simulations/predictions. Coupled fluid-acoustic and/or high-fidelity predictive tools for aero-acoustics prediction will be considered/developed/used in this research.
The ideal candidate will have a strong interest in scientific computing, aerodynamics and/or aero-acoustics. Background/experience in computer programming using compiled languages (Fortran, C, C++, other) and numerical methods for PDEs (boundary/finite element, finite difference and/or finite volume) and/or prior experience using CFD/CAA tools is strongly preferred. Parallel computing experience is advantageous, but not required.
PhD Assistantship Opening # 2: Computational Fluid Structure Interaction
Type of position: PhD Thesis
Support: 100% RA
Project Duration: ~3 years
Funding: NSF Funded
The researcher in this position will develop and use computational tools to assess problems with strong fluid structure interaction in low Reynolds number aerodynamics flows. Low-fidelity 'computational aerodynamics' tools and/or higher fidelity CFD tools may be considered, developed and/or used.
The ideal candidate will have a strong interest in scientific computing, aerodynamics and/or aero-elasticity. Background/experience in computer programming (Fortran, C, C++, other) and numerical methods for PDEs (boundary element and/or DG-FEM) and/or prior experience using CFD/FSI tools is strongly preferred. Parallel computing experience is advantageous, but not required.